Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper Essays Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Health, Environment, Community, People, Medicine, Goals, Learning, Life

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/10/13

Section A: Essay

Epidemiological Rationale for the Topic
The health of a person and the environment that they live in are two closely related subjects. According to Healthy (2015) the environment is a vital determinant of the life expectancy and the overall quality of life of a person. The air that people breathe the buildings they live in and the technology and machines that they use can adversely affect the length and quality of their lives. According to WHO (2015) Environmental Health can be better described in terms of the hazardous materials in the environment, natural and technological disasters, physical hazards, nutritional deficiencies, and the built environment. All these hazards can be experienced at places of work or homes individually or at a community level. Unknown to many people, our homes and the communities that we live in affect the quality of our lives as well as our life expectancies. Homes, places of work and school are some of the places that most people spend most of their time and are also the areas that pose great danger to the health of people. It is in these locations, according to Healthy (2015), that the risk of air pollution, inadequate sanitation, structural problems, fire hazards and lead-based paint hazards is highest. Cancer, lupus, Reproductive health diseases, autism, Parkinson’s disease among other typical conditions are strongly linked to environmental exposures (WHO, 2015). The rationale, for taking up this topic, is the increasing trend that these diseases have taken in the United States.

Nursing Diagnosis

Observed increase in the prevalence of new cases of cancer, lupus, reproductive health diseases, autism, Parkinson’s disease and other illnesses related to environmental pollution in the next several years. These observations will consequently lead to loss of lives and high costs of medical treatment of the diseases. These diseases can be reduced by enlightening the vulnerable communities on the basics of protecting oneself from the dangers of environmental issues in homes and the community.

Readiness to Learn

The target aggregate is composed of homeowners in the community, especially those who have young children, invalids, and disabled people who spend almost a 100% of their time in their homes. Their willingness to learn can be categorized as either experiential or emotional. Emotional readiness can be exhibited through willingness to learn from the target aggregate that are inquisitive about what they don’t know. Experiential readiness is shown through educational backgrounds, past experiences, lifestyle and cultural beliefs. People with small kids and invalids at home should be curious as to how they can ensure environmental safety in their homes and the community.

Learning Theory to be Utilized

The learning theory to be utilized in delivering the information is Cognitivism theories, which suggest a complete understanding of the human mind and how it operates. The rationale behind this theory is that the target group is composed of adults who already have their own perception of the issue. For this reason, application of cognitivism theory will help open up the “black box” that is their mind and thoughts on the issue being discussed.


One of the Healthy People 2020’s goals is to promote health for all through a healthy environment with the objective of enhancing healthy homes and healthy communities. The rationale behind this objective is in promoting healthy environmental interaction between humans and their surroundings in their homes.

Relationship between the Objective and the Alma Ata’s Health for all Global Initiative

Alma Ata is a united declaration between governments, health workers and world communities to protect and to promote health for all people in the world (WHO, 2015). The above objective is related to Alma Ata’s declaration in that it purposes to promote healthy homes and healthy communities.

Behavioral Objectives (Domains, Content, and Strategies)

Creativity to be used includes use of anagrams for easy remembrance as well as songs to keep the group alive while learning. Simple chart of Q&A will also be developed by the learners for reference after the lesson.

Planned Evaluation of Objectives

Evaluation of the effectiveness of learning objectives will be done through feedback from the learners. Secondly, follow-up on the status of cases of environmental hazards in the community will also be used to evaluate the achievement of learning objectives

Planned Evaluation of Goals

A session of Q & A will help the teacher evaluate whether the learning goals have been achieved. Through this session, the can know which part of the discussion the learners didn’t understand best as well as those parts they understood best.

Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher

The success of the lesson will be measured at the end of each session through questions to the learners and also through filling out of simple questionnaires on the feelings of the learners as to how well the learning topics have been covered by the teachers


Since the community is composed of many people who have different values and cultures, this could present a barrier in delivering the information as some may feel that their culture or lifestyle is being infringed. Another barrier would be time to cover the topic adequately.


The learners will be introduced to the topic, which is not new to them while at the same time seeking to separate the facts from the myths. After that, the learners will be presented with the learning resources, i.e., books, pens, pamphlets etc.


Carpenito-Moyet, L. J. (Ed). (2008). Nursing diagnosis for Environmental Hazards. USA:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Healthy (2015). Environmental Health. Retrieved January 23, 2015, from health/objectives
World Health Organization, WHO. (2015). Public Health and Environment Health Topic.
Retrieved January 24, 2015 from
WHO. (2015). Declaration of Alma Ata: International Conference on Primary Health Care,
Alma Ata, USSR, 6-12 Sept 1978. Retrieved January 24, 2015, from

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