Example Of We Chose Three Topics For Our Research. The Topics Are: Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Law, Students, Nursing, Breastfeeding, Victimology, Politics, Policy, Medicare

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2023/05/15

Should sex offender registration laws be changed? Should laws governing student laws be changed? Should laws governing nursing homes be changed?
Should sex offender registration laws be changed? Should laws governing student laws be changed? Should laws governing nursing homes be changed?

Should sex offender registration laws be changed?
Should laws governing student laws be changed?
Should laws governing nursing homes be changed?
The violence based on the sexual ground is a significant problem in the modern society. In order to reduce the amount of sexual assaults, the government creates the laws and policies that are supposed to regulate and predict the sexual crimes (Bonnar-Kidd, 2010). Unfortunately, all these laws and policies fail to achieve their main objectives and create a harmful environment. Instead of monitoring, punishing and preventing the sexual offenses, they just increase the risk of sexual crimes and make the situation even harder to look at (Walker, 2016).
So the main reason we select the topic “Should sex offender registration laws be changed?” is because we believe that there are a lot of work and corrections to do so all women may feel safe from the sexual violence. Apparently, the target audience of the essay should be the government or people who writes and confirms the laws as well as the employers and employees, so they may influence the situation on the local level and do not let the nightmare of sex violence spread in the humanistic modern society.
The statistics shows that during the last fifteen years after the implementing of the law that regulate the sexual crimes, the rate of sexual assaults and harassments has only increased. The only effect it produces is the depravation of life of the registered criminals who committed a sex offense so they keep doing it and become recidivists as well as the depravation of life of their families.
As for the second topic which is called “Should laws governing student laws be changed?” we believe that the issue of students’ laws and their amendments and accepting is quite a problem nowadays.
The problem with a modern student’s law is that they are approved only by the government and has barely confirmed by the students themselves (Baker, 2008). It means that students should play a big role in regulating and monitoring the laws within the area of their studying as they are direct members of the educational process.
We does not mean that all students law should only be written by the students as they lack of experience and may cause a chaos, but we insist on drawing the students to the process of regulating and changing the laws (Posner, 1995).
The target audience for this topic would be students and teachers, so they are motivated and inspired in changing the laws regarding the students’ needs and wishes.
Finally, the third topic is called “Should laws governing nursing homes be changed?” and is concerned with inaccurate and very imperfect laws that regulate the policies of the nursing homes.
According to an official statement of United States government that take up medical care system, a person in the nursing home has a right to be treated with respect and dignity, get all the necessary medical attention and suffer no abuses or restraints (Medicare.gov, 2016). Most of the rights are concerned with medicine and sociology, but unfortunately not all of them are protected by the laws and policies. That is why we think that there are still some improvements to make that will significantly reinforce the level of comfort in the nursing homes (Mor, 2009).
The target audience for such an issue would be the nurses, doctors and other staff as well as the government that take care of such problems.


Baker, T. (2008). Navigating state and federal student privacy laws to design educationally sound parental notice policies. New Directions For Student Services, 2008(122), 81-103. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ss.277
Bonnar-Kidd, K. (2010). Sexual Offender Laws and Prevention of Sexual Violence or Recidivism. Am J Public Health, 100(3), 412-419. http://dx.doi.org/10.2105/ajph.2008.153254
Medicare.gov,. (2016). Rights & protections in a nursing home | Medicare.gov. Retrieved 11 January 2016, from https://www.medicare.gov/what-medicare-covers/part-a/rights-in-nursing-home.html
Mor, V. (2009). Changes in the Quality of nursing homes in the U. S (PhD). Brown University.
Posner, R. (1995). The Future of the Student-Edited Law Review. Stanford Law Review, 47(11).
Walker, J. (2016). The influence of sex offender registration and notification laws in the united states (PhD). University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

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Example Of We Chose Three Topics For Our Research. The Topics Are: Essay. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-we-chose-three-topics-for-our-research-the-topics-are-essay/. Published May 15, 2023. Accessed March 14, 2025.

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