Example Of Case Study On Company Case Study

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Business, Products, Customers, Information, Market, Brand, Understanding, Services

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2021/01/10

PART1: Group: Marketing Research 30 marks

Based on the ARIEL IN EGYPT Case Study above, discuss the following questions:
What research techniques are used by Researcher at P&G for Ariel Product in the case. (5marks)
Ethnographic research methods – This an anthropological approach aimed at understanding people’s lives and practices. P&G researchers visited consumers in their homes and washing events to listen and observe in a non-directed way so as to gain a deep understanding of the consumers’ lives and washing needs. This method is potentially time-consuming and inefficient, but it is critical in giving an excellent understanding of the consumers’ context and meaning of the product to lives of the consumers.
Participant observation – P&G marketers organized events in which the researchers (marketing team) observed the women washing clothes and engaged in product demonstrations or trials to popularize the product. Participant observation involves researchers who are actively involved in the activities of the research subjects and it has advantages because it allows researchers to clarify observations and it is efficient. However, researchers run the risk of contaminating the subjects and the subject may deliberately put on an act.
Non-participant observation – These are passive data collection in which the researchers do not engage with the research subjects and the subjects may not in fact, know that the researchers are conducting a research. This method is can be inefficient and frustrating, but it allows the researcher to get an unbiased data because the research subjects are free to be themselves.

Qualitative VS Quantitative research: Do you think the company should have used a quantitative research technique instead? Justify your answer.

Quantitative research was unsuitable in this case, because of the nature of the data that was required. Quantitative studies work best when the researcher already knows the construct that they are measuring and want to prove its existence and/or measure the extent. This means that it works best where there is a clear hypothesis and all that is required to test it. However, in this case, P&G wanted to understand a phenomenon in order to generate the hypothesis. Qualitative research methods allow for learning, while quantitative research methods are best suited for testing or proving what is already known. In addition, the information sought in this case is abstract and relevant in certain specific contexts and to certain individuals and thus applying quantitative approaches would results in misleading results because the study subjects understand different constructs differently.
The Ariel brand manager wonders whether the size of the Ariel packages was appropriate. Design a research plan to answer this question.


In order to meet these objectives, it is necessary include the price elasticity of demand, consumer size preferences, the most popular package sizes and incomes. The 824 Souks would be divided into 10 clusters of 82 Souks each, then a random sample of three consumers will be drawn from every cluster. The researchers will then use phenomelogical research methods. The data would be collected using self-administered, open-ended questionnaires or in-person interviews. The questions will include the identification of the most affordable, convenient and popular packages a s well as the reasons for the same. It is important to understand the underlying reasons for the choice of the appropriate packages sizes in order to determine other strategic factors such as pricing, package design and promotional methods. Once the data is collected, it would be analyzed using a phenomelogical approaches, which interprets qualitative data in the context of the subjects.
Imagine Persil decides to enter the market a year later. What would you recommend Ariel do to protect its market share?
Persil will find a market that is open to washing detergents as a consequence of P&G’s efforts and thus will have a much easier task penetrating the market.
It is clear that securing an emotional attachment to a product is very difficult in the Egyptian market, and Ariel should use this to its advantage. The company must work to entrench brand loyalty among the consumers and run campaigns to differentiate the product from competitors. Brand loyalty and product differentiation serve to insulate the product from direct competition, which at once allowing P&G to extract premium prices without necessarily losing out to the competition. In addition, it is possible to use aggressive strategies to ensure that Persil is not successfully introduced into the Egyptian market. For example, by cutting prices and increasing promotional spending, the market would be most unwilling to try a new and unknown product that is more expensive.

PART2: Individual- Consumer Behavior 20 marks

After reviewing the five steps of consumer decision-making: (4 marks per phase)
Need Recognition - I first realized the need for a new and larger refrigerator, after the little one that I broke down twice about three months. I had bought the small fridge a few years before, during which time I didn’t have too much stuff. The freezer is quite small it doesn’t have an ice bank and could not keep food frozen. In addition, I was having too much left over food going to waste because I had no space in the fridge, which I learnt is also inefficient in the use for energy compared to the latest products on the market. This when I realized I needed to buy a new fridge
Information Search – Naturally, the internet was the starting point in my search for information on the available products in my price range and needs. I also browsed electronics shops and supermarkets in my area, to compare the products, features, prices, and availability of the products among other factors.
Alternatives Evaluation – Once I had all the information, I needed to find the best fit for my needs. To this end, I considered the different products based on the prices, quality, features, availability of after sales services, warrantees, the strength of the brand, delivery services from the retailer, and most importantly, whether they could fit in my kitchen.
Purchase Decision – The purchase decision was ultimately based on the brand and availability of after sales services. I realized there was not much to separate the products. I thought the brand that was most popular with people that I knew must be good, otherwise they would be complaining, and so I chose the same. I needed to know that if I had a problem, I could find help.
Post-purchase Decision – I have been well-satisfied by the product, not only because it meets my needs, but because it has lived up to my pre-purchase expectations. I may need a bigger fridge in the future, and I am certain I will buy the same brand.


Creswell, J. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Fossey, E., Harvey, C., McDermott, F., & Davidson, L. (2002). Understanding and evaluating qualitative research. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2002; 36, 717–732.
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Pascal, J. (2010). Phenomenology as a Research Method for Social Work Contexts: Understanding the Lived Experience of Cancer Survival. Currents: New Scholarship in the Human Services Vol 9, Number 2, 1--23.
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"Example Of Case Study On Company Case Study," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 10-Jan-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-case-study-on-company-case-study/. [Accessed: 06-Mar-2025].
Example Of Case Study On Company Case Study. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-case-study-on-company-case-study/. Published Jan 10, 2021. Accessed March 06, 2025.

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