Example Of Little Red Riding Hood Science Fiction Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Grandmother, Women, World, Nuclear Weapon, Atomic Bomb, Time, Fiction, Literature

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/18

In a thick forest their lived an old lady who was felling very sick. This forced her daughter to send one of her daughters to go and take care of her grandmother who was sick. Because the other children were no were to be reached, she was forced to send her lovely daughter known by the name the little red. Little red was loved by mother because she was a discipline girl who respected people and tried to follow all the good morals she learnt from the community. So little red packed her belonging and went to say with her grandmother. On arrival she was surprised to find that her grandmother lived alone in the middle of the forest but some few kilometers from a small town. On her arrival into the house, her grandmother was very pleased to see her and advised her on the dangers of the forest and the need to stick to the road while going to the market that was centered in a small town.
After this advice, the little red promised to follow all the advice her grandmother gave her and also promised to be a good girl. During that night at exactly 1:00 a.m, little red hard something trying to force its self through the door, when she asked her grandmother, her grandmother told her that that was a big wolf that has been trying to eat her. However she promised the little red that the doors were strong and that the wolf could not reach them. Little red asked her grandmother if the wolf could come during the day but she was told the wolf was afraid of the sun light. This effect on the wolf was due to the biochemical weapon that was being experimented on the wolf. However on the experimental the wolf grew bigger and bigger and eat the entire scientist that were based in the forest (Stephenson, p. 87).
The next night the wolf came back at the same time and started pushing the door again, this time it pushed very hard that the grandmother started becoming warred. This is when grandmother gave little red a diamond ring and asked her to use it in case she is in danger. Before grandmother could explain everything her voice disappeared and she could not explain any more. The next day early in the morning, little red went to check on the door and realized the door was very week. Her grandmother was just sleeping on the bed because her situation had worsened. Little red decided to store the ring by putting it on the finger. Immediately after putting the ring on the figure, she realized that she was in a different place. After some short time she was approached by a man who told her to follow him and promised not to do any harm to her.
Little red having no choice followed the man to his place. On arrival she met the family of the man. He was having a very beautiful lady and two daughters. Little red was provided with food and told not to worry that her grandmother safe until 1:00 a.m. and she had come at the right place. When she asked where she was, she was told that she is in the past. She was told that the ring she wore could make her travel across the time either to the future or past. She was then told that the beautiful lady was her grandmother at her late twenties and the eldest girl among the two was her mother. She was assured that she was the only one who could kill the wolf as no weapon at the place she was coming from could kill the wolf. The man, who now she referred as the grandfather gave her a gun which contained a liquid bullet that was green in color, she was told to aim at the head of the wolf as the bullet need to go through the brain (Wittenberg, p. 47).
The little red rotated the ring as she was told by her grandfather and was very surprised to find herself back the same sport she was. To second surprise, she found her grandmother door opened. She slowly went to confirm if her grandmother was their carrying the gun she was given on her hand. On reaching the door, she met a very big wolf, bigger than a domestic cow. She was very frightened and lost her focus. She shot at the wolf but on the chest. The wolf cried in pain and moved faster to words little red opening her wide mouth. The big wolf had a grip of the little red and started to swallow her. Before swallowing her wholly little red pulled the trigger, but this time she was much focused because it was the only last chance she had. The bullet went through the wolf’s head direct into its brain. The wolf fell down with a thud and died on the sport. Little red pulled herself out from the wolf’s mouth then cut open its stomach and removed her grandmother who was still alive. They then moved inside the house and went to sleep happily after (Cornea, p. 241).


The science fiction that can be evidenced in this version of the little red is clearly brought out when the little red traveled across time to the past. Although it is something that doesn’t make any sense, the fiction is seen as there are three different world in which we stay. This is the present which is the world we are today. Then a part from the world we are living in is the past. The past consists of the world in which your still young or you have never been born. And finally is the past, this consists of our future generation. In this world you are either no longer existing or dead or you are of old age. This world is like a cycle and it means when you die you are born again and you start a new life but in a different world. In this story, the little red went to her past however she found that she was not existing in that world as her mother (who was to give birth to her in that world) was still a young girl. Traveling to the past or the future has a special vessel. This vessel is somehow invisible and the way it travels nobody understands. The means of travelling can be associated to magic as the little red just turned the ring on her hand and found herself in a different place not knowing how she reached there.
Science fiction can also be seen in the liquid bullets gun that also indicates the technology. This seems to be like a weapon that kills things that no weapon in the world we are living in today can kill. This is evidenced in the little red when his past grandfather confirmed of the liquid bullet gun as the only weapon that can kill the big wolf. The weapon had been made in the past life an indication to save the future life by eliminating what interferes with the future. The existence of a liquid bullet gun is a technology that has not existed or is yet to be invented. Science fiction has also been clearly brought out in the size of the wolf which is larger than the domestic cow. The big size of the wolf is being associated with the effect of the bio-weapons which bring the technological aspect of science. This seems to be a weapon that when it comes in contact with any living thing, it changes the gene of the animal. This is seen as it increases the size of the wolf and made it to be affected by the sun rays. This shows the improved level of technology of the today’s world in terms of development of weapons.
The moral values that can be learnt from this version of the little red is that the little red has been presented as a very good girl with lots of respect. This is evidence as she is preferred by her mother to take the care of her grandmother. Her responsibility aspect of the little red is also shown as apart from being entrusted by the care of her grandmother, she is also entrusted by the ring that travels across time and she finally manages to save her grandmother from the wolf.
In the science fiction of the little red, we learn that responsibility stats at a younger age. A person should learn to be responsible. This is so because it is not easy to determine when and where you will be needed to be responsible. This is evidenced as the little red is given the responsibility to take care of her grandmother and also given a responsibility to save her grandmother from the big wolf. However young she was, she accomplished all the needs as she was told. She first accepted and took care of her grandmother by bringing her food and secondly she killed the wolf through shooting it to the head as she was told by his grandfather at the past world.

Work cited

Cornea, Christine. Science Fiction Cinema: Between Fantasy and Reality. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007.
Stephenson, Gregory. Out of the Night and into the Dream: A Thematic Study of the Fiction of J.g. Ballard. New York u.a: Greenwood Pr, 1991. Print.
Wittenberg, David. Time Travel: The Popular Philosophy of Narrative. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013. Print.
Haase, Donald. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2008. Print.

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WePapers. Example Of Little Red Riding Hood Science Fiction Essay. [Internet]. December 2020. [Accessed September 08, 2024]. Available from: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-little-red-riding-hood-science-fiction-essay/
"Example Of Little Red Riding Hood Science Fiction Essay." WePapers, Dec 18, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-little-red-riding-hood-science-fiction-essay/
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"Example Of Little Red Riding Hood Science Fiction Essay," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 18-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-little-red-riding-hood-science-fiction-essay/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Example Of Little Red Riding Hood Science Fiction Essay. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-little-red-riding-hood-science-fiction-essay/. Published Dec 18, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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