Free Book Review On Made To Stick Book Chapter Summary

Type of paper: Book Review

Topic: Business, Products, People, Concept, Audience, Public Relations, Plot, Organization

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2021/02/24


The basic idea is to work on the core concept so that one can directly generate business out of it. It is necessary to discuss the most and important details first and then the rest of the details should be followed (Heath & Heath, 2007). It will help in maintaining the logical flow of presenting the product or the concept of the service to the people.


Unexpected concept focuses on communication, wherein the business team needs to identify the concept and then accordingly communicate the intended message to the audience. The audience should expect the same thing, which actually is delivered through different forms of marketing communications. The different forms of marketing communications will help in delivering the product to several different target markets in a given environment.


Concrete reflects how strong the idea and how easily people are remembering those ideas is. Hence, the organizations should utilize words that are more like abstract nouns so that people can easily relate it with the products or services offered by the organization. It is necessary to communicate the right words and meanings to the people in order to make them purchase a given product.


People will always believe in those ideas that are credible in nature, and for this purpose, there is a need to test the products. For this purpose, the credentials can be verified through use of an anti-authority or using statistics or even using the Sinatra Test. People will thereby trust upon the product and will buy the same of a given brand.


The Emotional component will always catch the attention of the people since they will be relating their feelings and emotions with the products (Heath & Heath, 2007). It will be more appealing and hence, people will be catching the notions of power of associations and self-interest. There is a direct correlation between what people feel and what people need regarding any given product, and hence, it will be come easy for the given organization to promote the product.


Finally, stories can be framed through creation of challenging plot or through creativity plot or through connection plot, but it has to relate the actual concept and the characteristics of the product. It will help in delivering the intended message to the target audience and will change their perception about a given product. People will understand the actual purpose of the product and if it meets with their needs they will directly purchase that product.


Heath, C., & Heath, D. (2007). Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House.

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