Example Of Business Plan On Staffing Plan Conclusion

Type of paper: Business Plan

Topic: Workplace, Students, Employment, Management, Faculty, Associate, Security, Sports

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/08


The paper has clearly demonstrated the understanding of the staff planning process through identifying the job position required and job description, recruitment plan, selection plan, and the opportunity. Based on the analysis that indicates the anticipated increase in the number of children, Saint Thomas has found it appropriate and necessary to hire three new faculty members. The three new faculty member required include three associate professors; one Sports Administration/Tourism, associate another for the Logistic and Trade Faculty, and for cyber security. Following the growth of cyber threats, the University has decided to add one new position for the new program (Cyber security).The associate professor of the Sports Administration/ Tourism is expected to attain the main role and responsibilities such as serving as the sports management/tourism expertise and direct the University. Some of the key roles include giving lectures about his field, demonstrate professional development, and teach on-campus graduate and undergraduate students among others. The associate professor of the Logistic and Trade Faculty will be required to take responsibility in developing program in Logistics and Supply Management. He/she is also required to facilitate the faculty interaction within the student in through activities such as mentoring, advising and collaborative. The cyber security associate professor is required to teach the graduate and undergraduate students on matters relating to the cyber security. The recruitment plans involve multiple steps such as employment applications, interviews, pre-employment testing, reference and background checks, employment offers, and in some cases, employment contracts. The selection process will involve timely and effective interviews to determine the most appropriate candidates for the open positions. Other steps in the selection process include the reference checks and background checks. The job opportunities for the positions available are as a result of retirements, student increase, and deficiency of Ph.D. enrollment and completion. The required courses were indicated to require 18 credits. Both Cyber Security and Trade and Logistic position required six different courses with credits of 3 while Sports administration required eight different courses with the same credits.

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WePapers. (2020, December, 08) Example Of Business Plan On Staffing Plan Conclusion. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-business-plan-on-staffing-plan-conclusion/
"Example Of Business Plan On Staffing Plan Conclusion." WePapers, 08 Dec. 2020, https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-business-plan-on-staffing-plan-conclusion/. Accessed 16 September 2024.
WePapers. 2020. Example Of Business Plan On Staffing Plan Conclusion., viewed September 16 2024, <https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-business-plan-on-staffing-plan-conclusion/>
WePapers. Example Of Business Plan On Staffing Plan Conclusion. [Internet]. December 2020. [Accessed September 16, 2024]. Available from: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-business-plan-on-staffing-plan-conclusion/
"Example Of Business Plan On Staffing Plan Conclusion." WePapers, Dec 08, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-business-plan-on-staffing-plan-conclusion/
WePapers. 2020. "Example Of Business Plan On Staffing Plan Conclusion." Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. Retrieved September 16, 2024. (https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-business-plan-on-staffing-plan-conclusion/).
"Example Of Business Plan On Staffing Plan Conclusion," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 08-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-business-plan-on-staffing-plan-conclusion/. [Accessed: 16-Sep-2024].
Example Of Business Plan On Staffing Plan Conclusion. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-business-plan-on-staffing-plan-conclusion/. Published Dec 08, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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