Type of paper: Essay

Topic: China, United States, Chinatown, America, Culture, Restaurants, Language, France

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2021/02/10


Chinatowns are their in many countries in the whole world, with the inclusion of United States, France, Australia, India, United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, among others. They are often marred with spectacular allusion to the stereotypic Chinese cultures in most cases. Nevertheless, the scope of the display of these definitive Chinese cultural elements in the Chinatowns varies a bit from one country to the other. The essay considers this in comparing the situation between American Chinatowns and the French Chinatowns. It considers the following as points of argument: dress codes in Chinese restaurants; overall conversations and interactions; use of exotic languages; the precise restaurant service mannerisms and architectural dimension. They inform the comparison with relative descriptions and reasons as applicable.


More often than not, the cultural compass has a distinctive role in the lives of individual practices, beliefs and by extension, accompanying interactions. Nonetheless, the practices are often the most definitive of cultural facets. It is in consideration of the fact that embodiment of the practices at times tends to fluctuate from different geographic locations. It is the same case for the Chinatowns that are evidently spread in various parts of the globe. Thus, it is in light of the above that this essay presents more of a comparative observation of the personal experiences based on the American Chinatowns and the French Chinatowns.


This phase of the cultural comparative essay in light of the American Chinatown and the French Chinatown is hinged on a variety of factors. These factors adequately inform the various perspectives that are ideal in regard to the relatable experiences associated with comparing the two supposedly cultural variances.

Dress codes in the Chinese restaurants

The American Chinese restaurants are significantly featured with the waiters being in the expressive adornment of the traditional Chinese clothes. These can be said to be descriptive of the American Chinese restaurants and the cultural angle of the American Chinese people. Notably, the situation is somewhat dissimilar to the French case, and by extension to other Chinatowns in other parts of the globe. Arguably, the American Chinese may have gotten adapted to the American culture and spirit of being extremely expressive and outstanding from similar elements. As such, their decision to uphold adornment of the traditional Chinese dresses in their restaurants highlights this relatable American spirit.
What is more is the fact that one of the waiters was quick to explain that the decision to maintain the traditional Chinese attire within the American Chinese restaurants was ominously founded on the need for identity. Demonstrably, the United States is characterized by persons from diverse walks of life; more than the case of France and most of the obviously immigrant communities often associate with their indigenous cultures. Hence; the American Chinese thought it wise to promote the Chinese culture by all possible means, with the inclusion of the waiters’ dressing.
Another probable dimension in respect to the American Chinese dressing in the traditional Chinese clothing can be pegged on the United States’ highly cosmopolitan and touristic environment. Unquestionably, the United States is marked with a blend of persons from various cultures who exhibit touristic tendencies as compared to France that scores fairly low in this attribute. Therefore, the persons from diverse backgrounds would be more inclined into experiencing a comprehensive taste of Chinese traits, which is more indigenous in an exotic atmosphere. The dressing of the waiters aptly ensures that achievement of this mood by supplementing it a notch higher.

General conversations and interactions

The common belief indefinite conversation with persons of variant cultures can attest to the plain difference between the American Chinese and the French-Chinese. To be more precise, the American Chinese seem to be more proud of talking about their motherland, China as compared to the French Chinese’s case. Arguably, a number of reasons may come into play in exploring this major distinction despite their ancestry being the same.
The most outstanding reason is that the American cultural variations of the peoples emphasize on meticulousness in the identity of individual people, and the American Chinese seem to have engrained this virtue in them. Hence, they will be freer in discussing many elements of their Chinese descent. On the other hand, the French-Chinese may be facing some Eurocentric ideals, which more often than not tend to assimilate persons from many cultural contexts. It is indeed dissimilar to the United States’ case; henceforth the French-Chinese are inclined to portray non-Chinese perspective maybe in doubts of conforming to the Eurocentric ideals. In the end, their interactions habitually lack this key component of motherland allusion at most times.

Exotic language use

It is one of the most overbearing elements of consideration in regard to the palpably variant traits in the two Chinatown contexts. Nearly all the American Chinese within the various Chinatowns speak the official and national American English language. Arguably, it is a different case from the French-Chinese in some of the French Chinatowns, who are blatantly unable to speak the French language. A major explanation to this is the fact that the United States is characterized as adopting a universal mode of interactions within its communities, which can be said to have a substantial influence in the association of all ethnic groups. Therefore, a plus to the American Chinese people since a learning a common language, which is English propels these engagements.
In contrast, some of the French Chinatowns are prone to be typified with the manner in which they were integrated into the French society. Thus, in some specific parts of France, the reception was quite marred with meager interaction with the Chinese immigrants, and as a consequence the immigrant community tended to be withdrawn in light of this. The effect of language (French) as a unifying factor among them was hence, lacking.
Secondly, the Chinese migration to other parts of the world was marred with imprecision and differences in timing such that, the relocation and settling in the current abodes could not be the same as respective. Accordingly, it can be argued that the Chinese population within the American Chinatowns was quite earlier in leaving China and consequently settling in America, learning the exotic English language in the process. Conversely, the Chinese within the French Chinatowns are likely to have migrated later on and settled in France. Their late immigration is moreover bound to have tremendous bearing on their relative little knowledge of the French language.

Restaurant service mannerisms

Essentially, the eating habits of a people are one of the prevailing characteristics that frequently define them on a cultural compass. It is also reflective of the Chinatown restaurants in the various parts of the world. An example is the use of chopsticks in eating their meals. The American Chinatown restaurants are personified with serving the customers with the chopsticks, which are categorical to the Asian communities, especially of Chinese descent. The French Chinatowns’ case is quite different since it is the customer’s discretion to ask for the chopsticks if he or she feels she does not prefer the presented set of cutlery.
Debatably, it is an interesting scenario whose explanation can be more than one. Nonetheless, in the context of the hospitality industry and recognition of variance in culture, the American Chinatown restaurants feel the need to ensure psychological gratification of their customers. Hence, they are more disposed towards feeling the ultimate Chinese hospitality, which is lacking in the French Chinatowns’ restaurant case that assumes more of a liberal outlook to this cultural facet.
Secondly, the mode of welcoming customers in the American Chinatown restaurant varies sharply from some of the French Chinatowns’ cases. To be more particular, the American Chinatown restaurants are marred with some welcoming individual at the restaurants’ entrance who often is dressed in traditional Chinese attire and ushers customers. On the other hand, in most of the restaurants in French Chinatowns, this is saliently missing.

Architectural Dimension

In respect to the architectural angles, the American Chinatowns are evidenced by significant structures built with stereotypic Chinese feel than the case of the French Chinatowns. Often, these include the blend of yellow, green and red coloration, with distinctive pillar and dragon-alluded sculpting as appropriate. Perhaps, the differences in immigration times to their current residences can explain this since the generational gaps also complement the variance. In addition to the structures, the American Chinatowns are considerably marked with landmarks and respective sign ages on all their streets, which are not spectacular in the French Chinatowns.


The essay presents a multiplicity of opinions concerning personal experiences in regard to both the American and Chinatowns. The dress codes in Chinese restaurants; overall conversations and interactions; use of exotic languages; the precise restaurant service mannerisms and architectural dimension are indeed informative on the comparison. The reasons based on the experiences shed more light into the matters between the Chinatowns in the United States and France, respectively.

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"Chinatowns Essay Example." WePapers, Feb 10, 2021. Accessed March 04, 2025. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/chinatowns-essay-example/
WePapers. 2021. "Chinatowns Essay Example." Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. Retrieved March 04, 2025. (https://www.wepapers.com/samples/chinatowns-essay-example/).
"Chinatowns Essay Example," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 10-Feb-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/chinatowns-essay-example/. [Accessed: 04-Mar-2025].
Chinatowns Essay Example. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/chinatowns-essay-example/. Published Feb 10, 2021. Accessed March 04, 2025.

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