Type of paper: Article Review

Topic: Health, Internet, Media, Time, Medicine, Nature, Genetics, Human

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/20

Short summary of articles

Short summary of articles
1. “First Successful Birth by Womb Transplant in Sweden” - NewsWeek (10 Apr. 2014)
Medical history was developed, when a 36-year-old Swedish woman, who was born without a uterus, gave birth after womb transplant. She received the womb from a friend, who gave birth to two children. Swedish woman gave birth to a normal baby. Womb transplantation was also tried in other countries such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey (Mejia, newsweek.com).
2. “The little girl who may hold the secret to aging” - Macleans (20 Jul. 2014)
Mackenzee Wittke, a five-year-old Alberta girl with the body of an infant, is thought to have the genetic information that can help in solving the aging phenomenon. Wittke is not going to get weight and height with the passage of time, in spite of all normal tests. Wittke can help in living a normal longer life (Lunau, macleans.ca).
3. “How do I know if I really have asthma?” – The Guardian (09 Feb. 2015)
Asthma is a problematic condition and it can persist even in the absence of some of its conditions. Usually, asthma is represented by the presence of wheezing sound. So, patients have to consider that they have not to throw away the inhaler. On the other hand, nearly third of adults, who are diagnosed with asthma, have no problem of asthma (Dillner, theguardian.com).
4. “Acadia U to immunize students, staff after meningitis B outbreak” - Macleans (13 Feb. 2015)
Health officer of Nova Scotia has noted that the vaccination schedule would start next week in order to deal with the problem of meningitis. This problem has been found in the second person. Severe symptoms of this disease include headache, fever, change in the level of alertness, rash, stiff neck, and nausea (The Canadian Press, macleans.ca).
5. “Will my genes make me unfaithful?” – The Guardian (22 Feb. 2015)
Infidelity is a common trait of some living beings such as swift fox (Vulpes velox), gibbons as well as humans. In human beings, AVPR1A gene in women is found to be common among unfaithful women, whereas in men no gene was found to be related to the infidelity of men (Dillner, theguardian.com).
6. “Head Transplants 'Could Replace Gender Reassignment Surgery' for Gender Dysphoria” – NewsWeek (27 Feb. 2015)
Researchers have found that transplants of human head could assist people having gender dysmorphia. On the other hand, feasibility of the procedure has also been questioned. However, this finding has raised many ethical questions. Before reaching this probability, head transplantation has been done in animals as, for example, head of one monkey was transplanted into another (Gaffey, newsweek.com).
7. “Clicking or pain in your shoulder? That’s a sign of trouble” - The Globe and Mail (27 Feb. 2015)
Shoulder pain is a common experience of people, and this pain usually arises from excessive shoulder mobility. Many people may also report occasional clicking in the shoulder. The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint and proper movement of this joint is essential. Good stretching and strengthening exercises can help in appropriate movement of the joint (Vanderleest, theglobeandmail.com).
8. “Chronic kidney disease presents special bone-health challenges” – The Star (03 Mar. 2015)
Chronic kidney disease is one of the rising problems in old and obese people. It is also commonly found in women due to the presence of estrogen’s role in their life. Moreover, osteoporosis is also an increasing problematic condition. In this case, bone density test is important to check the fracture risk (Jamal, thestar.com).
9. “Doubts dispelled about HIV prevention” - ScienceMag (05 Mar. 2015)
About 5 years ago, a medicine was noted to stop the infection of HIV. Now researchers have reported that the medicine could be used prophylactically to protect people from AIDS. The treatment strategy could be used before as well as after the cause of infection. Moreover, it can also help in reducing the local epidemics (Cohen, sciencemag.org).
10. “Eight steps to better health after 40” - The Globe and Mail (08 Mar. 2015)
Most of the research shows that the life after 40 years of age start showing decline through aging process but this thinking has to be changed. Researchers have found no decline in muscle mass in athletes in old ages. Proper sleep, protein rich meals, strength-improving exercises, good optimistic thoughts, and decreased back-focused workouts are important in older ages (Allan, theglobeandmail.com).
11. “Doctor's Diary: Beta-blockers may have caused unnecessary deaths” - The Telegraph (09 Mar. 2015)
Beta-blockers for patients, who are undergoing heart surgery, can result in increased mortality rates, whereas vitamin D can help in aches and pains. Beta-blockers can result in about 27% increase in post-operative mortality. So, with 2.5 million intermediate as well as high risk operations performed in Britain annually, there are about 10,000 deaths annually (Le Fanu, telegraph.co.uk).
12. “Are murderers born or made?” - BBC (09 Mar. 2015)
Murderers could be found by the particular shape of their face and length of their arms. Their ears are of larger size. Researchers are of opinion that childhood events could result in the creation of murderers as they can result in brain damage, especially to the prefrontal cortex. However, research in the field of criminology is still going on (BBC, bbc.com).
13. “How allergy sufferers can take the sneeze out of their spring step”- The Star (09 Mar. 2015)
Allergy-triggering plants are among the most problematic things in different seasons that can result in asthma and allergies. However, “smart landscaping” can help in eliminating allergy causing plants as told by Thomas Leo Ogren in his book “The Allergy-Fighting Garden: Stop Asthma and Allergies with Smart Landscaping”. He has told 3,000 allergy-causing plants (Schoenberg, thestar.com).
14. “Flu genomes trace H7N9's evolution and spread in China” – Nature (11 Mar. 2015)
H7N9 avian influenza virus has infected over 560 people in China and killed about 204 people. It was first detected in 2013, and is thought to have evolved with the process of time. It is considered to become a pandemic strain. However, the observation of avian influenza viruses is found to be slow and patchy (Butler, nature.com).
15. “Scientists sound alarm over DNA editing of human embryos” - Nature (12 Mar. 2015)
In order to ensure the ethical and safety issues, scientists have thought to stop the research on DNA editing of human embryos that can be used for modification of DNA. Researchers are of opinion that such investigations could result in non-therapeutic modifications that can potentially become a therapeutic breach. Moreover, governmental approval is concerned in this case (Cyranoski, nature.com).
16. “Humans may harbor more than 100 genes from other organisms” – ScienceMag (12 Mar. 2015)
Researchers have found that human beings contain genes not only from their parents but from other organisms too. There are over 100 genes that belong to bacteria and viruses, and are integrated into the human genome. Experts are of opinion that this research can be of significant help in understanding evolution (Williams, sciencemag.org).
17. “A Drug Has Been Found That Reverses a Precursor to Alzheimer’s” – Time (12 Mar. 2015)
Researchers have found a drug that can reverse a condition leading to the problematic Alzheimer’s disease. This drug is called as antiepileptic levetiracetam. It helps in calming the hyperactivity of the brain. Scientists are thinking to perform further clinical trials, so that it can be found whether it can also stop cognitive decline (McSpadden, time.com).
18. “Why painful memories linger with us” – BBC (12 Mar. 2015)
Usually, painful memories don’t remain in our mind, but sometimes remembering a pain is useful as it can help in remembering the pain and its source. Its memory can protect us and prevent from any further accidents. On a further note, pain is important for us, so that we can check the problematic parts (Hammond, bbc.com).
19. “American Health Worker With Ebola in ‘Serious Condition’” – Time (13 Mar. 2015)
Many people have been infected with Ebola virus. An American health care worker has also been infected with Ebola virus while working voluntarily in Sierra Leone. He has recently reached at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Md. Nearly 24,509 total cases of death have been reported, according to WHO (Sifferlin, time.com).
20. “The onion varieties worth growing” – The Telegraph (15 Mar. 2015)
Onions are among the most widely grown vegetables in the world due to its consumption and usefulness by human beings. However, its purchasing cost is almost same to that of its growth cost; some varieties of onions are worth growing even in this case. Onions need proper care in different atmospheric and soil conditions as, for example, they need well-drained soil (Raymond, telegraph.co.uk).

Works Cited

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BBC. "Are murderers born or made?". BBC. BBC., 09 Mar. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015 <http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31714853>.
Butler, D. "Flu genomes trace H7N9's evolution and spread in China". Nature. Nature Publishing Group, 11 Mar. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015 < http://www.nature.com/news/flu-genomes-trace-h7n9-s-evolution-and-spread-in-china-1.17077>.
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Vanderleest, J. "Clicking or pain in your shoulder? That’s a sign of trouble". Theglobeandmail. The Globe and Mail Inc., 27 Feb. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015 <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/health-advisor/clicking-or-pain-in-your-shoulder-thats-a-sign-of-trouble/article23224379/>.
Williams, S. C. P., "Humans may harbor more than 100 genes from other organisms". ScienceMag. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 12 Mar. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015 <http://news.sciencemag.org/biology/2015/03/humans-may-harbor-more-100-genes-other-organisms>.

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