Ethical Simulation Essays Examples
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Ethics, Virtualization, Virtual Reality, Business, Code of Ethics, Decision, Company, Students
Pages: 2
Words: 550
Published: 2021/02/10
Business ethics ought to be an integral part of any prospective business. In order to foster business ethics in students, who are yet to assume managerial positions upon graduation, ethics simulation games are utilized such as ethical-lx simulation. The essence of the simulation games is to plunge students in ambiguities, uncertainties and complexities of decision-making in business environments that are morally precarious. The simulation games give a student an opportunity to experience what it feels like to be caught in moral crisis in an organizational context. In this discussion, I will present a reflection of what I learned from the course and my recommendations on how to improve future courses.
Moreover, the ethical simulation course enabled me learn of my motivation for making decisions and what principles guide my decision-making activities. Initially, I thought that I made decisions because they had to be made. However, having gone through the course and being exposed to ethical conflicts that required a decision to be made, I achieved a degree of self-understanding. Most of the simulation game decisions I made were based on my personal interests without paying attention to the code of ethics of the company. All in all, I learned that the code of ethics of the company should be used as the prime guideline when faced with ethically challenging situations.
I also learned that when making decisions, the concept of prioritization has to take the play. Despite the fact that a manager should tie his or her decision to the code of ethics of the company, there are times when the code of ethics is not clear on what actions should be taken in case of a moral crisis. As such, the manager is then required to make decisions based on what he or she considers being a priority to the company. In this sense, I learned that other than aligning decisions to the code of ethics, a manager should prioritize actions based on the personal code of ethics.
However, the course is not operating at its ultimate potential. As such, it is recommended that the ethical issues incorporated into the ethical simulation games ought to be relevant to the prevailing circumstances in the business world. I realized that most of the ethical issues presented in the games are mundane, which is a positive thing; however, some of the issues were beside the point in regard to the modern business world. I believe the issues are kept up to date, students will gain quite a great deal of the course.
It is also recommended that the dilemma created by the ethical conflicts in the ethical simulation games ought to be intensified. Some of the ethical issues were pretty obvious, and this was not helpful as compared to the ethical conflicts that presented a degree of a dilemma. The insights students garner forms the course can be enhanced if this recommendation is implemented.
Lastly, I recommend that the ethical simulation games should be designed in such a way that they incorporate teamwork. In companies, major decisions are made by a group rather than an individual. Given this, it would be more beneficial if the ethical simulation games considered this reality. In fact, ethical simulation games that integrate group decision-making will be more real as compared to the otherwise.
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