Free Argumentative Essay About Rogerian Argument About Global Warming Being Real

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: World, Earth, Climate, Human, Politics, God, Environmental Issues, People

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/03

Pollution is not just adversely affecting the residents of earth but the earth as well. The increase in concentration of carbon dioxide gas and CFCs causes the greenhouse effect which results in the gradual increase of overall earth’s temperature. The variation in temperature tends to affect the climate. It is the characteristic of carbon dioxide gas that it forms a cushion around the planet which lets the sun’s heat to penetrate in but traps the earth’s heat to escape in the outer space. As a consequence earth is becoming warmer each day. The first 6 miles of the atmosphere generally influence the average temperature of earth and its climate. This portion is extremely thin if compared to the overall vastness of the universe.
Global warming has contributed negatively in altering several natural phenomena. Every inhabitant of earth has been affected by them in one version or the other regardless of the cause or the actual reason. They are expected to get serious with time giving birth to several other undesired phenomena. Some of them are enlisted below.

Loss of plankton

Rapid melting of glaciers
Rising seas
Bleaching and acidification of coral reefs
Vanishing of animals’ species.
Natural calamities
Changes in rainfall patters
Change in the courses of ocean currents
Melting if ice caps
Regardless of the religion, political affiliation or scientific understanding, we all are equally affected by these unnatural happenings as humans. We experience the affects every day in different forms. Humans, animals, birds, marine creatures every living and nonliving being faces the severity of climatic changes.
Ever since, debates about the actual causes and reasons have been ongoing. We often encounter people specifically those who follow a belief system or religious doctrine stating about the damnation of God or Supreme Power. They refer such activities as torments. There is also a section of people who consider politics to be the sole reason of such distractibility. They refer to the ineffective policies, polarized economical system and hegemony of core as the main reasons behind such harrowing and traumatic changes. The protagonists of science belief that the scientific evidences, facts and prophesies are the only answer of this eternal debate. All of them are correct in their own way and none of them can be negated.
Without getting deeper in to the religion and argument of right and wrong, let’s suppose there is a Supreme Force who is controlling everything in this universe including earth. He has authority and power to manage the things his way and none of the humans can stand against his will. Several questions arise in the mind instantly after doing such a supposition. Some of them are,

Why the human of incident times did not have to face the consistent rise and severity in the temperatures?

Why didn’t they encounter abrupt and unpredicted natural calamities some decades ago including frequent tropical and extra tropical cyclones?.
Why the glaciers have been melting, rising the sea levels and altering the oceanic currents?
Are the people of this century more sinful and disobedient than as compared to their ancestors?
Why the PH of oceans is getting low and lower hindering the growth of corals which were abundantly growing in the past centuries?
Every question relates directly to the human and his relationship with God to an extent. It is plausible that politics play an important role in worsening or improving a particular situation. The laws, legal frameworks, policies and their implementation can result in control or destruction because it is ultimately linked with the activities of the global population. This again leads us to the humans and their attitude in such situations finally limiting our ability to predict future climate related activities
Without negating the possibilities the of God‘s damnation and political hegemony, human being is ultimately the nucleus of such a rationale. They might have a direct or indirect link with what we do every day with our climate. All other factors are secondary if human activities are taken in to consideration. It’s them who have the most impact on the 6miles thin layer of atmosphere which determines earth’s climate and temperature. Even to improve the relationship with God and avoid his wrath, people must take earth as their home and preserve it for their future generations. Every implication is obvious because even the scientific facts have failed to explain some of the events associated with global warming.
Humans must work on all the fronts immediately. Developed countries need to cut back their emissions. People at the individual level must also try not to experiment with the climate of the earth because at the end it is going to be the human who would suffer anyway. Even if we ignore to believe the fact that the concentration of carbon dioxide is increasing dramatically breaking the records of warm years, our generations are going to suffer the results of deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, pollution and our luxuries which continuously add CFCs to the air. Soon the amount of carbon we omit will exceed the amount of carbon present in living biosphere. There isn’t any debate about this because even common sense supports such a logical prediction. Further warming will certainly increase the threats of climatic disruption.
We as humans must shun down playing the blame game or satisfying our conscience by considering others the culprits. It is actually us who are responsible for such abrupt shifts and changes in the climate and temperature of planet earth. No matter if we believe global warming as real or unreal, the facts are there and their consequences can’t be denied. We feel them every day. We experience them every season. We shouldn’t try to prove scientific truths, wrath of God or blame politics but contribute individually and positively. It is not about science, religion, economics or politics but humanity. God preaches about it. Economics flourish on its basis. Political revolutions take place when people start to realize the importance of each other. Every argument logically relates to humanity at the end. It is the time to confess and confront the torments we have caused. Let us be human. Let us fix what needs to be fixed because we have to hand it all over to the next generations. Blame game will not solve anything. No matter what the reason is, we must do our part and contribute to the betterment and preservation of the environment and atmosphere because all of us are equally accountable for the collective human activities, attitude and behavior.

Works Cited

Fréjaville, Thibaut and Thomas Curt. "Spatiotemporal patterns of changes in fire regime and climate: defining the pyroclimates of south-eastern France (Mediterranean Basin)." Climatic Change (2015): 239-251.
Ranson, Matthew, et al. "Tropical and extratropical cyclone damages under climate change." Climatic Change (2014): 227-241.
Sartori, Ernani. "The Physical Principles Elucidate Numerous Atmospheric Behaviors and Human-Induced Climatic Consequences." Open Journal of Applied Sciences (2012): 302-318.
Stott, Peter, et al. "The upper end of climate model temperature projections is inconsistent with past warming." Enviornment Research Letters (2013).

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