Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace, Employee, Company, Behavior, Employment, Development, Management, Environment

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2023/02/22

Before a company uses behavior modification techniques it needs to do an assessment to determine behavioral problems. The company modifies behavior for efficient job performance. The company should assess manner with which employees react to different reward incentives. Behavior might change as companies shift changes or goals. Career consoling is helpful in maintaining rejuvenation and for the company to show their employees that they value them.
The company then introduces employees to a program of positive reinforcement to reward them for their desired behaviors as production time per unit or reducing errors. The company should not use reprimands, which might eliminate the problem temporarily but might leave anxiety, anger, or hostility in its place. Positive reinforcement is effective in improving employee behavior and productivity.
Behavior modification for the whole company involves information gathering from employees and managers. Employees need to know the forces that necessitate corporate change. Information should pass from the managers to the seniors. The company should also recognize their employees in terms of awards, special training, and promotion for the managers who enable the information flow. In addition, the front line people would be enthusiastic about their role in the company.
The tools for reinforcing excellent behavior include plans, bonuses, wages, and disciplinary processes. The company should also train their employees because employees might work to their best not knowing company goals have changed. Feedback is essential in changing employee behavior especially if it is not threatening or explicit. Behavior consequences affect behavior change. Recognition and incentives work towards changing behavior for the better.
Employees should be included in the organization and responsibilities of the company. They should play an active role rather than feel the company constantly watches them. Involving employees especially in the time for production or serving clients helps them get more involved in their work and change for the better. In addition, the company should open an interactive session for consultation reducing the bureaucracy between managers and staff. On this platform, employees can give complaints or give suggestions that might change their working environment.
The external environment can affect employee behavior. Organizational culture influences the relation of an employee to another. This includes work environment, management, company goals, and employee empowerment. An open platform of communication vertically can reduce behavior change especially for a big company as General Motors. Once the company discovers this reason for employee behavior change, managers should use positive tones that would reduce employee dissatisfaction, nonattendances, thefts, or damages.
The external environment such as the local economy can affect employee behavior. During recessions, employees can be fearful and anxious about their jobs. Anxiety can cause lower performance and judgmental lapses. However, for others it is a motivation to work better. General Motors in such economic times should find easier ways to improve employee motivation. In case of layoffs, it should provide retirement bonuses that remaining employees would not remain fearful. It should reassure the remaining employees of their jobs and form interactive sessions to involve employees to make suggestions on cutting costs. When the company involves employees, they will bring better ideas that would save their jobs and reduce costs. It is not necessarily employees who cause costs those companies incur. They can cut costs through reducing lead-time or reducing the number of defects per one thousand units.
External or internal factors can induce behavior change in employees. Behavior psychologists advise that positive assertions such as rewards and incentives can reduce and eliminate behavior change while negative assertions such as punishments can lead to anger or, in extreme cases, boycotts.

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Diversity Essay Samples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/diversity-essay-samples/. Published Feb 22, 2023. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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