Free Case Study About How The Use Of Digital Media Was Used To Communicate Information To Achieve

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Media, Sociology, Sports, Communication, Organization, NBA, Education, Study

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/10/08

a specific goal of an organization or individual

Introduction and Synopsis of Article / Case

Digital media is any kind of media that can be distributed, viewed, created, preserved and modified on computers. Digital media includes different types of media from audio as an example mp3 or e-books, websites and webpages, video and digital images and also the social media. Combined also with the internet, digital media had a big influence and a significant impact on culture and society nowadays.
For supporting my arguments on this case study I have pick up a sport organization were I could analyze the strategies used and how this affect the organization and how good is the communication between the parts. I will talk about how the National Basketball Association (NBA) is influenced by the digital media that includes also the social media which is a very important part of this industry, and which is the role in sports communication of the social media.
The entertainment industry incorporates the sport communications which has a big role in this and is taking many forms with different stakeholders. To gain their stakeholders, the sport organizations uses a range of medium as radio, television, online efforts and publications but lately with the development of multimedia, everywhere in the world, with social networking sites, the uses of social media increases over 65% and become also a popular medium in the industry of sports. A lot of social media as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube or Twitter are now used by the sports organization due to the numbers of that which are now using this platform efficiently and often. The strengths of those options are the speed, the capability of interaction and the amount of information that can be transmitted connecting with people, helping in constructing a brand and even better creating a customer relationship management and conducting it.
This study is intends to identify how the social media can be used to enhance a relationship by capturing the communications efforts between NBA team and stakeholders. The study is using online observations and interviews from a NBA social media specialist in order to evaluate the current social media efforts of NBA. Goal of Organization or Individual
Sports communication emphasize with the relationship development between fans, players and third parts. For the success of each individual team, these relationships are vital. Over the time, the social medium evolved satisfactory resulting in a cultivate relationship that sports organizations have with television, Internet, radio. The sport industry uses in a proper way the sports communication in order to develop the branding, the customer service to sales, reputation management, sponsorship and marketing.
The goals of organization for an effective sports communication are: to know and engage the stakeholder’s interests, to implement and interesting and effective sports brand’s which can resist for a long-lasting impression, to humanize the sports brand by implying emotional connections, to encourage the stakeholders to have a personal connections with the participants and to connect and identify with the sports brand and the last one should be to place the wining results in more than one winning context. These objectives are critical in the relationship within sparking interest, on retaining the current fan base and also creating a new one.

Strategy Employed to Accomplish Goal.

This case study includes two important communications theories that apply in sports communication. These theories are fundamental and are implying some strategies of communication from the sport environment. I will make a brief review of the most two important: the first strategy is uses and gratification theory and the second one is the relationship management theory.

NBA is thinking to take use of the social media as a tool for creating a customer relationship management tool. NBA organizations have found a solution in the digital platform which can efficiently handle concerns, questions, and related issues, and also provide customer service. The last thing but also a really important one is transforming the daily functions of social media into profit, into an attempt to monetize. The purpose of it is to increase merchandise sales, ticket sales, and sponsorship deals.

A lot of pressure is in the delivery of content because most of the NBA teams are stressed that the social media won’t provide quality information and quality content and by quality content on a digital platform we are referring to the exclusive and authentic information in different forms as video, pictures, text or anything also that can posted with the appropriated frequency and length.

Integration with external data

The incorporation of social media offline is important into the development of NBA team having the goal from a marketing perspective to have the fans constantly talking about the brand, making free and continuously publicity. Organization’s websites and social media channels also promote each other. Another opportunity are the gamify social media efforts. This is referring to games or competitive gaming applications that can be incorporated to spark the fun interest.

Analytics Measurable Success Factors

Because of the development of the social media the traditional marketing and communications methods are now in decline. A study present that is easier and more suitable for people to search in digital sources due to the amount of information and how quickly you can aces it. The result of the study point out that:

62% have someone that is dedicated to social media comparing with 37% who are without someone dedicated to social media

80% consider that the venue’s use of social media as an expert, 47% as proficient, 34% are still learning, 8% are behind the curve, and only 2 % are not using it or don’t care to use it.

57% of venues have a defined social media strategy comparing with 47% which doesn’t have a social media strategy

52% was reported that the venue experienced a revenue increase with a defined social media strategy compared with 19% which reported that the revenue increase without a defined social media strategy
The study proves proofs that the traditional methods are becoming less efficient when we are talking about variety of products, cost and consumer resistance to advertising. The most important motives on using social media communication are to increase lead generation to counsel the communication with their favorite’s brands and to have a response from their competitors. Conclusion and Analysis of End Results of Initiative
In conclusion we can say about NBA organization that implement into a strategically and well-built measure the specific tactics of digital media, including a big part of social media in it. Based on a relevant study which includes also interviews with the social media specialist of NBA, this study establishes some of the strategies and practices for the use of social media in sports communication. Those discoveries are helpful in the future to improve the social media in sports communication and for creating a closer relationship with fans and stakeholder. Furthermore, new research should focus on improving the relationship with individual teams and to study the differences in social media efforts across sports and leagues.


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