Benchmarking Other Organizations Research Proposal Samples

Type of paper: Research Proposal

Topic: Management, Employee, Workplace, Organization, Training, Business, Performance, Effective

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2021/01/14

Proposal Plan: Part II

Business activities run smoothly through incorporation of plausible human resource management policies. Accordingly, from the analysis of diverse organizations, implementation of effective training and development necessitates profitability in an organization. Training, development and career growth are the fundamental basis towards successful outcomes. Thus, this paper will evaluate facets of human resource management at Leonard Pvt. Ltd as per the case questions.
Firstly, there are varied development needs within the organization that require proper operational analysis. Organizational needs, individual needs and team needs are the main development needs that are evident at Leonard Pvt. Ltd. Thus, towards sustenance of highly performance centric employees, the various approaches to performance appraisal that is effective towards meeting the organizational needs include:
in-house training
In-house training entails an organizational approach towards ensuring that its employees meet the performance standards set (Kumar 2010). As such the approach depends on the investment into internal courses, supervision and so forth towards ensuring that employees conform to the operational values and mission statement. The in-house training should be dependent on an effective check-in strategy in performance approach. Check in mandate should denote:
Observation: observation in regards to diverse analysis of the employees. An evaluation of the employees in their work place should enable the human resource manager to make performance corrections. Additional to the performance corrections should accompany feedback management. Management of feedback is highly effective since the organization should make the necessary improvements.
Coaching: coaching comprises of both formal and informal coaching. Formal coaching encompasses organizational based approaches by the top management. The top supervisors should work hand in hand with the employees giving them advice and making corrections in a scheduled format. Informal coaching entails an individual initiative towards training of employees and giving them feedback. Supervisory approach should emanate from the supervisor efforts or initiatives.
Offering an effective support mechanism: the implementation of in-house training by the organization depends on the support mechanism evident. Human resource management department should make sure that they are available for the employees. Availability to the employees should denote asking them what they require and providing the necessary resources towards effective performance and training.

Benchmarking entails the organization undertaking a comparative approach through an analysis of the operational strategies incorporated by other organizations. The investment into the benchmarking approach is highly imperative since the company can copy the operational strategies evident thus sustaining a proper performance prospect (Kumar 2010). Incorporation of benchmarking at Leonard Pvt. Ltd should comprise of setting up SMART goals. Implementation of the benchmarking approach should rely highly on a consultative approach with the benchmarked organization. As such, through the implementation of benchmarking, the organization can appraise the level of performance in the organization and its employees.

•Provide an overview and vision for a training and development program tailored to support organizational goals and culture.

The operational facet of an organization is dependent on plausible analysis of the vision for the training and development program. In reference tothe implementation of a proper vision should entail:


Cost is a crucial factor at Leonard Pvt. Ltd. It is crucial in the industry in which Leonard Pvt. Ltd operates since the goods and services provided are price sensitive. Price is a determinant factor in the demand prospects of clienteles at Leonard Pvt. Ltd (Chary 2009). Thus, it is imperative that operational managers at Leonard Pvt. Ltd invest into diverse ways in which they can reduce production costs and maintain prices of products and services that are competitive.


Quality entails meeting the customer needs or requirements pertaining to a product. Quality, in reference to Kaynak (2013) denotes the inherent value of a product or service which is obtained from its ability to serve its purpose in accordance to the expectation. Operational managers at Leonard Pvt. Ltd have to strife in offering products and services that are of utmost quality. Effective sourcing of raw materials and efficient production processes ensure quality product and service delivery to clientele at Leonard Pvt. Ltd.

Production speed

Speed is imperative since it ensures that time and efficacy in time resource use if prevailing. Time is a resource which is not within the controlling mandate of the organization (Chary 2009 p87-165). Hence, an organization has to sustain a production process that is time based and construed towards timely accomplishment of the production schedules.

Adaptability in operations

Tactical operations of Leonard Pvt. Ltd are imperative since the company can handle the unexpected contingencies that may be evident (Chary 2009). Through flexibility in operations, the presentation of a production process that is mature is evident. Operations managers at Leonard Pvt. Ltd must nurture a production process that is directed towards maintaining flexibility is operations and mainly human resource management training.

Dependability in goods and services delivered after training

Dependability in reference to Kaynak (2013) entails the ability to honor a given obligation in human resource training. Hence, dependability dictates the relationship with diverse stakeholders. Leonard Pvt. Ltd must ensure that the orders are met within normal and timely manner through effective training. Through a steady operational policy, Leonard Pvt. Ltd is bound to sustain an effective delivery of products and services.

•Create a rough draft for a career path and succession plan.

Career development and succession plan focuses on effective solutions towards empowering the organization. Through the implementation of the career path and succession plan, increase in stability through enabling the business to identify and develop talent is bound to prevail. Enhancement of employee engagement through creating career development solutions is highly viable. An organization should invest into a high performance centric career path and succession plan that should denote the following processes:
Creating a development plan with accessibility to the diverse mentors. Ensuring that there are mentors is imperative towards ensuring a basis for self-growth and development in regards to career and skills set. Furthermore, there is need for the inclusion of development suggestions and accessibility to courses in regards to supporting learning. The learning management solution should be centered on sustenance of performance.
Extensive review of competencies: the management should ensure that they constantly review the set operational competencies that the employees should meet. A focus on effective statement of the talent chart that the employees should conform to is highly viable for effective performance.
Incorporate a detailed gap analysis: a detailed gap analysis should be highly pivotal for career path and succession plan since it evaluates the organizations strengths and weaknesses. Plausible examination of the strengths and weaknesses of an individual is bound to result into effective management of employee career.


Operational outcomes, in reference to diverse pundits are determined by the operational goals, objectives and human resource management approach implemented. Thus, from the evaluation of Leonard Pvt. Ltd, implementation of plausible operational strategies in their human resource training is bound to enhance its profitability and revenue yield highly developed and skilled employees should form a plausible operational outcome at Leonard Pvt. Ltd. Through skilled employees in regards to the tasks they handle, proper production of goods and services is bound to prevail. Furthermore, an effective career path coupled with succession plan is bound to further enhance employee skill and performance levels.


Chary, C. (2009). Production and operations management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Kaynak, H. (2013). Total quality management and just-in-time purchasing: Their effects on performance of firms operating in the U.S. London: Routledge.
Kumar, A. (2010). Personal, academic and career development in higher education: Soaring to success. New York: Taylor & Francis.

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