Example Of Research Paper On Public Transportation Is Better Than Using Private Cars

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Vehicles, Public, Transportation, Infrastructure, Confidentiality, Cars, Transit, Transport

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2021/01/01

The rapid industrialization in America have triggered car manufacturers to produce new line of private cars with latest models every year. In his report that was prepared for the United Nation, Nurul Amir explains that the construction of new roads is the key factor that influences the increase in private car ownership. (Amir 3) He explains that road expansions, toll ways and express ways ignite the people’s aspiration of owning a car. “U.S. cities exhibit the highest dependence on the automobile, followed by Australian and Canadian cities, with European and Asian cities being more transit-oriented with higher levels of walking and cycling.” (Zheng, 1) While this innovation in car technology is a breakthrough in the automobile industry, it had caused a serious problem, especially in urban areas. The rapid increase of private cars on the roads contributes to the air pollution and the rising level of traffic congestion. As a result, it altered the quality of life in major cities and towns from a convenient way of life into a poor living condition. In line with this issue, this paper will explore the features and functions of public transportation and private cars and weigh their individual benefits and disadvantages. This research paper aims to prove that public utility transit are better mode of transportation as compared to using private cars.
Public transportation refers to the shared passenger transport services such as buses, trams, ferries, trains, undergrounds, subways, and other modes of transportation that has fixed routes, set fare charges and available for use to the general public. It is distinct from taxicabs, hired buses or car pools that are not available to the public, but are shared by people through private arrangement. On the other hand, private cars are vehicles that are owned by individuals either through personal purchase or provided by their company for private use. People of the modern world are more comfortable in driving their private cars instead of riding public transits. According to Linda Steg, motorised vehicles have increased in number in the last decades from 75 million in 1950 to 675 million in the year 1990. She mentions that 80% of these motorised vehicles are personal transits such as private cars and motorcycles. “The amount of passengers-kilometres by private car per capita increased by 90% (from 4,620 to 8,710 kms) in Western Europe betwee1970 and 1990.” (Steg,3) Private car users have different reasons why they prefer private car over public transportation. The features of a private car that makes it more attractive as compared to public vehicles are flexibility, comfort, convenience, reliability, independence, sense of control, freedom and convenience. Private cars also serve as a status symbol that reflects the driver’s economic status. While it is true that driving a private car is more comfortable than riding crowded public buses, public transportation offers more long-term benefits both to the public and the environment.
Riding a public transit incurs less travel costs as compared to driving a private car. Public transportation gives low-income individuals an easy access to their destinations without having to buy a new car. Using a shared passenger transport service would help a passenger save a good deal of money. The fare for trains and buses is far less expensive to the price of gas. This is because most public transit in metropolitan regions such as the trains are subsidized by the government.The primary rationale for government support is that public transportation has benefits that extend beyond those enjoyed by the riders.” (Voith, 15) According to an energy conservation website, public transportation households save $6,251 on average and this amount will double as the cost of fuel increases. With public transportation, Americans would not have to spend dollars to fill the tank of their cars. It is also important to note that riding public transit would enable one to enjoy his own investment since the budget for subsidies are taken from the taxes of the masses.
Additionally, riding a public transit helps people to save the money that they will pay for car parking. Not to mention the time and effort that they have saved for not worrying on finding a vacant slot in a congested parking area.One of the struggles of a driver is hunting a safe parking space upon arriving at his/her destination. What is more frustrating is the fact that parking slots are very limited; thus, very expensive. Getting on a train or a bus would allow a passenger to travel light and save time as he does not have to allot additional minutes for finding a parking space.
Public transportation is better than private cars because it is the greener means to travel. Private cars are one of the top contributors of CO2 emissions that is detrimental to the environment. “The private car continues to be the predominant transport mode globally, particularly in developed countries.” (Amir,3) The predominance of private cars is the main culprit for the massive emissions of CO2 that worsen the current air pollution and becomes a major health hazard for the general public, particularly those who live in urban regions. Traffic congestion and air pollution have several negative effects that range from moderate to severe health problems. Ingestion of high amounts of lead aerosols causes kidney failure, cardiovascular diseases and developmental problems in children. Other gases may lead to respiratory diseases and cognitive disorder. Most private car owners use their vehicle for short journeys that adds up to emissions of these harmful gases. Public transport vehicles have high passenger capacity that can accommodate thousands of car owners everyday. Lesser vehicles on the road would mean lesser gas emissions. Just imagine the gas emissions that would be reduced if people will leave their cars at home and get on a public train or a bus- everyday. By commuting through public transit services, one is able to help lessen the carbon emission and ultimately create a greener planet and healthy citizens.
Public transit services offer safety and security especially for older adults. “Today, people are keeping their cars and continuing to drive much longer. Even frail older adults are driving more and more, and they are thus more apt to be involved in a fatal accident.” (Sterns, Burkhardt and Eberhard,8) The statistics released by the National Safety Council reveals that it is 170 times safer to ride a bus that drive a car. More so, using public transport will lessen the number of private vehicles on the road. And fewer cars mean lesser traffic congestion and low chances for road accidents.
Patronizing the public transport instead of driving one’s car promote well-being. Individuals who regularly use public transits are likely to have good physical shape as compared to those people who drive their cars. Riding a public transport requires walking that is a good form of exercise. Those who commute by public transit have more physical activities that can fight obesity and can lessen the risk of being overweight. Riding on a train is also less stressful compared to driving a car. High level of stress can lead to serious health problems such as cardiovascular illnesses and weak immune system. Walking to the train station or running to the nearest bus stop will definitely help passengers to maintain their shape and good health. Another benefit of public transportation is that it is a quicker way to go to work or reach a desired destination. Since public transport services like trains have fixed routes, the travel time is lesser as compared to using a private car. Lastly, using the public transport will contribute to the country’s economic development and support thousands of low-income earners. Riding a bus or a train is also a great way to meet new people in the community.
This paper have explored the features and benefits of public transportation versus using private cars. Although surveys have shown that private cars are more attractive to the American public, it is imperative that public transport offer more long-term benefits to the people, as well as the environment. Riding a public transit is a great alternative to save money, save time, travel safely and quickly, maintain good health and fulfill one’s responsibility of creating a sustainable environment for the future generation.

Works Cited

Voith, Richard. "Public Transit: Realizing Its Potential." Business Review. Sept./Oct. 1994:15-23.
Sterns, Harvey L., and others. "Moving Along the Mobility Continuum: Past, Present, and Future." Generations. Summer 2003: 8-13.
Zheng, Yan. “The benefit of public transportation: Physical activity to reduce obesity and ecological footprint.” 46.1, 2008: 4-5.
Steg, Linda. Can Public Transport Compete with the Private Car? Department of Psychology 27.2, 2003. PDF.
Amin, Nurul. Reducing Emissions from Private Cars. United Nations Environment Program. 2009. PDF.
“Public Transportation.” Cambridge Dictionaries Online. N.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2015. <http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/british/public-transport>
“Why Ride the Bus? “All Points Transit. N.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2015. <http://www.allpointstransit.com/why-ride-the-bus/>

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"Example Of Research Paper On Public Transportation Is Better Than Using Private Cars." WePapers, Jan 01, 2021. Accessed March 11, 2025. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-research-paper-on-public-transportation-is-better-than-using-private-cars/
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"Example Of Research Paper On Public Transportation Is Better Than Using Private Cars," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 01-Jan-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-research-paper-on-public-transportation-is-better-than-using-private-cars/. [Accessed: 11-Mar-2025].
Example Of Research Paper On Public Transportation Is Better Than Using Private Cars. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-research-paper-on-public-transportation-is-better-than-using-private-cars/. Published Jan 01, 2021. Accessed March 11, 2025.

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