Example Of Ktg Business Development Report

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Business, Workplace, Management, Skills, Region, Company, Professionalism, Growth

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2021/02/26


In this report paper the recent lack of performance of Kelly Technology Group’s (KTG) regional office has been described as per the overview of the CEO of the corporation. The underperformance of the regional office has forced to look the matter on a serious note to find out how the situation can be improved to a great extent. The findings of the operational review of the CEO have posed a number of factors to be analyzed and planned as per the requirement. On basis of the overview of the CEO as a Regional head of the office the management overview has been also described in this report. On basis of a lot of discussion and analysis eventually most effective proposals and recommendations have been presented to revive the current structure of plans and policies of the office to ensure significant growth for this region also as far as corporation’s business has concerned. To lift the performances and capability of the employees a new set of motivational goals has been set up after making a lot of analysis on the management’s role in this matter. At the conclusion the effectiveness of the actions required to run the regional office in a better way has been presented. Apart from that the proposals are presented with justification to establish the leadership skills as a regional head.


Kelly Technology Group (KTG) is a successful multinational consulting firm that provides a diverse range of architectural, engineering, mining, environmental services, construction services and many more. It has got a client base from all around the globe including tech giants like Google, Facebook, Cisco, Microsoft, Accenture, eBay, Intel. Besides a number of other market leading companies such as Dell, Samsung, Yahoo, Oracle, Sony, AT &T are engaged with KTG’s expertise guidance. KTG has achieved a well established business as it has regional offices in every Australian state capital and in 20 other cities around the world. As per the statistics the company has seen a rapid growth in the market but the concern is a brief slow down in some of the regions due to financial crisis. In this report it is important to show how the management group of KTG has performed in the regional offices and develop presentation what is lacking in the management and implement a well thought out proposal to modify the system as soon as possible by rectifying the issues. As a regional head a discussion of the management strategies regarding to the operations has been presented in the paper to show how the management acts to run the business with the clients and how every aspect related to the business has been maintained systematically. The review of the CEO of KTG on the recent operations of the region has been described in order to find what the factors are to look closely to prepare current strategies that are suitable for the proceeding.

Management Overview

In order to describe the actions needed to be taken to take control of the situation it is essential to analyze the current model of the management of the corporation in regional offices. The practices and the strategies can be decisive to make further progress. In order to develop strong suggestions for the management first of all one need to look closely on the current business models and practices (Liesch and Wilson, 2005). The KTG has got a formal matrix structure that includes the ‘Business’ stream and the ‘Knowledge’ stream. The ‘Business’ stream is stated to be responsible for the growth of the enterprise, acquiring business contracts, managing the projects of the firm and last but not the least delivering the services to the clients. The ‘Business’ stream has to control the half of the performance. It is very important to maintain the ‘Business’ stream as a number of things are depended on the system itself. It is important to follow step by step process to complete a given job since very beginning from initialization to delivery of a project to the client. On the other hand the ‘Knowledge’ stream is responsible for developing, leveraging and sharing the enterprise at its highest level. At the same time the ‘Knowledge’ stream manages the capability and the performance of individuals and more importantly of the organization as a whole to find out the result. In order to complete the matrix chain system every staff has to cooperate with the Business stream leader and the Knowledge stream leader respectively to share the performance. At the end of the day it is the duty of the Business stream leader to report about the proceeding to the regional head. At the same time the Knowledge streams have to report to the Chief Knowledge Officer at the corporate headquarters of KTG.
So it can be seen that the basic model of the proceeding is defined by a well maintained by using logical applied matrix that is developed at the centre of the business (Lawrence and Klimberg, 2013). Now as the CEO has asked to take control of a post of regional head to the current region for find out the future plans to improve the underperforming region in compare to the other regions of the organization. It has been told that there is a significant amount of chances for the growth of the regional office particularly in the renewable energy sector. In order to ensure the improvement of the regional office as a regional head of the management it is important to analyze and very the performances, skills and the capabilities of all the 24 professional staff and ten support staff.

Review of Kelly Technology Group (KTG)’s CEO

In a recent operational review of the region the CEO of the KTG has found a number of factors to be concentrated to determine the further proceeding has been described here. It is important to discuss the findings first before initiating any strategies to be implemented to improve the situation. A number of most important sections can be refurbished after considering the facts shown in the review.
A significant mismatch has been found between the growth potential and the current expertise in the region that suggests lack of experts’ knowledge in the current business strategies has halted the significant growth in the region where there is a huge possibility of potential growth in the renewable energy sector.
Secondly, in the review it has been mentioned that an out of date operational plan as well as lack of specific strategic plan in order to make further growth has been two vital issues to be concerned. It is important to focus on strategic plan making for further development.
Thirdly, a concern has been stated on the staff section where it has been mentioned that the staffs of the region are in a mood of de-motivating state of mind that significantly hamper the growth of the regional office. The review has pointed out that lack of clarity about the future of the staffs is the main issue to be resolved in this case to motivate the employees.
The next specific thing mentioned in the review is the presence the locally based Knowledge stream leader who is highly regarded and very influential among the staff. The expertise of the Knowledge stream leader has now lacked innovation as his expertise is becoming less relevant to the emerging business opportunities in the region. In the past his expertise are very effective but not now. Therefore it is important to turn his expertise to ensure emerging market business opportunities.
One of the most important statements presented in the overview has been the lack of staff awareness of KTG business goals, values and policies. This is a very negative point as far as business progress has concerned. The lack of awareness of the organization’s vision, goals and policies among the employees can be devastated as they will work as an individual not as a group. Therefore it is important to concentrate on this matter particularly well to improve the current status of the business as well as the corporate culture of the organization.
Finally lack of engagement with the society and regional government is one of the major drawbacks as mentioned in the CEO’s overview on the operations of the regional office. In order to ensure growth for any organization in a region it is very important to engage itself with the local community and the regional government to bring out the best possible sources of success in that region.

Proposal based on the review

This is the most effective and vital part of the report where the required actions have been presented to be followed by the management to make sure improvement in the further proceedings. As the Regional head of the region it is important to suggest such steps that should be followed and implemented in the organizational structure of the regional office as soon as possible to make an impression.
Implement suitable expertise effective for the growth potential: As a Regional head it is important to be practical and take effective steps ensuring positive impact on the topic. Therefore implementation of proper expertise can be useful in order to improve the situation. As the current expertise is not effective it is necessary to adopt new expertise to make a significant impression in the business. Generally all the professional and the supportive staffs have to be engaged to discuss about the way things are going, what should be changed, how should be changed, what can be the obstacles in order to implement new expertise. Finally it is important for the management to decide the final expertise perfectly fit for the growth potential of the business. It is important to focus on the renewable energy sector where there is the most potentiality of the growth to be explored. At the same time it is important to verify the expertise in order to be safe. Besides, it is essential to look for the best growth sectors in the region that has been lesser explored and can provide a significant growth for the company. So selection of sectors can prove to be vital. In order to cultivate new expert skills it is important to ensure training session for all the staffs of the region.
Implementing effective strategic plans: As the current set of plans are said to be out dated and ineffective as a Regional head it is important to come up with best possible plans suitable for the business in the region. In this case it is important to take help from both the ‘Business’ streams as well as the ‘Knowledge’ streams. Both the leaders of streams can be review the situation and can elaborate what is actually missing in the strategies. The alteration in case of managerial activities can be done to see how they make an impact on the proceeding. Apart from that in case of making further growth in the business it is important to figure out strategies to approach new clients and going further into the deals with them. Changes in sales and services can be done to make an impression on the clients (Frey, 2005). Subsequently it is important to ensure that every employee of the regional office must know his job and act according to that to bring the best out for the organization. The assessments of the strategic plans are highly regarded as it has to be suitable for the purpose it has been implemented for. Strategic plans can be followed by other changes in the management such as implementing new practices and skills essential for the region to provide more effective sales and services to the clients as per their requirements.
Motivate the staffs to bring the best out of them: One of the most important assets for any organization is its staffs. Therefore it is always important to motivate the staffs at its highest level ensuring their performances, skills and dedication at work. As it has been described that lack of motivation and futuristic goals among the staffs is a significant drawback for the regional office, for a regional head it is important to develop a good communication with the staffs. Frequently talking with the staffs on their project can be a part of practices to know how they are performing (Gouldson, 2008). As the performance and the potentiality of the company are depending on the staffs it is so crucial to provide moral support to the employees. By setting goals and discussing the job a good relationship with the employees must be developed to bring out the best from them. Effectively setting up leadership skills it is important to help the staffs at their difficulty to complete the work smoothly. It is important to motivate the bunch of staffs to perform as a group rather that individually for the goodness of the organization.
Change in expertise ensuring progress to emerging business opportunities in the region: In order to deal with the efficient staffs it is important to push them to come out with some new tactics that are suitable for the current set of market instead of old expertise. It is important to sit and talk with the ‘Knowledge’ streams leader and influence them to consider the current situation often than not. As a Regional head it is important to get the job done such a way that can be very influential to the rest of the coworkers and it should motivate them largely. One has to inspire the rest of the guys of the regional office to find out what the basic needs are of the clients of the region and what sort of approach is very effective to counter the situation. Besides, the skills that are mostly effective to ensure emerging business opportunities in the region can be highly appreciated. The experts have to consider the rules of the companies currently successful at the region for some time before establishing a whole new expertise plan (Gavin, 2005). Stepwise improvement is necessary as a lot of changes at a time can be destructive.
Developing corporate culture among the staffs: It is highly recommended to create a corporate culture in the organization to be followed for the betterment of the proceeding. In order to do that it is important share the goals, values and ethics of the organization in front of the staffs. Let them aware of everything of the organization. The clarity of vision of the organization can be highly impressive in motivating the employees. The role of each and every employee has to be stated clearly so that they can make highest effort in their given job. At the same time leaders of the group have to set examples by their work in order to dictate terms. Efficient leadership skills and efforts can bring out impressive results. Therefore KTG has to force the issue by initiating measures so that the staffs of the region can feel they are a part of the KTG Corporation. Essential modification in the corporate culture is the strength for any organization (Haner, 1976). Therefore steps should be initiated to treat the staffs highly by making sure they are able to know all the mission, vision and values of the company.
Developing relationship with the regional government and the community: In order to explore new market and opportunities is very important to keep developing a good relationship with the local government and the community by interacting with them on a regular basis. To be honest it is important to be engaged with the local community as they can play a vital part in order to make fame for any firm. At the same time a link with the regional government can provide a number of sources for any organization to follow in order to make a growth in the regional market. Therefore as a regional head it is recommended to engage the company with the society by organizing a number of charity functions and at the same time influence other companies to do the same (Henderson, Cheney and Weaver, 2014). By such steps business relations can be started with new clients. Connection with the regional government can benefit in a number of ways to say the least. In case of financial dilemma government can proved to be highly valuable. At the same time with the help of local government net set of clients and business set up can become a lot easier. Most importantly in case of renewable energy sources sector government can help out by taking initiatives of promoting the sector that can be effective for KTG.


At the very end of the report paper it is essential to figure out how the implementation of the suggested proposal can impact on the regional office of KTG Company. The operational review done by the CEO of KTG has already shown the factors to be considered mostly. By the discussion made on the factors the best possible suggestions has been presented in the above mentioned section to ensure a better performance of the regional office of the corporation. If the suggestions are followed at its most effective ways, the performance and skills for both the staffs and the firm can be increased significantly. Most importantly by developing a strong strategic model can boost the performance as well as the reputation of the market. At the same time effective corporate culture and a good relationship with the society and the regional government can be highly effective as well. On the other hand in order to certain the growth both the onus and the creditability should be taken by the staffs engaged with the region. An impressive development in the business model can improve client base and open up new emerging sectors such as renewable energy sector that are immensely recommended by the organization itself. Conclusively it can be stated modification in the current expertise and motivation of the staffs can certainly boost the performance of the regional office. Subsequently the responsibility of both the ‘Business’ stream as well as the ‘Knowledge’ stream can be highly appreciated for betterment of the performance. Potentiality of the firm can reveal if the practices are revived as prescribed.


Frey, R. (2005). Successful proposal strategies for small businesses. Boston: Artech House.
Gavin, L. (2005). WebSphere business integration adapters. Research Triangle Park, N.C.: IBM Corp., International Technical Support Organization.
Gouldson, A. (2008). Understanding business decision making on the environment. Energy Policy, 36(12), pp.4618-4620.
Haner, F. (1976). Business policy, planning, and strategy. Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop Publishers.
Henderson, A., Cheney, G. and Weaver, C. (2014). The Role of Employee Identification and Organizational Identity in Strategic Communication and Organizational Issues Management about Genetic Modification. International Journal of Business Communication, 52(1), pp.12-41.
Lawrence, K. and Klimberg, R. (2013). Advances in business and management forecasting. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald.
Liesch, P. and Wilson, E. (2005). Business-to-business relationship architecture and networks among Australia, New Zealand, and Asian firms: introduction to the special issue. Journal of Business Research, 58(2), pp.168-172.

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Example Of Ktg Business Development Report. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-ktg-business-development-report/. Published Feb 26, 2021. Accessed March 30, 2025.

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