Type of paper: Admission Essay

Topic: Students, Education, University, People, Experience, Skills, Learning, Time

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2021/01/25

After spending time volunteering in a hospital where my father works, I came to a realization that I enjoyed engagements that allows me to have a close interaction with people. I felt that I can stretch my potentiality more if I am given the opportunity to have a close encounter with communities.I assessed my experience in Syracuse and realized that majority of my courses do not engage us in such exposure. The approach in the university is more traditional. Interacting with people allowed me to see what I was missing in learning and prompted me to seek another university that will combine academic excellence with community involvement. As I was reading for potential universities, I came across the goals of your institution. It mentioned that the goal is to hone professionals that are not only academically competent but socially aware as the university aims life-long learning. The goal of the university of parallels my career goal which is to positively influence the lives of others and at the same time being intellectually challenged.
The primary reason why I wish to transfer is purely academic. I am thankful to my current university because it has given me good exposure for the field I want to embark, but I feel that I can expand my potentials more in another university. I made a lot of friends in Syracuse and mentored by good professors but I know I reached a realization that I want to achieve more in my education. Since my bachelor’s degree is my foundation for my career, it is important to earn it in a university that offers not only good academic training but more on practical exposures. As a learner, I am looking an environment that will allow me to discover on my own, learning is not about spoon-feeding students with lectures but encouraging them to innovate. I am excited to push myself myself towards experience that are not familiar and beyond my comfort zone. Although Syracuse gives us the chance to explore our options, it’s more internally such as in clubs. It does not expose us to new environments that will challenge our skills beyond the lecture halls.
Since I will be transferring, I consider this as a new beginning for me. I will be tasked to adapt to a new system, thus, means meeting new people and discovery. I do not consider this task as a burden but more of a challenge in which I can prove to myself and my parents that I am matured and own up to my decisions. I will not only develop as a professional but also as an individual. I can hone my interpersonal and intrapersonal skills because the transfer will require me to communicate with new people. I am also looking forward to being exposed to more diversity because your university encourages students to feature their individuality. I promise that I will bring with me the same enthusiasm that I had upon entering Syracuse.
I believe that I can contribute to the university and students by sharing what I learned from Syracuse and my volunteer experience. I am proud to say that I did a good job in Syracuse and can cope with the academic requirement of your institution. The academic program of your university fits my interest and skills perfectly and I believe that it will allow me to grow.

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"Free Admission Essay On Greetings!," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 25-Jan-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/free-admission-essay-on-greetings/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Free Admission Essay On Greetings!. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/free-admission-essay-on-greetings/. Published Jan 25, 2021. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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