Example Of Decision Making: Critical Thinking Critical Thinking

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Company, Education, Workplace, Degree, Job, Solution, Bachelor, Time

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/12/09

Decision Making

Problem solving involves six major steps. They are; problem identification, analysis, solution generation, solution description, the appropriate solution and finally, the way forward.Problem Definition
After working at my company for eleven years, I returned to college to earn a bachelor’s degree. My primary aim was to increase my chances of promotion in my company. I have studied all along, and my final exam is in two weeks’ time. Apparently, an opportunity for me to be a supervisor in a competing company located in a different state has come up. The reporting date coincides with my final examination dates. The new company has offered me $15,000 salary increment per annum, alongside car allowances and relocation expenses. My former supervisor has presented my superb performance record, and the job is at my disposal for me to take. However, in addition to this offer I will have to take a master’s degree if I choose the new job. I am required to decide whether to relocate to the new job or remain at my current company after my Bachelor’s degree.Problem Analysis
My main challenge in this scenario is to weigh the advantages and disadvantages that accompany either of the two choices. First, I went back to school to facilitate my promotion. This would enhance my personal development in my field and lead to an increase in salary eventually. The new company has presented me with a salary increment that I do not have in my current company. It has further offered me allowances to facilitate my relocation. The new company does this to ensure I report at the specified time. Coincidentally, during the period that is am supposed to report, I will be sitting for my final examination for my bachelor’s degree. Secondly, the new company is located in a different state. Thus, it is a challenge to relocate and settle in a new premise. Additionally, the new company requires a master’s degree for a supervisor in the offered position. This will oblige me to further and preferably immediately start a master’s degree. The scenario presents me with a multi-dimensional challenge that needs critical thinking in arriving at a solution in my favor.Generation of Possible Solutions
It is impossible to work with the two companies concurrently. Essentially, because, the two are rival companies and sharing of resources between companies is inappropriate, further, the companies are located in different states. As such, I only have two options. First, I can stay in my company after the bachelor’s degree and continue with my current job awaiting promotions and salary rise. I will have rejected the offer by the new company. Alternatively, I can choose to leave my current job. I will have chosen the salary increase, relocation and certainly, a master’s degree to be done. The two options are the only choices I have, and the choice that outweighs the other will dictate my career projection henceforth.Solution Evaluation
While I only have two choices to choose from, it is appropriate that I determine the most favorable of both. Either of the choices has cones and pros. As such, the decision should rely on the merits of the more attractive of the two. The criteria used to establish the merits and setbacks of one choice should be the same as the other choice. To determine the positive and negative repercussions of the two choices, I decided to use the following guidelines: convenience, Time, Opportunity, Career development, and Requirements.
First, I tend to find out which of the two companies present me with the most convenient way out. Convenience at a place of workplace is the ability to work in the right proximity to the residential area and the ease to acclimatize to the new place of work. I have been working in my current company for 11 years; I can easily adapt to any position of work within the same company. I do not need to relocate to a new premise, as my current location is convenient to work at the company. On the other hand, if I accept the offer from the new company, I will be required to relocate to a new state, as it would be difficult to work residing at my current residence. As such, it is shortcoming, as I will be required to settle in the new environment.
Secondly, the company offers a chance at the time when I am completing my bachelor’s degree. The new company requires me to report to the company in two weeks’ time. In the two weeks, I will be taking my final exams in the bachelor’s degree. It means that, I will have to forego the exams in order to meet the requirements of the company. Furthermore, for a new position in a company, it is imperative that I make the proper preparations prior to reporting. Considering the schedule, I will have to report to the company without prior preparation if I chose to take the offer. This is a disadvantage, as it will require more time for an apt transition from my current employer to a new employer.
Thirdly, I rejoined college to further my studies and broaden my opportunities. I needed a promotion, and that drove my bachelor’s degree agenda. The new company has presented an opportunity that I have not received in my current company, a supervisory job. This is a promotion to a higher rank than I was in my current job. Therefore, there is a greater chance of further promotions and advancement opportunities in the new job as compared to current job. The new company presents superior chances.
In addition to the opportunities in the new company, there is a higher possibility of a positive impact on my career. Considering the supervisory job, my career is oriented towards a bigger development perspective. As such, it is clear that the new company offers me better chances to advance in my career as compare to my current company.
Nonetheless, there are major requirements that accompany this offer. Other supervisors in the positions I am offered have master’s degrees. As such, the company requires me to take a master’s degree to equal my peers. My current company offers tuition reimbursement while the new company does not. It will require my efforts to attain the master’s degree unlike in my currently where the company promotes the academic advancement of its employees. It is clear therefore that, if an opportunity arises in my current company, that may require a master’s degree, then the company will facilitate. It is and advantage, therefore, to advance academically from my current position unlike in the new company, which requires me to take a master’s degree that I will entirely fund.Appropriate Solution
After an analysis of the problem and its possible solution, it is important to weigh the merits and demerits of the two possible solutions. The most appropriate solution for my scenario is to stay at my current company. Despite the substantial offer by the new company, I will need to further my education to secure the job. Unlike in the new job, my current job presents me with opportunities, with my bachelor’s degree. Furthermore, I have worked with the company for 11 years. Thus, it gives me an advantage in case of promotions since I have sufficient experience. It is important to acknowledge the academic support by my current company. Unlike in the new company, where I will be required to fully fund my master’s degree, my current company provides tuition reimbursement. Therefore, this solution is the best between the two as it presents opportunities for the appropriate time and convenience.Implementation Strategy
I have concluded that the most appropriate solution to my problem is to maintain my position at my current company. Therefore, to implement this course, I will wait for the two weeks to complete my bachelor’s degree. After returning to the company, it will be the right time to apply for promotion to a supervisory position. If any of the positions will require a master’s degree, I will return to college and take the master’s degree with the tuition reimbursement facility from my company. This strategy aims at leveling the opportunity I rejected from the new company while maximizing on my opportunities and career advancement in my current company.


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Marone, M. (2004). Creating a Problem Solving Culture- Exploring Problem Resolution at the Workplace. Workplace Journal, 1-10.

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"Example Of Decision Making: Critical Thinking Critical Thinking." WePapers, Dec 09, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-decision-making-critical-thinking-critical-thinking/
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"Example Of Decision Making: Critical Thinking Critical Thinking," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 09-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-decision-making-critical-thinking-critical-thinking/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Example Of Decision Making: Critical Thinking Critical Thinking. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-decision-making-critical-thinking-critical-thinking/. Published Dec 09, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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