Behavior of Juvenile Delinquents Essays Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Family, Crime, Women, Parents, Police, Mother, Juvenile, Criminal Justice

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/31

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Behavior of Juvenile Delinquents
It is rather difficult to take the situation at face value because the society has somewhat established a framework from which a violent reaction is always the standard for addressing cases of juvenile delinquents. In the video, the police officer was acting more suppressed than aggressive – this might be the only exception in that police officers do get exposed to these kinds of societal problems oftentimes. Obviously, the boy’s mother acted sympathetic to her son. It is not like the mother is going against her moral imagination, but her ethical standards in so far as her son is concerned is more instinctive than deliberate. If I were the mother or the father, I would definitely put my son under the custody of the police. It is important to think of the situation as an avenue for correction, not a case of a child committing a criminal act and would no longer inspire change his own self. Essentially, parenthood must not override the moral standards for criminality and punishment. There must be an ample amount of disciplinary measures for individuals who show negative implications of themselves if they will be tolerated to be delinquent at an indefinite period of time. In the boy’s point of view, it is difficult to say he should have submitted just as easy or he should fought against the authorities because the basis of his decision are absolutely not in favor of what the society expects. If there are enough reasons to regard himself worthy of the punishment – at least according to his subliminal – it would have been a calmer arrest but definitely the reality of juvenile delinquents’ reactions to a disciplinary action is different from social standards.

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