Example Of Marketing Planning Of ST. Hellett Report

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Wine, Business, Company, Market, Products, Polish, Customers, Consumption

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Published: 2020/10/29


1. Introduction
This business report is specifically written with intent to expand the business of St Hallett, a wine production company of Australia by distributing its product into the international market. As a marketing manager of St Hallett, I have selected Poland as the preferable country that emerges to be most favorable market for the product. St Hallett has a reputation of producing wine since 1944. The company which is established by the Lindner Family is situated in the epicenter of the Barossa Valley in South Australia. It is need to be mentioned that St Hallett Wines is probably one of the oldest Barossa wineries. In the first forty years since the journey begins, the company was concentrated on traditional production barricaded wines typical of the particular region at that very time. In the year 1988, however the company has emerged to be one of the premium wine manufacturers in Australia. The most important thing is that in spite of modern approach, the company has maintained the traditional old style of wine manufacturing techniques that allows the company to keep its originality intact. St Hallett have 20 members of staff and the main business are of the company is wines. The company has achieved revenues of AU$ 1-3 million, however of which the export revenues have counted for AU$ 100,000- $ 500,000. The company has acquired the whole Australian market as well as its products are exported in several countries of Asia Pacific, US, UK and several other countries. Through the careful approach to every aspects of wine production secures that the wines which prepared from St Hallett are wines of perfect fruit flavor, balance proportion, and a signature style of softness this is precisely Barossa. The company has also renowned to be one of the members of the Banksia Wines Group which only produces wine from Barossa-matured grapes that establishes the company as one of the most famous 'Appellation Barossa' manufacturers in the global market. The company is able to manufacture high quality wine of original flavor consistently through its well entrenched vineyards of premium varieties that combines Shiraz, Riesling, Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon and Semillon (Hatton, 2000).
2. Choice of country
After considering many essential prospective and several options as the marketing manager my vote will go to Poland to be the selected country to expand the business and capture the polish market. In the next two sections the motive and the entry method has been thoroughly described.
2.1 Rationale
There are many points to be analyzed to prove that the motive to choose the polish market will be quite beneficial for the company (Drummond and Ensor, 2001). The trends of the polish consumers are showing that the wine market is very volatile in the country as the demand sectors changes quite dramatically. The consumers are showing more interests in new products and new tastes. That would be a vital point for St Hellett as it will certainly provide the products according to buyers’ demand. The polish wine market data suggests that the market has the capability to go to the highest. In 2013, Janton SA has retained its top position in the polish wine market. So, there will be challenges for the company for sure. However, the quality of St Hellett Wines will make a certain difference. Besides, the consumption of wine has been continuously increasing over the past few years and the projected numbers for 2016 are quite promising. Also considering the fact that the general bias towards expanded the variousness of alcoholic consumption and market of consumption sophistication, it has been found that light grape wine is still said to be conventional to increase in overall volume terms for the future outlook. However, at the consideration of young generation it is quite expected that they demand more new tastes that provided to that point in which the company has the chance to impress the new set of buyers by the well established products. It is also notified that the aged population shows less interest on beer as compared to wine. It may be an effect of health consciousness growth among the residents of the country (Jain, 2000). As the entire requirement can be met by the company it is very effective to export the wines to Poland.
2.2 Entry Method
The entry methods of a business to a new country can be so crucial for the future prospective of the business. In this case, two methods can be easily acceptable for the entry level prospect. Firstly, the company has to approach an indirect exporting selling the product in the foreign market through an intermediary located in Australia (Beamish, 2006). In this type of exporting the exports are not controlled directly by the producing company but the total work is done through an export agent that has expertise in foreign market. The company will have several advantages with this type of approach. For instance, the company will find instant foreign market expertise that can help in the exporting part. Besides, the risks involves will become lesser as the exporting company has all the liabilities in exporting the company’s product to Poland. That also assures no major resource commitment. A few points can certainly discuss added to this. It will bring little control over in the way the product is marketed in Poland as well as over pricing, sales support and marketing too. But that should be an initial export methods to ensure how the product is accepted in the polish market. If it is found that the company manufactured wine is marketed well in the polish market and its demand is increasing then direct export methodology can be taken under consideration. Another method that can be used to market the product in Poland is indirect exporting through Westovinal, a company that is well established in this sector, focuses on distributing Australian wines to Russian and Polish market. It should be noted that Westovinal has in-depth knowledge of the local polish markets and costs associated with import to those countries to a certain level. That will be a vital advantage for St Hallett.
3. Environmental analysis

The environmental analysis of polish market can be done in three under mentioned sections.

3.1 Economic and financial environment
Presently the wine market of Poland is showing optimistic signs although way behind among the traditional wine countries to grow the awareness among the consumers of wine. At present scenario grape wine consumption is 7.1 litres per consumer a year including fruit wines. Some experts believe that polish wine market can grow to a large extent and the saturation point in the wine market won’t come unlit per person consumption of wine reaches 20 litres. Definite that will be a long time for companies to develop its market in the country by impressing the consumers. A research shows that in Poland the growth of wine consumption is correlated with society’s prosperity and in Poland the prosperity is certainly hampered so as the consumption. But for future prospective it should be mentioned that Poland can be a huge wine market as the polish buyers are certainly intended to buy wine.
3.2 Political and legal environment
As the company will export its wine through Westovinal as a proposed indirect exporting, the political and legal environment is to be analyzed for an improved business prospective. In this case Westavino’s services can have a huge role to play to distinguish the company from competitor. This very moment polish government is more interested to allow outer products to be introduced in the country. Nevertheless, import duties and taxes have to pay when goods are imported to Poland outside of the EU. The import duty and the payable taxes are calculated on the CIF value. The standard VAT rate for importing goods is 23 percent. In case of wine the company also has to pay excise duty as well. All in other prospects impressive knowledge of Polish import legislation and procedure of Westavino will help to a large extent. Additionally through Westovina, company will be provided many related information through financial and legal analysis of the polish market.
3.3 Cultural environment
In terms of cultural environment prospective, although Poland is basically a beer and vodka consumption company, wine became more popular in past few years in the country. Therefore, the consumption of wine is increasing day by day. Besides surveys are showing that polish tastes are changing in a more sophisticated way. Recent data has revealed that for the first time number of people consuming wine has exceeded to the number of people drinking vodka. Poles by CBOS have showed that 21 percent of polish drinkers has preferred wine while 17 percent opted for vodka. In 2007 the numbers were totally different. Then the percentage of vodka consumers was said to be 24. In current situation the legal age of drinking in Poland is 18 plus (Kotler, 1980). Therefore, as the new generation is more interested in wine there will be a huge possibility in the polish market foe the company in coming years.
4. Target customer profile
5. Product positioning
The product positioning strategies are so vital respective of time and investment. It can also determine the future of the product in a definite way. By the selection of wrong strategy the company can lose both vital time and money. Indirect exporting through Westovina has to prove valuable in this step. Some of the product positioning strategy is discussed here.

Against a competitor: Place the product directly against your market competitors to prove the quality and supremacy.

Away from a competitor: Positioning the manufactured product directly opposite to the competitor will help to get the attention of buyer.

Analyze the benefits associated: This strategy will provide to show the benefits related to the product to the target customers.

Product characteristics: This is a step where a special attribute of the product is shown to the market which makes the product different from other same products.
Product categories: Categorized products are certainly attracts buyer side. Comparing the product with other relevant products will certainly differentiate a product in the market.
Elaborate usage occasions: This kind of market positioning weighs to specify the time when or how the product can be used.
Users: Finally the most important positioning strategy will be selecting specific characteristics of consumer. The perfect selection of users will be most important to promote and market positioning prospective.
At the end the valuable in-depth knowledge of Westovina respective of polish market and the efficiency of the work the company has will prove beneficiary for St Hallett Company to promote the wine business in Poland.
6. Conclusion


Beamish, K. (2004). Marketing planning. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth Heinemann.
Beamish, K. (2006). Marketing planning. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
Drummond, G. and Ensor, J. (2001). Strategic marketing. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Hatton, A. (2000). The definitive guide to marketing planning. London: Financial Times Prentice-Hall.
Jain, S. (2000). Marketing planning & strategy. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Pub.
Kotler, P. (1980). Marketing management. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

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"Example Of Marketing Planning Of ST. Hellett Report," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 29-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-marketing-planning-of-st-hellett-report/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Example Of Marketing Planning Of ST. Hellett Report. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-marketing-planning-of-st-hellett-report/. Published Oct 29, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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