Example Of Global Health Systems Research Paper

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Health, Health Care, Reforms, World, System, Information, Development, Countries

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/12/29

It is safe to say that there is growing international acceptance that effective investments in health are important to the development of the people and in general to the growth of the country’s economy. In such supportive global environment, developing country governments are committing resources towards the achievement of the development goals. World Health Organization’s Macroeconomics and Health approach supports countries as they accelerate these efforts. (MACROECONOMICS AND HEALTH)
It is important to state that with the help of health process and macroeconomics, health in general becomes the major part of the broader development agenda in various countries. Plenty of different organizations such as Ministries of Finance, civil society, philanthropic organizations, and private sectors are involved in health care reform plans, and with the help of fruitful cooperation between them it is possible to notice positive results. With combined efforts, it is possible for them to take forward a shared agenda for addressing economic and systemic limitations to the righteous and timely delivery of quality health and social services.
Furthermore, it is very significant to add that health sector reforms take place for different reasons. It is safe to say that the major reason for reforming health care was the variations in political processes within the nation and internationally. In more developed countries, such changes are more noticeable and evident. One may say that such reforms are possible due to external pressure, causing so called donor-driven reforms. A lot of health reforms took place in response to the external pressure. Again, in better developed countries such external pressure is more evident and distinct.
These external pressures were implemented as a form of broader macroeconomic policy and introduction of structural reform programs in order to address economic crises in most of the development countries that basically created lower funding for healthcare and social sector.
It is possible to say that the basis of health care is access, cost and the quality of the health care one may receive. It is safe to say that all developed countries have such basis. However, despite of that fact, these criteria might be different in various countries. There is a perception among many people in the United States that in spite of coverage, cost and other problems in the health care system, the United States of America has better health care in the world and might be threatened by health reform.
Americans overwhelmingly support actions and reforms made by the government on increasing coverage or reducing the cost of the health care, yet worrying about the quality of their own care. It is possible to observe in the case of the Obamacare, when the President of the U.S. wanted to increase the access to the health care, yet with losing of money and resulting in reduced quality.
It is well-known that the United States is a very rich country. Americans spent more than 17% of their GDP on health. Yet still, it is possible to say that there are a lot of problems in access, quality and cost of the health care despite of the Affordable Care Act and other reforms. On the contrary, in 2010 France spent almost 12% of the gross domestic product and Germany only 9,6% on the healthcare (World Health Organization). It is safe to say, that the lower level of the spending in these countries shows a smarter usage of the money within the system.
Health reform plans in European countries are universal systems whereas American people “evidently view health care as importantly a private usage of which low-income families may be accorded a basic ration yet whose availability have to be allowed to differ from family income.”
In the World Health Organization report for global care, on the 25th rank out of 191 was Germany considering cost and effectiveness of the health care and health reform plan while France is ranked 1st and the United States 37th. (TransAtlantic Magazine)
The health care workforce is one of the most significant elements in the system of the health care. Providers of the health care providers are essential in stimulating, creating and maintaining health care development and improvement. The World Health Organization claimed that the efficient gathering, management and usage of information in healthcare systems “will determine the system’s effectiveness in finding health issues, defining priorities, determining new solutions and allocating resources to improve health results.” (World Health Organization)
With the help of workforce training reform which is, to be honest, is only one element of the more general health care system reform that is required to improve care for people with different conditions, will show better results in all spheres of health care. In order to make a well-functioning health care system, reform must be implied at several levels; World Health Organization has shown a conceptual model to address this acute need of improving care for people.
It is safe to say that a change in training from provider-oriented to patient-oriented care is a direction that is highly recommended by different health care disciplines and professional bodies. Stress on this core direction alone has the potential to completely change health care. Orienting care upon the patients makes their preferences, expertise, values and needs to direct care for the chronic issues with which they live.
It is safe to say that Global Health Data Exchange provides people around the world with very important and essential information about the health in general. Nowadays, various organizations both government and private provide people with access to their data. Somewhere such information is not free; somewhere such information is just not shared. The Global Health Data Exchange is a place where all the information from such sources is combined in order to give easy and unlimited access to necessary information. That is why with the help of such information about the current conditions of the needs for health care professionals all around the world, it is possible to make some predictions for the future, how the situation would change and how professionals should react according to that information.
Ratings of the countries and comparison of such data is a very effective way to show benefits and implication of the country’s health care policy. Such rating shows where more effort must be put, where more money should be spent or vice versa, where the funding should be decreased. The WHO claims, “The U. S. health system spends a lot of money of its GDP than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance.” (Examiner.com) This puts to rest the tired notion that the American “free market” pushes for the most efficient and most affordable system. In fact, unfortunately, the United States are the least efficient health care in the industrialized world.
Despite the huge amount of money that is spent a year per person - a mere $5,711, as it was already mentioned care providing in the U.S. is at a very low level. Because of low marks when it comes to spending on administrative costs, use of information technology, re-hospitalization, and duplicative medical testing. That is why it is possible to say, that the problem is not in the amount of the money that is spent, the problem is in that nobody sees what the real problem is. For instance, 19% of U.S. adults with chronic conditions stated they visited an emergency department for a condition that could have been treated by a regular doctor, if there were one available. Here, one can say that it is important to hire more physicians as it is not enough of them. Such method could be used on every single country that has same problems. With the help of different surveys, it is possible to find flaws in health policies, and with right reforms such problems could be solved.(Thoma)
My first choice would be Russia, because some may say that the condition of the health care system is horrible there. First of all due to the corruption, it is impossible to provide decent health care for the people. Moreover, without decent training of the future doctors it is impossible to speak about the health care system in general, that is why reform should deal with more thorough and efficient training.
Another great example of the country that would benefit from health care reform is Nigeria. First of all, this country is in need of decent health care reform, as The 2000 World Health Report ranked Nigeria as the 187th of the 191 member nations for its health systems performance. Here one can see the state of the health care in Nigeria. It is safe to say, that basically with the help of health care reform, health system of Nigeria will start working. With better health care, the level of life in general would improve, improving economy and basically all important spheres of life. (Asuzu)


Asuzu, M. C. The Necessity For A Health Systems Reform In Nigeria. 1st ed. 2015. Print.
MACROECONOMICS AND HEALTH. 1st ed. 2003. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
TransAtlantic Magazine,. 'US Health-Care Versus European Health-Care: Are They Becoming Similar?'. N.p., 2015. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
Examiner.com,. 'Why Change? The US Has The 37Th Best Health Care System In The World'. N.p., 2009. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
Thoma, Mark. 'Economist's View: US Ranks Last Among Seven Countries On Health System Performance'. Economistsview.typepad.com. N.p., 2010. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.

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Example Of Global Health Systems Research Paper. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-global-health-systems-research-paper/. Published Dec 29, 2020. Accessed March 06, 2025.

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