Ethics And Human Resource Management Essay Samples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace, Ethics, Employee, Company, Environment, Human Resource Management, Behavior, Crime

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/09/13


The need, to maintain an ethical workplace, is truly a substantial part of an organization. Without this aspect, the company risks of having to lose hard working employees and valuable customers or even more. If ethics does not exist in a commercial institution, employees and customers alike are exposed to danger that is brought about by grave misconduct. Some of the examples of misconduct might take the form of harassment and inappropriate behavior.
Since the gravity of misconduct might lead to a greater loss, it is a challenge facing human resources professionals of today to maintain an ethical atmosphere in the workplace. It is considered as a challenge because differing values motivate the behavior that people execute. Values are embedded in the attitude that we bear thus shedding light on how we respond to certain situations. If this scenario is the case then individuals differing in response to situations, conclusively make it a complex matter for HR professionals to create and sustain ethics in the workplace.
Aside from differing values, managers also play a vital role in identifying whether employees will clasp the company’s ethical practices. If managers and leaders of the company don’t display the appropriate behavior, they risk losing their employees trust. So is the case if these company leaders do not exhibit a fair practice in enacting the rules. This scenario will worsen and will make it more difficult to promote an ethical environment.
It is then the role of practicing HR professionals to lay the groundwork of ethics for the employees of the company. It is their job to create an intensive written guideline for workers to follow. It is highly recommended that these professionals devise ways on how they can promote an ethical environment for all individuals involved in the business of the company. The can provide different training programs to make sure that all employees are aware of what the company expects of them.
The human resources field is up for a great challenge and must concentrate on uniting employees to sustain an effective, ethical workplace. Differences and inconsistencies must be settled to attain the goal of a sound and ethical atmosphere.

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