Example Of Essay On A Discussion Of Research Principles And Applications In Human Resource Research

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Information, Human, Human Resource Management, Education, Violence, Harm, Reliability, Study

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/05

Human resources are important in the contribution to the achievement of the organization's objectives. Research in human resources is consequently an important venture in understating the situation and welfare of the workforce. When undertaking research in human resources, it is important to adhere to the research principles for validity and reliability of the study findings alongside attaining the research goals. The assigned reading shows various research principles that should end up applied when carrying out study in human resources. The principles cut across the goals in human resource research, a comparison of their applicability in secondary and primary research and the illustration of validity and reliability of the results. The paper discusses the research principles from the reading assigned and their applicability in human resources research.
The first principle of research that can end up applied in the human resources research is obtaining an informed consent from respondents. An informed consent leads to participants’ understanding of the reason as to why they partake in the study alongside the possible outcomes (Wagner, 2012). Using respondents with the knowledge of the research purpose and possible outcomes leads to getting sound data required. The acquisition of the information needed helps the researcher to understand some of the problems facing the workforce. According to Knouse (2009), a participant who knows why they take part in the research aid in getting valid data. The researcher ends up getting the intended data for answering the research question designed.
The principle of confidentiality in research can also end up applied in human resource research. Pervez and Kjell (2005) stated that the researcher should ensure that the anonymity of the respondent turns out respected and protected. Data collection process with confidentiality allows the respondents to speak the truth concerning sensitive matters at the place of work. The researcher gets to know secretive information that contributes to disunity amongst employees. The organization then comes up with appropriate strategies towards teamwork and collaboration establishment. The information received from the respondents will have reliability because anonymity allows consistency in filling the questionnaires with truth (Wagner, 2012). The participants become free to respond to questions with truth as their identities are under protection.
Researchers in human resource can apply the research principle of harm minimization to the participant. The study should not intentionally harm the respondents in any way like socially, psychologically, physically or financially (Knouse, 2009). Any harm to the participant should end up justified, and if the harm is intense, the data collection method undergoes changes. Harm to the responded can interfere with the data validity and reliability. The study might give invalid information about the employees’ relations as harm affects the focus of the respondents. Pervez and Kjell (2005) argued that minimal harm allows the collection of the data intended without deviating from the study construct. Conversely, reliable data collection occurs out of stable and consistent answers without interference from the harm.
Lastly, the research principle of voluntary participation of respondents can end up adopted by researchers in human resources research. Wagner (2012) illustrated that, a study that renders participants with the freedom from coercion leads to data validity and reliability. The use of forceful means like gifting as appreciations could affect the level of truth in the responses given. Attracting respondents with offers interferes with the degree of transparency and truth. The participant responds at the favors of the researcher and starts to respond to pleasing the investigator. Involuntary participation might lead to the test not measuring what is purported to assess so affecting data validity (Knouse, 2009). In matters regarding data reliability, forcing or using attractive means to cause the participation without a free will to withdraw leads to inconsistency in data collected. The level of responding to the questions or actions will depend on the manner attraction used.
Conclusively, there are different research principles than can end up applied when researching in human resources. Firstly, the principle of obtaining an informed consent allows the participant to understand the research construct and what the study expects of them in answering the research question. The researcher ends up using the right tool to get the intended information for validity and reliability of the data collected. The confidentiality and anonymity principle helps the respondents to answer in the truth in sensitive matters about human resource management in the knowledge of identity protection. Additionally, the application of minimized risk of harm to the participants in research in human resources ensures the choice of a suitable tool and place of data collection for data validity and reliability. Lastly voluntary participation of respondents in data collection without the use of coercion to get the information leads to finding data with genuineness.


Wagner, H. M. (2012). Principles of operations research: With applications to managerial decisions. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall.
Knouse, S. B. (2009). Research in personnel and human resources management, volume 16. Personnel Psychology, 52(3), 801-804. Retrieved from: http://search.proquest.com/business/docview/220139887/38AC25F212BC4DA2PQ/2 ?accountid=45049
Pervez, G., & Kjell G. (2005). Research Methods in Business Studies. A Practical Guide. Englewood Cliffs, Financial Times Prentice-Hall.

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"Example Of Essay On A Discussion Of Research Principles And Applications In Human Resource Research." WePapers, Nov 05, 2020. Accessed March 28, 2025. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-essay-on-a-discussion-of-research-principles-and-applications-in-human-resource-research/
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"Example Of Essay On A Discussion Of Research Principles And Applications In Human Resource Research," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 05-Nov-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-essay-on-a-discussion-of-research-principles-and-applications-in-human-resource-research/. [Accessed: 28-Mar-2025].
Example Of Essay On A Discussion Of Research Principles And Applications In Human Resource Research. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-essay-on-a-discussion-of-research-principles-and-applications-in-human-resource-research/. Published Nov 05, 2020. Accessed March 28, 2025.

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