Example Of Movie Review On And The Band Played On Movie

Type of paper: Movie Review

Topic: Health, Spread, Aids, Medicine, People, Sociology, Cinema, Movies

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/23

Films may be used as a platform for enabling people to understand how social and cultural issues affect spread of diseases in a population. They make it possible by providing chances for people to accentuate and categorize with actors. And the band played on the movie may be essential since they address the social and cultural issues enable faster spread of diseases and clinical outcome. The movie touched mainly on the reaction of the gay society, heterosexual society and medical community. The main theme of the movie is to emphasize the misery of the gay society and the predicament of the medical society in conducting thorough research. The paper will comprehensively address how the social and cultural issues will lead to the spread of HIV as portrayed in the And the Band movie. In addition, it will provide insight on the role of the Public Health professionals in minimizing the spread of the disease while at the same time respecting social and cultural issues.
As depicted in the movie, obstinacy within the gay community was one of the major social and cultural issues that provided a base for faster spread of the society. Some homosexuals had as many as 20000 sexual partners and engaged in unprotected sex exposing them to high risk of a disease which was purported to be spreading in the cities of New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. A gay Canadian airline steward, Patient Zero spreads Human Immunodeficiency Virus through diverse multiple partners in the year 1976 (Sam, 2012). They ignored this and continued with homo sexuality acts to saunas, readily infecting themselves and spreading it to their partners. This behavior continued even after the discovery of AIDS. After this great discovery, the AIDS victims suffered greatly due to stigmatization from the close relatives. AIDS was previously known as CDC, but it was changed later after it was discovered it not only affected gays but also the other human beings. After some arguments, the gay’s saunas were closed down because they believed AIDS spread at a rapid rate. The gays societies suffered emotionally after they realized they were infected and no clue what to do about it.
When there was an occurrence of accidents on the roads, they suffered blood deficiency. The donors of the blood were the victims of the HIV. Ignorance among the people enabled faster spread of HIV among the people. The people had no clue about the modes of transmission of the virus. Blood transmission was the second mode of transmission after unprotected sex. The spread of blood transfusion lead to increase in HIV, and it became difficult to control the spread of the disease. The movie tries to emphasize that we should not underestimate diseases because they might go beyond the control. The government, for example, does not want to provide funds to fund the research in the disease prevention. It also equips people with knowledge on the effects of social and cultural issues on disease spread. The movie aids people to understand the social issues that allow spread of diseases easily.
Health professionals should adopt measures to minimize the spread of diseases so that they can stop affecting social and cultural issues. The health professionals should introduce free condoms to reduce the high risk of spreading AIDS. The use of condoms will not distract the social and cultural issues of sexual partners (Sam, 2012). Health professionals should create awareness among the people about the importance of knowing HIV status when donating blood. The identity of one’s status reduced the spread of AIDS among the sexual couples. In December 1981, French doctors Jacques Leibowitch and Willy Rozenbaum concluded that the disease that occurred via sex was through a virus (Sam, 2012). In 1984, an American health official declared that he had discovered the virus. The discovery of this virus took long to be achieved, and it was brought about by a number of factors. The government lacked insufficient funds to conduct the research on the progress of the virus. The ego of the doctors delayed the date of discovery. American scientist, DR.Robert Gallo was the person who discovered the AIDS virus.The spread surrounding the gay society was stirred by Ronald Reegan government. He is remembered as a leader with political ideologies. His government showed no interest in the ‘gay’ disease. He did not address people on the spread of HIV until 25000 people who were victims died (Sam, 2012).


Sam, S. (2012, February 17). And The Band Played On (1993) Movie [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UGLZXEJoyo

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"Example Of Movie Review On And The Band Played On Movie." WePapers, Dec 23, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-movie-review-on-and-the-band-played-on-movie/
WePapers. 2020. "Example Of Movie Review On And The Band Played On Movie." Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. Retrieved September 08, 2024. (https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-movie-review-on-and-the-band-played-on-movie/).
"Example Of Movie Review On And The Band Played On Movie," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 23-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-movie-review-on-and-the-band-played-on-movie/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Example Of Movie Review On And The Band Played On Movie. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-movie-review-on-and-the-band-played-on-movie/. Published Dec 23, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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