Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Research Paper

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Nursing, Vaccination, Viruses, Disease, Infection, Medicine, Information, Hospital

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/07

Nosocomial infection is one of the commonest infections that patients develop during their stay at the hospital. Out of them Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection is one of the most recorded one. The chances of contaminating infection remains at its peak during two occasions, one is while inserting and the other is during prolonged insertion of the catheter (Warren, 2001). The number of patients affected can be determined by the following method. The contribution by the nurses can significantly decrease the number of affected patients with catheter associated UTI.

POPULATION: Patients with acquired urinary tract infection due to catheterization

INTERVENTION: Nurse regulated catheterization
PLACE: 10 Different hospital wards
OUTCOME: Decrease in the number of patients being affected by Catheter Associated UTI.
THESIS STATEMENT: Nurses’ involvement can help in reducing the number of patients affected with CAUTI in hospital set ups.
Data Analysis Plans Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests)
Descriptive statistics refers to the analysis of the data taking a larger population into consideration. They do not provide any help in analyzing the data thereof. They are just a description of the data collection. They help in determining the gross values, the standard deviations and the average mean. According to the above mentioned details, a descriptive analysis of the data will consist of the adequate method of determining the occurrence of catheter associated UTI is by analyzing the data of the patients affected with UTI in different hospital set ups. A rigorous study will be done on patients admitted in 10 different hospitals in the wards who will be required to undergo catheterization. The patient’s history will be recorded at the time of their admission in the hospital with more emphasis on the renal and urinary symptoms. The mean will be calculated by counting the average number of patients who received the infection after combining the data of all the hospitals. This method will give us a crude figure of the patients who were infected as a result of catheter insertion.
Those patients will undergo a regular follow up; symptoms will be recorded on a daily basis. On being discharged from the hospital, the patients will be followed up on their subsequent visits to the hospital for regular checkups. Those patients will be looked after for a period of a year.

 Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical tests)

In inferential statistics we look into a smaller detail of what we considered in the descriptive statistics. Here the sample taking into consideration will be subdivided into smaller groups and the results will then be analyzed. Occurrence of CAUTI, increase in symptoms, subsequent improvement/ aggravation of symptoms will determine the extent of the infection. The number of patients thus affected with CAUTI will be further investigated for the duration for which they remained affected with the infection, the severity of the symptoms and the outcomes. The success rate of the nursing care can be determined by the inferential statistics, but this is not possible by the descriptive method. Here it can be inferred how effective the nurses were in providing adequate care while inserting or removing the catheter. Lesser the number of patients present with CAUTI with lesser duration of infection, more successful the nursing interventions can be called.
As the procedure is usually carried out by the nurses, thus their efficacious measures while handling the instruments and the patients can considerably reduce the infection rate (Topal, 2005). In a study it was proved that appropriate cautions taken by the nurses can considerably reduce the chances of the infection in the patients.
A close study will be done regarding the CAUTI in the affected patients. Data will be collected and analyzed during and after their stay in the hospitals. The number of patients developing the infection during their stay at the hospitals will be lesser than the number of patients developing the infection afterwards.


Topal, J.(2005). Prevention of Nosocomial Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections Through Computerized Feedback to Physicians and a Nurse-Directed Protocol. American Journal Of Medical Quality, 20(3), 121-126. doi:10.1177/1062860605276074
Warren, J. (2001). Catheter-associated urinary tract infections. International Journal Of Antimicrobial Agents, 17(4), 299-303. doi:10.1016/s0924-8579(00)00359-9

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