Example Of Essay On The Sales Approach

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Business, Selling, Commerce, Customers, Products, Buyer, Sales, Situation

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/22


Ramsey speaks of selling as the goal of every business. With the diversity of the global clientele for products and services, it can be readily asserted that various strategies and approaches should be employed in order to cater with the diversity of customers. There is no single approach that will satisfy the needs of every consumer.
Thus, over the course of the following discussions, the various approaches in selling will be illustrated and determined. The paper includes two interpretations in selling approaches. The first one, enumerates features and benefits, hard and soft selling, selling through pricing, friendly selling, selling through reputation, selling through solutions on certain problems, consultative selling and value-added selling as the key selling approaches (Ramsey).
On the other hand, the second author enumerates the question approach, product approach, referral approach, customer benefit approach, survey approach, agenda approach and premium approach as the key selling approaches utilized in the present (Richmond). The study uses both approaches in emphasizing the diversity of interpretations regarding the approaches in sales.

Situation 1.

A salesperson works for a games and toys manufacturer and is preparing to meet with a prospect who has been referred by a long-time customer. The referral source said that the prospect, a buyer for Toys R' Us, is very task oriented and time driven and appreciates working with people who do things efficiently. Given this information, which approach (or combination of approaches) should the salesperson use? Explain.
According to the book published by Ramsey in 2009, there are ten commonly used sales approaches in the present. These are through features and benefits, hard and soft selling, selling through pricing, friendly selling, selling through reputation, selling through solutions on certain problems, consultative selling and value-added selling. These approaches are the ones that will be used throughout the course of the discussions in this situation.
Based on the facts of the case, it is very much noticeable that the buyer is not only concerned with the products of the toys and games manufacturer. The buyer is also very much critical with the person he will transact to. As mentioned in the case, the buyer is “task-oriented and time-driven and appreciates working with people who do things efficiently”. Thus, the seller, in this case, shares the reputation of the brand.
Under this circumstance, the problem-solution selling approach is very much suited for the needs of the buyer. Also known as solution selling, this approach adequately answers the needs of the buyer (Shaw). It seeks not to force the product into the buyer but provides a list of problems and needs that the product can address. Since the buyer is task-oriented and values his time highly, the seller may opt to converse with the buyer in order to determine the needs that the buyer needs to be addressed. Then, the seller readily responds whether or not the products and services available can address the issues mentioned. This approach is very much efficient and faster than other approaches mentioned by Ramsey.

Situation 2.

Write a script for a sales approach that combines the referral and question methods. Assume this is for a salesperson from an artisan bakery who is approaching the manager of an upscale restaurant who may be looking for a new bread supplier.

Situation 3

Write a script for a sales approach that uses the product approach. Assume this is for a salesperson for an upscale jewelry retailer who is approaching a couple who is looking for an engagement ring.

Situation 4

Identify two situations in which a salesperson might use the premium approach. Why would this approach be effective in these situations?
The premium approach can be used by salespersons for newly opened establishments (food, cosmetics, etc) or in studying the market. First, the premium approach is effective for newly opened establishments for it aids in building up the influx of people to the establishment. This allows them to experience the product offering if it suits their preferences or needs. Secondly, the premium approach is useful for market research since you can engage your target market by giving them products related to your line of business and gathering information from them as to what their needs and preferences are. This is to assure that your product offering is sufficiently matching consumer’s needs.

Situation 5

Visit a retail store that sells big-ticket products, such as electronics, appliances, fine jewelry, or cars. What type of approach did the salesperson use? Was it effective? Why or why not? Which approach, if any, would have been more effective?

Works Cited

Ramsey, Daniel. The Everything Sales Book. 2nd ed. Willits: Adams Media, 2009. Print.
Richmond, Kimberly. The Power of Selling. Flat World Knowledge, Inc., 2010. Print.
Shaw, Jerry. "Different Sales Approaches." Chron Small Business. Demand Media, 2015. Web. 31 Jan. 2015. <http://smallbusiness.chron.com/different-sales-approaches-41299.html>.

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"Example Of Essay On The Sales Approach." WePapers, Oct 22, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-essay-on-the-sales-approach/
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"Example Of Essay On The Sales Approach," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 22-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-essay-on-the-sales-approach/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Example Of Essay On The Sales Approach. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-essay-on-the-sales-approach/. Published Oct 22, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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