Company Background Check Research Paper Example

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Nature, Organization, People, Future, China, Gift, Diversity, Education

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/09/17

Successful Things in the Last Three Years: The Nature Conservancy accomplished many things in the last few years. It launched first land trust reserve in China. The organization also made possible a 2000km bike ride across Columbia for educating people concerning the nature’s importance. It has also worked for the restoration of oyster reefs in the Mexican Gulf.
Future Prospects: The Nature Conservancy is seeking to protect the nature for the betterment of future generations. It intends to do so through land conservations and protection of water resources. The organization aims to fulfill this mission with the help of its diverse staff and scientists in more than thirty-five countries. Various partners including governments and individuals as well as numerous corporations are helping the organization for the advancement of land and water conservation around the globe.
Interesting Things: One of the most interesting things is the “Honor and Tribute Giving” Option offered by the Nature Conservancy. This could be done by recognizing one’s loved ones and giving them a gift of nature. The option of giving unique gift memberships is rather interesting as it helps people to share their passion and devotion for nature with the important people in their lives. Another interesting thing is the though-provoking and insightful public service advertisements. In addition, “Adopt an Acre” gift is quite impressive as people can adopt an acre land in any part of the world and protect vital landscapes.
Successful Things/Events in New York City in Last Years: The Nature Conservancy accomplished a lot of positive things in the New York City. It provided protection to 590 acres land on Balsam Mountain’s upper slopes that further helped in the preservation of critical habitats in the area. This step also expanded the opportunities of outdoor recreation in the Catskill Mountains. Moreover, the organization also made the creation of a mapping tool possible which enables people to know the impact of wind power sites on nature. The creation of this innovative tool has helped energy-generating companies to take practical decisions based on scientific facts and figures. It has also worked continuously for raising awareness among people concerning the nitrogen pollution on Long Island due to sewage.
Plans in the Future: The major plan is to protect nature from the grass roots by giving conservation encouragement at community level. It is also making sure to integrate natural solutions for saving costs. It is also making sure to implement best practices in agricultural management for preserving and protecting food resources.
Suggestions/Advice: As you have been involved as a public life participant in the local community, you have gained knowledge regarding sustainable development and climate change. You can contribute in the organization by implementing your acquired knowledge. Also, it seems that you have good communication and interpersonal skills. I believe you can become an effective point of contact as an event coordinator between the organization and vendors, retailers, etc. You can be a good addition in the organization as you have interacted with diverse people during your academic and professional life. As Nature Conservancy is an international organization, your personal and professional experiences can help you a lot to achieve success and then get promoted to the next level as an event manager. Being a Chinese, it is a good opportunity for you as you are well-versed in two languages i.e. Chinese and English. It means you can communicate well with both English and Chinese vendors that could be beneficial for the organization in the future.

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