Ethics “Tina” Essay Samples
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark sounding like ”to be or not to be” is suiting the situation given in the “Giving Voice to Values” case. Tina is, of course, in the dual position because her critical financial situation and absence of perspectives forced her to take any uprising possible job opportunity. However, moral dilemma that followed her new appointment cornered her to an embarrassing situation. This job failed short of her expectations while she had to violate corporate ethics, norms and commonly accepted values. The question is will she give up or stand up is a central point in this situation. What she could possibly say and do if she knows what ethics is and has an inner strength to withstand the pressure?
We can assume that Tina would most probably let her boss and colleagues understand that a question of morale cannot be neglected though we must admit that to effectively stand up the pressure being in a subordinate position is not an easy matter. Tina should explain that any person should have a choice to act in accordance with the personal values aligning the future professional path with certain principals of morale. Ability to challenge difficult situations and make hard unpopular decisions is an ability of a business leader, who has a stamina and character. If Tina felt so tortured about the work she had to do, it means that she understands the peculiarities of business ethics and can tell right from wrong; she knows in her inner self, how to act despite the certain pressure of the situation.
As was put by Walter Isaacson, CEO of the Aspen Institute (2007) “In business and in life, we often know what is the right thing to do, but we have trouble implementing it”. Tina will certainly refuse this responsibility and will explain to her supervisors that her responsibility should be based on proper corporate values. If she stays silent and uncertain about this transgression, an overall corporate culture and standards will dramatically degrade influencing all employees in similar positions. Employees should be able to tell right from wrong in order to face a corporate misconduct and we expect, Tina is the one to withstand the test while her desire to act on her values is higher than just ambition to grab for money. Refusing the improper responsibilities Tina will either lose a job or become a respected employee with all the aptitudes of a leader.
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