Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Study, Health, Literature, Focus, Health Care, Population, Philosophy, Counseling

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/01/03


Duffy and Chennai (2008) sought to identify the value-leadenness and philosophical underpinnings of the major research paradigms. In their article, they argue that meaningful and useful research findings in counseling can be generated with both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. That is, given that researchers appreciate the importance of philosophical coherence while working within a specific research tradition. They also describe the research world as one of the methodological pluralism and finally demonstrated that there is no 1-to-l correspondence between a research paradigm and research method. In another article, O’Leary et al., (2010) studies AHRQ, VA, and NIA that are focused in research for the purpose of enhancing the population’s health. They indicate that the majority of the AHRQ focus is on CER, while VA and NIA conducts he CER studies as part of their overall research mission. Given the focus, there are opportunities for researchers to conduct studies in line with the IOM and CER committees’ recommendations. The authors also noted that CER studies will be of importance in the future given the graying of U.S. population as well as the resulting extra demand that is anticipated for the healthcare system. In that view, the following matrix provides a summary of the articles providing definition of the two articles concepts as well as their research question and hypothesis. Finally, the report also summarizes the methodology applied by the authors.
Summary matrix


Duffy, M. & Chennai, R. J. (2008). Values in Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Counseling and Values October 2008. 53.
O’Leary, T., Jean R., Slutsky, P. & Marie A. B. (2010). Comparative Effectiveness Research Priorities at Federal Agencies: A View from Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency for Healthcare, National Institute for Aging Research and Quality. JAGS. 58(6). 1187-1192.

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Articles Analysis Essays Examples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/articles-analysis-essays-examples/. Published Jan 03, 2021. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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