Type of paper: Report

Topic: Company, Workplace, Human Resource Management, Employment, Recruitment, Employee, Politics, Elections

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Published: 2021/01/16


This is a report memo that gives an in-depth look at ways of recruiting the required 20 entry-level employees. The report seeks to highlight the different methods of recruiting employees, their suitability for the company and their advantages and disadvantages. Three methods of recruitment are discussed, and recommendation is made on which best suits the company.
The methods discussed are based on extensive research on the available ways of recruitment. A study of the company’s visions and mission also helps to identify which method is efficient for the company.
The study came up with three ways of recruitment, internal sourcing, external sourcing and third-party sourcing. All three methods are examined by assessing the process involved in it, advantages and challenges involved, and effectiveness in terms of costs, time and man-power involved.
The study concluded that, even though, internal sourcing is less costly, it is not effective in recruiting for the open positions since it is limiting. On the other hand, both external and third party sourcing can be applied since they will result in many applicants showing interest in the jobs. Third-party sourcing offers an effective and less involving approach; however, external sourcing gives the company a hands-on involvement in the process.
It is recommended that the company adopts external sourcing as this will give it a feel of what the market place has to offer. It is also more satisfying to be actively involved in the selection process.
Following the creation of 20 entry level positions in the company, it is necessary to determine a suitable method of recruiting these employees. The company is growing hence the need to constantly recruit employees to suit new positions, bringing in fresh knowledge and innovative ideas to the company. Entry level positions attract many applicants since it gives an opportunity to fresh graduates who might not have many years of experience. For the company, it is an opportunity to inject a fresh input into the company and nurture potential future leadership. These positions are crucial since entry level position impact the company greatly since they actualize the company’s vision and mission.
The recruitment process is an involving one, requiring time, human resource, and financial input. Due to the number of applicants that such positions attract, it is a tedious process that may carry on for several days. For this reason, it is important to come up with a recruitment method that is effective, saves on resources and settles on the right candidates for the job.
This report advices the management of the company on the available recruitment methods and discusses the details involved in each. The report concludes by recommending the most suitable method for the current open positions. The recruitment methods are discussed, finally settling on one that suits the above conditions. External, internal, and third-party sourcing is discussed, settling on external sourcing as the most suitable.

There are several ways of acquiring new employees. The three common ways are internal recruitment, external recruitment and third-party recruitment. The choice of method will depend on several factors like the vacant position, whether the company has a capable human resource department, the amount of time available for completing the recruitment process, finances available for the exercise and the number of positions vacant.
Hemmingway Holdings has a good financial base and a well-equipped human resource department. The 3 months given by the company is adequate for any recruitment method adopted. 20 vacant positions is a large number of people but under one vacancy. Being an entry level position, the recruitment can be handled through any method. For this reason, the report highlights three recruitment methods as discussed below:

Internal Sourcing

Internal sourcing refers to the acquisition of employees from the existing pool of employees. In internal sourcing, a job is advertised within the company and employees from the company apply which means that one person moves one section/position to another. To make internal recruitment successful, the company should have an elaborate internal recruitment policy. Such a policy will ensure that employees are not poached from different departments in an unfair manner. It will also ensure that deserving employees are not hindered from career advancement due to stringent policies prohibiting such moves.
An advert should be placed in a manner that is accessible to all employees. Where possible, different ways of advertising can be employed such as; placing adverts on notice-boards, sending internal memos, email or placing on the company website.

Advantages of internal Sourcing

It boosts employees’ morale as it is a kind of reward since it offers a chance for promotion for successful applicants.

It is cheaper since it uses the already established communication channels within the company.

It is effective when the company requires one who will hit the road running without the need to train or learn the culture of the company.

Managers already know/ have access to candidates’ profile and do not need rigorous interviews and external references.

Disadvantages of internal sourcing
It does not inject new ideas into the company since the same employees recycle the same old methods.
It might result to negative energy in the work-place with workers competing against each other; which might result in sabotage and poor team work.

It is limiting in the choice of candidates since internal applications do not attract many applicants.

When successful candidates are found, it creates another vacant position that needs to be filled.
External Sourcing
External sourcing is done by acquiring new employees outside those within the business. These employees can be from other companies or fresh college graduates or even interns. External recruitment requires a major input form the human resource department due to the number of applicants that may show interest. Eternal recruiting can be done in various ways including:

Job centers

They offer a ready data base of those searching for jobs and are sponsored by the government. They are a good option which is also affordable since employers can acquire potential candidates without having to pay any fee and without the costs related to advertising.

Job advertisements

Advertisements can be placed in local and international newspapers, public notice boards, online job websites, and job fairs. To attract the right candidate, the job advertisement should be as detailed as possible. Giving the candidate profile including relevant experience. It is also important to indicate the incentives that come with the position, especially for positions that are likely to attract few applicants. To reach a good number of people, it is important to place the advert on different platforms.

Personal recommendation

Personal recommendation is word of mouth from people who already work for the company. They can give recommendation of people they deem fit for the position. This would save other costs like those of advertising. It also saves time. It is however limiting in the case of a huge number of vacant positions.


This is the practice of getting employees from other companies (may be unethical). One needs to scout for employees whom they deem fit for the position. It is, however, impractical when many positions are vacant since one can only poach a limited number.

Advantages of external sourcing

New ideas are brought in by new employees.
There are numerous applications which give a wide variety to choose from.
Experience varies and the company can benefit from recruiting people with experience in diverse areas.
The company gets a feel of the skills and experience that exist in the marketing place.
Disadvantages of external sourcing
The process takes a lot of time.
It is more costly as adverts are mostly paid for.
It needs extensive input from the human resource department to sort out numerous applications and conduct interviews from a huge pool of applicants.

Not always does one arrive at the best candidate for the job.

Third-party sourcing
Third party sourcing is when a company contracts a recruitment agency to help fill vacant positions. This is usually one at a fee. It saves the company time that would be spent in the recruitment process. It is, however, more costly as the company pays agency commission plus advertisement costs. It can be timesaving since the advertisement agencies usually have a database of potential employees. Some also specialize in specific fields.

Advantages of third-party sourcing

Suitable when there is no human resource capacity to deal with extensive recruitment.
Disadvantages of third-party sourcing
The company has no direct involvement in the candidate that it ends up with.
Conclusion (always included)
The three methods highlighted here are all viable; however, not all are appropriate for filling the current positions. Internal sourcing will result in a double recruitment since the 20 vacant positions would create a huge gap in the company which will be just as expensive to fill. Furthermore, it is also difficult to find 20 employees from the internal pool. Being entry level positions, they may not attract applicants since internal vacancies are mostly filled internally as promotions. On the other hand, third-party sourcing will attract extra cost while it is really not that necessary. The company has a well-equipped human resource department that can handle the recruitment process. The vacant positions are also entry level positions which do not require any specialization. External sourcing is time-consuming and also costly but offers the best way to get the right people. It will give the company a chance to be involved in the process an expose it to a wide variety to choose from, exploiting different experiences available in the market.


The company should, therefore, adopt external sourcing. This should be done by putting up adverts in various mediums. The company should then interview after short-listing candidates and arrive at the best candidates for the job. The potential candidates who do not make the cut for the current positions should be put in the company data-base for use should similar positions arise in the future.

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"Findings Report Examples." WePapers, Jan 16, 2021. Accessed March 06, 2025. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/findings-report-examples/
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"Findings Report Examples," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 16-Jan-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/findings-report-examples/. [Accessed: 06-Mar-2025].
Findings Report Examples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/findings-report-examples/. Published Jan 16, 2021. Accessed March 06, 2025.

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