Airline Advertisement Hypothesis Essay Samples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Theory, Hypothesis, Airline, Time, Aviation, Vehicles, Plane

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/02


A hypothesis denotes a tentative statement acting as a conjecture that is made regarding an individual phenomenon on the basis of limited knowledge/evidence working as an initiation of a further research or investigation (Ross, 2010).

There are two types of hypotheses namely; null and alternative hypotheses.

Null hypothesis (H0)
It refers to a statistical supposition that is tested for the possibility of being rejected under an initial assumption that it is true. It is usually the reverse of what the person conduction the study believes. It is put forward in order to allow the data collected/ available to contradict it (Khan, 2011).
In this Airline case, the null hypothesis would be stated as; H0 : 1-2 = 0 or 1=2

Where; 1 denotes the mean time (20 minutes in our case)

; 2 denotes any other mean time that the passengers receive their bags after arrival of the plane
This is to mean that there is no difference between the expected time of the passengers receiving their bags after arriving at the gate and any other time i.e. the passengers receive their bags exactly 20minutes after the plane arrives.

Alternative hypothesis

On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis refers to the hypothesis meant to counter the null hypothesis (Khan, 2011).
In this airline advertisement case, the alternative hypothesis would be stated as; H1: 1<2
Stated in words; the passengers do not receive their bags within 20 minutes after the plane arrives i.e. they receive their bags far beyond 20 minutes after the plane arrives since it is one-tailed, in this case.


Khan, J. (2011). Research methodology. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation.
Ross, S. (2010). Introductory statistics. Burlington, MA: Academic Press/Elsevier.

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