Broadcast Assignment Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Comedy, Internet, People, Performance, Humor, Theater, Entertainment, Artists

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/15

The sound bites for an entertainment event held at Lorain hotel in the old city of Alexandria, Egypt on 2/2/2015.

Many people attended the entertainment hosted by the local government. The purpose was purely for entertainment. The entire coverage was based on the old town of Alexandria.
Many famous people attended the event. However, this was not a place for speeches. As the posters indicated, people were to come and get entertained to feel the life in Alexandria. Everyone including senior guests and the middle-class persons were incorporated in the tune of the day.
The well known musicians with outstanding skills saw the success of the entire program. Sir Greg dominated in music. His art of performance overwhelmed everyone. Maria Bamford was the talk of the week after she lifted her skills beyond reach. Additionally, some companies slipped in to sell their products.

The Broadcast script

The artwork on the Mix #2 caught the old and young. People danced to the rhythm of the music at hotel Lorain in Alexandria. There was shouting and yelling from every single person present when Greg Morris took the stage to entertain the audience. Surprisingly no one would stand and watch the famous artist perform alone as everyone danced to the tune of the lyrics. The mix is so far one of the best songs left in the industry and the artist performed such that it continues to find a way up to the stars. Greg is an artist who never disappointed his fans. Moreover, he proved his skillful arts of performance.
Comedians brought their creativity to the stage to create humor and entertain every attendant. Maria Bamford led the comedian arena in the performance of her modern comedy. It was fun that everyone would first think of Bamford sitting on the toilet. The comedian woman went ahead to tell Louis that she got crabs. That part covered the comedy produced in the year 2012. The comedy was very famous among the people who requested for the performance. Bamford however performed to the satisfaction of everyone. It was not until Bamford embarked to perform the 2013 hit, “Ask Me about My New God!” that everyone went wild. The comedy featured more of her mousey-voiced stories, addressing how to cope with the anxieties encountered in the daily life. With the presence of Bamford, there was not much to report on the other comedians in attendance.
Corporations and agencies took this opportunity to advertize their products. For instance, the following is a record of the coverage of a certain company that was advertising her product, “You lost Internet connection again? Well, it is nothing much to cause worry. It is because of the curbing habits from your downloading habits. Therefore, you need to try a new service provider for the internet! The Super speed Nation is here for a solution. The firm is offering the most reliable and the fastest internet connection around the globe. Everyone can talk to friends and relatives abroad without missing a Beat using the internet provided by the Super speed Nation. We are providing a free trial for our clients so that you are sure of the service we are providing. We are advertising the quality and our identity has a good reputation. You do not expect to find surprises again due to the internet connectivity. The person asking their number and all of us are welcome to follow the link for details and inquiries”.

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