Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Nursing, Dentistry, Shadowing, Dentist, Pharmacy, Pharmacist, Confidence, Workplace

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/13

Shadowing refers to visiting dental specialist’s office to observe procedures, learn techniques and terminologies, spot different practice surroundings and ask the dental professional queries about his or her expedition to practicing dentistry. Hours of observation are required by most dental institutes. Even if it’s not necessary, shadowing is usually suggested as part of the dental school application method. Observing a dentist can result to the budding dentist, an infinite preview of what you have courage to do. As you interact with the dentist, you are expected to be confident, specialized, and assertive. If there is any particular procedure you would like to follow, you should schedule your shadowing around your interests. You should retain an open mind when it comes to shadowing various fields since it will give you a wider viewpoint of different dental settings and measures.

Shadowing experience

I observed that a decent office set up is dynamic for returning clients due to the feeling of relief they would get once they are there. The facility I visited was well setup, instead of rooms, it had sections along the wall, with a small slanting wall at the ingress of these sections. This plan was well displayed because it is easy to move from one compartment to another.
I was also content with the level of gentleness of the staff, the dentists, assistants, and hygienists were excellent to the patients and knew them well that is most relevant to the view of the patient. My dentist talked to patients for about five minutes about life then he resolved toothaches and denture adjustments in about 2 hours.
In my involvement, I learned two things that can play a critical role your profession as a dentist. The first one is knowing your patients and knowing how to talk to them, and it builds a good relationship with your patients and they also develop confidence in you. Secondly, you should execute without reluctance. I had a chance to interact with several patients, and they were jubilant with the doctor because of his attitude towards his patients. Therefore, it is important that one should go for dental shadowing for quite some time if you want to be a good dentist.


I noted that patients will have confidence in you as a dentist if only you have faith in what you are doing. It is, therefore, important that you struggle to win their trust in you in order to keep them coming back.
I also observed that a dentist should use terminologies that are familiar to the patient. He/she should avoid using terms that the patient does not know since the patient must know what he is passing through, in a nutshell.

What the experience taught me and how these observations link to the coursework

For patients to have confidence in you, the pharmacist must be familiar with the tests he is undertaking. This implies that as a pharmacy student, you should give considerable attention to every session you have both in class and laboratories. You will broaden your knowledge in this field, and therefore you will be well-versed with most infections.
As much as you can know the scientific names of various micro-organisms and diseases it is also important to know the common names used to describe them. It’s, therefore, important to pay extra attention and conduct more research regarding diseases and their causative agents
I learned that a good office setup is essential to returning customers. A good layout of your facility directs new patients on where to go so they can get assistance. Therefore, right compartments and well labeling of the offices is very vital.
I also learned that kindness is of the staff to patients also builds a good relationship between the two. Understanding is achieved by the small things you can ignore like setting aside time to ask some personal questions.

How the experience has impacted my future as a pharmacist

First, I learned that to be a good pharmacist I should have confidence in what I do. For example, during drug description, with the knowledge acquired from school I should be well versed to prescribe drugs correctly so that I can be confident.
Through this experience, I was able to gather knowledge that as a pharmacist my work is more than just prescribing drugs to patients. It is important to maintain a good relationship with the patients. You should give them priority and even when their drug is missing you can provide necessary options to them.
Thirdly, as a pharmacist it’s significant to maintain an upright relationship with other staff members e.g. doctors and nurses in order to make your work much simpler.
Lastly, it is important that you should maintain high standards and quality of work. As a pharmacist, you should update your drugs often to keep up with the changing times. These revolutions will see you more customers.


In your career as a pharmacist, it is important to go for shadowing and inquire some things you don’t know. Shadowing is important since it builds the candidate’s character and also molds him on how to interact with patients at work. Therefore, it is advisable that you should visit a health facility in order to make a better career as a pharmacist.

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WePapers. (2020, December, 13) Dental Shadowing Essay. Retrieved September 08, 2024, from https://www.wepapers.com/samples/dental-shadowing-essay/
"Dental Shadowing Essay." WePapers, 13 Dec. 2020, https://www.wepapers.com/samples/dental-shadowing-essay/. Accessed 08 September 2024.
WePapers. 2020. Dental Shadowing Essay., viewed September 08 2024, <https://www.wepapers.com/samples/dental-shadowing-essay/>
WePapers. Dental Shadowing Essay. [Internet]. December 2020. [Accessed September 08, 2024]. Available from: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/dental-shadowing-essay/
"Dental Shadowing Essay." WePapers, Dec 13, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/dental-shadowing-essay/
WePapers. 2020. "Dental Shadowing Essay." Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. Retrieved September 08, 2024. (https://www.wepapers.com/samples/dental-shadowing-essay/).
"Dental Shadowing Essay," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 13-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/dental-shadowing-essay/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Dental Shadowing Essay. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/dental-shadowing-essay/. Published Dec 13, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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