Essay On Mission Statements Values And Beliefs

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Mission, Business, Coffee, Starbucks, Organization, Ethics, Company, Services

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/20

Management – Corporate Culture

Management remains a fundamental underpinning of any organizational culture assuring its mission as formally stated proves a working concept by the behaviour of the hierarchy of leaders. Review of the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), the United Services Automobile Association (USAA), Enterprise Car Rental, Starbucks, and Florida Hospital provide the framework of the following academic investigation, analysis, and dialogue concerning management – corporate culture and whether each organization’s mission statement reflect the values and beliefs they each profess in goods and services to the consumer. Along with the comparisons of values and beliefs of these five organizational mission statements, their status as profit or non-profit organizations impacting their mission statement, in addition n in depth review of the Starbucks organization’s mission statement determines whether this business company delivers/reaches its goal frames the dialogue of the following scholastic exercise.

Comparison of Values and Beliefs

Review of the USDE mission statement avows, “ED's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access” (USDE 2015). The USAA mission statement relays, “The mission of The USAA Educational Foundation is to lead and inspire actions that improve financial literacy for the military and local community” (Enterprise states, “To be the best transportation service provider in the world.” The Starbucks mission reports, “Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.” Finally, Florida Hospital promises, “Our mission, extending the healing ministry of Christ, comes from the study of scripture.” Review of the five statements show a shared value offering a way to better the quality of life of its customers. There is a shared value of commitment to excellence in the goods and services they provide their customers. All five of the mission statements show a belief in the goods and services they provide their clients.

Comparison Types of Organization Profit/Non Profit

Three of the five business organizations remain a non-profit with the USDA existing on American federal taxes and the Florida Hospital having non-profit status as a religious based organization, and the USAA although a Fortune 500 organization holds its non-profit status because it is not a corporation with its profits going back into member services. The other two companies are stockholder owned businesses with profit sharing with its stockholders.

Starbucks Analysis

According to the mission statement listed above of Starbucks business the organization delivers in reaching its goal and in fact, seems to go well beyond what it states. It is an organization that values all the stakeholders making it an international success. It is definitely a people-centered business that emulates the post-modern ideology. From a management perspective the focus of the organization’s leadership is reflected in the value of treating its employees as appreciated human capital. In other words, “Profits and value now depend on attracting and retaining the most talented workers ” (Papke 242) and reveals this influence of management’s mission through transparency practices aligned to its organizational culture also extends impacting the behavior of its employees and into the community as well. Starbucks has a strong community commitment according to review of the vast amount of information available on its website.
Its company culture carried through to its mission statement works hand in hand that also shows its commitment to the community as a dedication to a strong social responsibility that proves as an example of a growing paradigm of today’s global business ethics. As a socially responsible company Starbucks also serves as a role model influencing individuals and the community through its management leadership reflected throughout its upper, middle, and lower management of Starbucks’ ethical practices. It is this kind of moral focus that expands outward from its mission statement fitting the numerous implications and meanings of ethical organizational culture. As a consequence the stakeholders’ connected to Starbucks emulate shared views among its management, employees, vendors, consumers, and the community as a definitive collective of both beliefs and values as part of society (Sims 2003).
The mission and the ethical and moral activities Starbucks makes clear according to its website adheres to practices that are environmental, technologically based, economically a contribution to society, and takes a stand in community political issues about these topics. These are the markers of a mission statement carried out in actual practice caring about the company stakeholders as already described. The environmentally based ethical and moral position connected to the mission statement shows Starbucks connects to environmental practices with the company continually decreasing pollution through its service and production practices.
This is clearly evident with its focus on customers’ as valued stakeholders by addressing its mission statement in giving back to the community providing its Shared Planet website. Here the organization outlines its commitment to meeting the goals of ethical sourcing, sustaining environmental stewardship, and finally, engaging the community with providing access with nutrition data printed on its products (Farrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell 2011). Politically, as a part of the globalization process of world marketing practices in the 21st century, Starbucks understands and practices the legal, business, and economical based factors through its moral and legal business activities with and within other countries.
The economic considerations Starbucks adheres to its mission statement connected to its organizational corporate ethics and moral practices shows in giving people more value for their dollar. Starbucks’ goods and services as expressed through coffee house feature of Starbucks’ locations shows its consideration in giving what its consumer desires in the ambience of these venues linked to its consumers’ work patterns and the kind of social gathering atmosphere that addresses its clients’ educational levels. Again, the openness of the Starbucks website provides how its own research and development teams provide a clear example of meeting and fulfilling its mission statement as this department continually seeks improving both service and product delivery to its loyal consumer base as part of the technological focus of this commitment to quality. As an ethically and morally based organizational culture with a mission to stand as an example of a reputable organization in the global community Starbucks adheres to all the factors of policies and regulations affecting an international organization selling coffee products and services.


As described in the introduction the above research, analysis, and discussion provided the comparisons of values and beliefs of the five organizational mission statements, their status as profit or non-profit organizations impacting their mission statement, and additionally an in depth review of the Starbucks organization’s mission statement determined it indeed is a business delivering and reaching its goal according to its mission statement.

Works Cited

Enterprise Rent a Car. Our Mission. © 2015 Copyright Enterprise Rent-A-Car • ERACSM. 2015. Web.
Ferrel, O. C., Fraedrich, J. and Ferrell, L. Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases 9th Edition. © 2013, 2011 South-Western, Cengage Learning. 2013. Print
Florida Hospital of Orlando. Our Mission Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ. 2015. Web
Papke, Edgar. True Alignment: Linking Company Culture with Customer Needs for Extraordinary Results. New York: AMACOM, 2014. Print
Sims, R.R. Ethics and corporate social responsibility: Why giants fall. Praeger. Westport, CT. Jossey-Bass © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2003. Print
Starbucks. Our Starbucks Mission Statement. 2015. Web
United Services Automobile Association. The Mission of the USAA Educational Foundation. 2015. Web.
United States Department of Education. About ED – Overview and Mission Statement. 2015. Web.

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