Death By Fire: Front Line Essays Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Fire, Evidence, Science, Scientist, People, Innocent, Incidence

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/02/15

[Writers Surname]

Q# 1&2
John Lentini nationally renowned fire scientist claims that a man’s whose crime wasn’t proved was executed due to the way the case was perceived and portrayed.
According to the forensic scientist, not even single evidence was provided that the fire incidence in Todd Willingham’s case was arson, which killed 3 of his daughters.
He criticized the current system of the death penalty in the US, which could trap many innocent people whose case wasn’t fought well enough. His criticism of this rule is valid to an extent because being a fire scientist and conducting a review which could be seen by all he claimed that the fire incidence is purely accidental and not arson.
Also, a report held by Texas Forensic Science Commission supported the findings of Dr. Hurst that the arson evidence provided against Willingham was baseless in modern fire science.
The fire investigators found out more than 20 indicators at the incident place which directly indicated towards Willingham being the only suspect in this case. The evidence provided by the officers at the trial could be a different interpretation or perspective of Willingham’s confession to his fellow inmate. Although later, Elizabeth Gilbert a writer, who initially looked into Willingham’s case found confession by the convict used as evidence, as well as the evidence used to prove that he was a psychopath problematic.
Willingham’s case should have been delayed, and the court should have waited for further proves and investigations being held. That is because it was a hasty decision, the evidences that came later on were sufficient enough to prove that Willingham was innocent, and his execution might have been postponed or eliminated.
The law making authorities should learn a lesson from the mistake that they had made and rather than looking at a one side of the story and making a biased view on that. So now many other people who might have been trapped in such cases, their case should be not made complicated and hasty instead investigators should look at other possible situations as well.

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