Decoding Communication Jargon Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Jargon, Dialect, Conversation, Management, Project, Project Management, Message, Community

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/03/26

Benefits of Jargon or lingo

Jargon allows groups or individuals of a particular cluster in society or workplace to have their own unique language that is specific to them. This enable them to communicate in a coded manner with little possibility of another party not privy to the conversation eavesdropping. For example the BIL- boss is listening, encodes the message from a boss who could come by such lingo and is not aware of what it means.
Jargon or lingo gives peers of a specific group a sense of belonging. In today’s society where people have different groups for different purposes, jargon provides an avenue for individuals of a particular group to interact and associate.
Jargon can ease communication between friends or employees. For example an individual going for a project management job interview would use project management jargon or lingo to show their expertise in the field of project management.

When texting or tweeting the shorthand abbreviations are important to stay within the recommended message length.

Jargon or lingo saves time for the writer, since they just use abbreviations instead of the full words which could take long to type especially in a chat or short message.

Disadvantages of jargon or lingo

Jargon or lingo could make others feel excluded during a conversation unless, all the parties’ privy to the conversation are familiar with the jargon being used.
In some areas such as in advertising, teaching, the military or in politics using jargon can leave to miscommunication as the recipients may think the jargon has some hidden meaning.

AITR meaning “adult in the room”

ALOTBSOL standing for “always look on the bright side of life”
DQMOT which stands for “don’t quote me on this”
Indeed I was very surprised at the number of phrases on the site. Whereas I am aware and actually used some of the phrases, quite a number of phrases in on the site were new to me. Clearly, I have some homework to do if I have to know a fraction of the phrases on

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