Causes And Effects Of Happiness Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Happiness, People, Love, Health, Feeling, Democracy, Majority, Notion

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/10/30

06 Feb15

Happiness emerges as the internal feeling. It is clear that this metal or emotional state enables people to see the goods sides of hectic world as well as aim at living in peace. As a rule, the majority of people find the happiness in ordinary things and definitely not inluxury ones (Lane). Considering the issue of happiness, it is firstly necessary to think of how many happy people each one knows; however, there should be precise guarantees proving these very people to be truly happy.
While looking into the matter of happiness, the bulk of people often consider it as an indisputable side effect. The thing is that humans are likely to envision themselves with nice workplaces, precious kids, sufficient revenues, perfect house, etc. What is more, it is worth saying that the majority of both men and women appear to be aware that these things will endow them with the sense of being happy. Notwithstanding this fact, in accordance with many experts on the causes and effects of happiness, it becomes apparent that the abovementioned things are far from making people happy; evidently, material objects have nothing to do with the notion of happiness (Frank). As for the things that really impact the level of happiness, they are obviously good health conditions and the peace of mind, which are often caused by such abstract notion as love; moreover, such aspect as optimism is believed to cause happiness. Nevertheless, the part of what entails happiness is basically hidden in people’s genetics.
Obviously, one of the most significant things is health. The point is that in case people do not suffer from certain diseases, they are usually willing to live and earn money. Moreover, there is particular goal to follow. However, once having some serious problems with health, the plans for the future emerge as irrelevant. It is also worth making mention of that when our health does not allow to work, it becomes apparent that some dreadful events are about to happen; among the drastic changes caused by health problems, it is possible to emphasize the sense of being a real burden for the family as well as for the whole society (Winkelman and Winkelman). Inevitably, once having a good health, people usually ignore its significance; all in all, it does not reduce its power in terms of making the humans absolutely happy.
Regarding the causes of happiness, it is also necessary to take into account the factor of love. The thing is that when love occurs as the keystone of the people’s affairs, their life turns to be much happier. For instance, in case the family members love each other, they are commonly prone to having natural communication, which influences the rating of happiness. Furthermore, when feeling love to certain people, it is proved to affect the partners so that they become aware of what it is like to be happy.
Among the things that matter a lot from the perspective of making people happy, it is also necessary to pinpoint the feeling of being satisfied. It is evident that the happiness incites people to help others. Indisputably, the willingness to help people and a feeling of happiness are tightly connected. The point is that while experiencing the happiness, the majority of people are focused to aid the others just as giving honor to God for being happy; consequently, it results in obtaining personal satisfaction.
As it was mentioned before, there is a high probability that optimism is among the factors causing happiness. As for the notion of optimism, it is mainly about the hopefulness that the future will exceptionally bring positive news. As a result, a belief in the good of people boosts to feel happy.

Works Cited

Frank, Robert. Luxury Fever: Why Money Fails to Satisfy in an Era of Excess, New York:
N.Y Free Press. 1999.
Lane, Robert. The Loss of Happiness in Market Economies, New Haven and London: Yale
Winkelman, Liliana and Winkelman, Rener. “Why are the unemployed so unhappy?
Evidence from panel data”, Economica, 65: 1-15. 1998.

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