Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Business, Computers, Company, Software, Cloud, Technology, Cloud Computing, Workplace

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2021/02/06

Annotated database of ‘Live News’ using Evernote and Google Docs/Sheets

<Student Id>
Public URL: https://www.evernote.com/pub/realappsmig/firstnotebook

Annotated Database on Computing for Business

Today computing usually requires cloud computing. Computing for business means using computers and related information technology for business operations.
Many enterprises are thinking to move their IT Services in to the cloud.Many companies are of the view that, "We need rapid access to different and potentially game changing, models of computing and new technologies. Without this, we could be left in the dust by competition."


Harding, C. (2011). Cloud computing for Business. The Open Group Guide. Available from http://www.opengroup.org/sites/default/files/contentimages/Press/Excerpts/first_30_pages.pdf 
Business Process Improvement with State-of-art Software
Increasing number of companies seek to improve their business model with the help of using new standards in software technology. Companies have used the software enterprise packages like ERP and SAP to improve the way they do business. 
As more and more business processes are being optimized with the use of computing technology, the companies look for better and superior software to support their business. 
Software and IT systems act as "Enablers" to improve the business processes.
CGI (nd). Business Process Services: A Value-Based Approach to Process Improvement and Delivery. Available from https://www.cgi.com/sites/default/files/white-papers/value-based_approach_to_process_improvement.pdf 
cloud computing
Businesses add value to their operations by moving to the cloud computing.
their operations, data and transactions can be performed from anywhere. So they are no more limited to premises. In this manner they extend their operations to global operations by merely moving to the cloud.
Hartman, T. and Beck, L. Defining the Business Value of Cloud Computing . Available from http://www.avanade.com/~/media/documents/resources/bts/outsourcing/cloud_point_of_view_paper.pdf 
Business Process Transformation
Businesses increasingly transform to make themselves available globally with the use of computing technology.
Companies are making use of virtualization as per the given sheet:
Hardware and Business
As the processes need to be improved, new areas functions are brought into the folds of Company's software.
Company's need to upgrade their hardware, networks and servers to keep themselves update with the technology. New hardware servers means leveraging new technologies and their advantages to the business
Cloud computing For business
Often the companies view that they are not able to align their capabilities with the needs of business.
This is how cloud computing comes into play.
Cloud means:
1. Any services which enables to companies to port their data or systems to the external premises
2. the systems and data are ensured to be highly available by the providers
3. the provider simply hosts the system
Virtualization is used by the companies to save the costs. In this manner the companies tend to share the resources and optimize the operations.
Here is a video clip which shows that the companies improve their operations using virtualization:
The clip also shows that the companies save time through the virtualization.
Business Model Improvement
Companies cannot survive on the same obsolete business model they have been following for years and decades.  Initially the companies improved their manual process by replacing it with stand alone computer systems. slowly they evolved to integrated systems using centralized database.
There was a stage where companies moved to paperless offices, by improving their business models to use paperless working. This is illustrated in the below figure:
Instead of using paper repositories, paper forms, and other paper options, a document server serve all the needs and replaces paper work.
Paperless Office
Paperless office is also achieved by resorting to workflow improvement.
Instead of bringing the papers or physical files to the next level employee or staff, who needs to take some action in a business transaction, a notification is sent to the employee's desktop computer. The employee acts on the tasks as assigned to him or her and updates it on the system. 
The task is then moved to the next level. In this manner the offices not only save the costs but also but bring the speed and improvement in their business activities.
Workflow improvement using computers
Businesses tend to optimize their workflows using efficient hardware and software.
Firstly, all the manual operations, calculations, decision making and other operations are computerized so as to bring the speed and reduce the chances of human error. 
the companies also tend to improve their workflow by reducing any redundant processes which are involved in manual way of doing the activities. For instance, a clerk entrusted with searching a physical file in a file cabinet carries lot of redundant operations. These are avoided as the process is automated through a computer search form the soft files.
A video clip shows how the workflow can be improved:
Many tips and best practices are highlighted in the above clipping.
Process automation
Companies have improved and automated there processes using computers. For instance using web services, the companies have made available their applications which can be used by the users from their browsers. the main benefit of process automation has been reaped by by Banks and eComerce companies. The users can login to their accounts and perform the transactions by the click of buttons, from the comfort of their homes.
This saves time for companies as well as users as they save time in commuting. Previously customers use to visit the bank for any operation. Now most of the operations can be performed online. this is the real benefit of process automation
Business RE-allignment
Business realign themselves by re-engineering their processes and re-orientation of their activities to make it more aligned.
Some processes are not compatible with the overall objectives and need to be made compatible and aligned to the business objectives. 
This is explained better in the below Power Point presentation slides:
Process Re-engineering
Process RE-engineering are important in the engineering industries and factories.
It is well know that how the Boeing Aircraft assembly was re-engineered to make the processes optimized. This brought huge process improvement and increase in the net revenues.
Advanced computing technology is responsible for a lot of improvements in the design.
cloud computing saves cost to business
In every business set-up cost optimization, cost cutting and improvising profits is primary objects to sustained development. This is also key to the survival in the stiff business.
Companies usually look forward to such investments which have a long term potential of saving costs. Cloud computing is one such example, where the companies need to bother about purchasing infrastructure, like hardware /software and annual maintenance for such hardware and software.
the below graph shows as to how the cloud saves on the costs:
Harding, C. (2011). Cloud computing for Business. The Open Group Guide. Available from http://www.opengroup.org/sites/default/files/contentimages/Press/Excerpts/first_30_pages.pdf 
High Availability
Businesses can increase their availability by moving their operations through websites and mobile apps.
AS most of their processes are automated, all they need to do is to create their websites so that the customers or even employees can use it from anywhere. In this manner they can improve their availability.   
the below video clipping explains this concept in details:
video clipping
Organizations attain remarkable flexibility due to the use of technology. Facilities like Work From Home/Anywhere saves lot of time in commuting for their employees and really helps them to improve their productivity. 
Facility of work from anywhere is possible through the advanced use of hardware and software like VPN devices and the use of secured internet/intranet facilities.
Work From anywhere provides remarkable flexibility and productivity of the employees -  thanks to advanced computing technology.
Mobile Technology
Mobile technology enables the company staff to access their company's websites on the move. It helps many companies and staff to improve their productivity with the help of the ability to perform the tasks on their mobile smartphones, tabs and Laptops.
There are so many ideas which can be adopted to improve the way companies work with the use of mobile technology. Mobile technology adds value to the business by increasing their customer base through mobile apps:
There are certain downsides of moving the business to computer technology. As the computer systems can be hacked so there is a risk of security. some intruder can hack into the system and make the system unavailable or steal the data or other such destructive activities.
the below clipping shows the security threats:
Risks in cloud and mobile technology
Companies are switching to mobile and cloud technology to improve flexibility, high availability and lower the cost of operations. However, there are several risks as follows:
1. Hackers can sabotage the systems as the systems are virtually available at the websites or on public servers
2. Hackers can steal the sensitive data causing severe loss to the company
3. Intruder can break in to the system security and make it unavailable causing huge loss to the company's business.
Hartman, T. and Beck, L. Defining the Business Value of Cloud Computing . Available from http://www.avanade.com/~/media/documents/resources/bts/outsourcing/cloud_point_of_view_paper.pdf 
Risk Mitigation Plan
Companies can minimize the risks by using security best practices. The computing environment can be secured by putting the data under firewall and securing their passwords.
Interesting clipping below helps to understand this concept better:
Harding, C. (2011). Cloud computing for Business. The Open Group Guide. Available from http://www.opengroup.org/sites/default/files/contentimages/Press/Excerpts/first_30_pages.pdf
Hartman, T. and Beck, L. Defining the Business Value of Cloud Computing . Available from http://www.avanade.com/~/media/documents/resources/bts/outsourcing/cloud_point_of_view_paper.pdf 

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"Essay On Live News." WePapers, Feb 06, 2021. Accessed September 16, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/essay-on-live-news/
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"Essay On Live News," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 06-Feb-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/essay-on-live-news/. [Accessed: 16-Sep-2024].
Essay On Live News. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/essay-on-live-news/. Published Feb 06, 2021. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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