Critical Thinking On Pros And Cons Of Living On Campus

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Education, Students, Campus, Study, Life, Noise, Library, Bedroom

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/01

Living on campus is convenient as there is no need for transportation to and from one’s place of residence to the campus. Thoughts of being caught in traffic or having to squeeze one’s self inside a crowded train just to get to class can really make the student exhausted by the time he reaches class. An exhausted student will barely be able to understand what is in class and may not be able to pass the course with flying colors. Walking several meters while enjoying the cool breeze and some sunlight will even work wonders for the young student.
Living on campus is also better because if the student needs a quiet atmosphere to study for a test or to finish a paper, he is able to go to the nearest library to use the Internet to do research, to read a book, or even to study his own notes. He can enjoy the peace and quiet of a university library and study very well there. In the library he has access to more materials for research and for studying.
However, sometimes, if one feels like studying in his dorm room, he is exposed to the noise of his immediate neighbors or even of his roommate. Furthermore, unless dormitory rules are really strict, or if the student is rooming alone, he will have to tolerate the noise that is oftentimes heard in dormitory halls. If he has to study or finish a paper, dormitory room noise can indeed be very distracting.
Despite the noise in the dormitories, living on campus indeed provides benefits that will clearly help a student finish his studies with flying colors. The elimination of travel time and traffic, as well as the availability of libraries for study and research, will both contribute to making any student’s campus life very productive indeed.


Frost, Shelley. 2015. The Disadvantages to Staying in Dorms. Retrieved from:
Mattioli, Dana. 2007. The Pros and Cons of Living Off Campus. Retrieved from:

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