Free Comprehensive Exam Mental Health Administration Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Psychology, Workplace, Organization, Human Resource Management, Employment, Ethics, Employee, Confidentiality

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Published: 2020/09/26


There are multiple obligations in line with the psychologist profession. The guidelines articulated for are given by the American Psychological Association abbreviated as APA. These are the core principles and ethics codes that apply to all psychologists’ professional activities. Every member and students affiliates are expected to comply with APA standards and ethics code in every procedure in line with the profession. Any violation of the APA standards is a serious professional offense (Anderson, Needels & Hall, 2008). However, there have been cases of a breach of such directives at the place of work for Psychologists. In reflection to the case study, Simon Stafford – the chief director of Best Community Mental Health Center (BCMHC) – should take appropriate action to respond and address the various issues within the organization as follows:

Response to question 1

Issues violating APA Ethics
It is evident from the BCMHC case study that there is some level of frustration from both clients and employee perspectives. Employees, that is, the various psychiatrist and student interns complain about issues with workload schedules. More so, some department heads such as the director of Adult Case Management – Brian Sanders – practice non-cooperative approaches of leadership. As a result, it has greatly hampered the organization’s service delivery hence undermining the mission to providing high-quality services. However, there are two most APA concerns to be looked into by the Executive Director. These are the breach the principle of Confidentiality and Relationships.
Under APA, confidentiality is instrumental in exercise for the effectiveness of a therapy process. Unlike other professions whereby employers and administrators disclose all relevant information to other concerned colleagues, the case is different for psychiatrists (Bersoff, 2003). The amount of information is limited to a certain level as psychologists require only the necessary information. Also, such information is not to be shared by the psychologists whatsoever. If the need may arise, then the clients should be informed first before the psychologist goes ahead to disclose the information. Concerning relationships, APA dictates that psychologists should not engage in any personal close relationships with clients. These are any kind of relationships such as sexual among others. In the BCMHC case, specifically with the department of Adult day treatment, a technician was involved in a flirting incidence with Jim Combs. Then there is the case where the speaker disclosed clients’ private information during the luncheon.

How Flirting and Disclosing information violates APA Ethics

First, when a psychologist and a client are involved in a personal relationship, the effectiveness of the therapy will be undermined. There are many ways to explain such a scenario. Professionals need to offer prompt services to clients. They trust that they will get the right amount of help especially from people trained to deliver such services. Therefore, it becomes the duty of the psychologist to take full responsibility and serve the clients without any interest during the process. In the event that the psychologists demand sexual or any other benefits in order to serve, and then the course of the entire process takes into another direction. The result may be that the client will never get the initially desired help that they came to seek.
On the other hand, disclosing out clients’ private information is a serious concern. As the case with other profession, practitioners are obliged to keep the matters of the audience in confidential for the sake of their privacy. Keeping confidential information does not count for only to those that are not in the workplace. It is the duty of every psychologist to take a confidential responsibility and not to give information even to their fellow workers. In the case study, the speaker at the luncheon disclosed the names of certain clients that were involved in issues. In that manner, it becomes tricky and dangerous situation whereby the entire employees may develop a negative attitude among other consequences towards those individuals. Lack of confidentiality also degrades the particular health facility and its services. Therefore, it violates the APA codes as it gives room for mistrust and suspicion environment at the workplace.

How to address the issues

As the executive director, Mr. Simon is the highest ranked leader of the organization. Therefore, Simon has a critical role to play essentially that he determines the decision and direction of the organization. In dealing with the matter of confidentiality, Mr. Simon has to establish both a short-term and long-term solution that would drive the organization to effectively achieve its mission and fulfill the objectives. There are many ways Mr. Simon can employ to achieve short-term solution. Specifically, Mr. Simon can take the initiative to call the involved parties that have practiced the lack of confidentiality and remind them of their obligation to the organization. As the leader, Mr. Simon can warn them or even punish them if that would be necessary to instill discipline. That would send a message for other employees not to engage in confidentiality concerns.
For establishing a long-term solution, Mr. Simon the executive director has to identify a strategy that would teach all employees the importance of acting within the professional framework. For example, Simon can employ a routine of having more workshops whereby all employees will attend and learn about responsibility at the workplace. During such workshops, the behavior of every employee is to be drawn into attention and analysis hence making then on their toes in the direction towards improvement (Joyce & Rankin, 2010). This would create the necessary culture that establishes a disciplined workforce who takes initiative and responsibility of their actions. Ultimately, the results will be achieved in the long-run and create a positive atmosphere whereby all employees and clients will be proud and the services of psychologists within the organizations will meet the level of quality as stated under the mission.
In addressing the issue of relationships, Simon can employ different steps to curb the indiscipline situation. First, Simon has to warn the involved parties. Then, imposing the right amount of punishment will remind them that all workers have to behave in line with the professional ethics in all their endeavors. If possible, Simon can suspend the guilty party for a given period within which he will be undergoing some special guidance to direct him appropriately. Again, to achieve long-term goals, Simon can embark on a strategy that will build a highly disciplined workforce that is ready to perform their duties. For instance, establishing motivation program to reward highly disciplined and those that perform the best will highly motivate the entire workforce. Furthermore, it will create the environment that will make sure their confidentiality and relationship concerns within the organization will not occur in the future.

Response to question 2

The executive director, Simon is in the best position to determine the progress of the BCMHC. However, it is very important to intervene with other people when taking critical decisions. In leadership, the opinion of many people could make the difference in taking an organization forward. In the BCHMC case, it is evident that lower staff and directors are given freedom to recruit interns among other workers without the proper supervision of the higher administration. As a result, there is a bias in the recruitment processes hence greatly hampering the affectivity of work and service delivery (Bersoff, 2003). In curbing this situation, Simon can take the initiative to involve other outpatient therapist in the recruitment process when it comes to filling the vacant positions.


The advantages of engaging other outpatients could be critical to the welfare of the organization. The advantages are, first recruits will be examined in details. This will make sure that they meet the desired criteria for fill the positions. Secondly, there will be no chance for bias during the process. All recruits, who deserve a chance, will ultimately get that chance to serve the organization's clients. Those who do not meet the standards will be frozen out. Finally, as per the recommendation of many parties (outpatient therapists), the process of recruiting workers and interns will be productive. Here, it means that only competent individuals will get the chance since all recruitment criterions will be strictly observed during the process.
The other advantage is aligned with the leadership and ethical practice. In all recruitment exercises, it is ideal that leadership takes the initiative to ensure there is transparency in all undertakings. Transparency takes a greater role to instill harmony in any organization (Lowman, 2006). There is evidence that show that transparency has made organizations thrive in their endeavors. Transparency can be achieved when the leadership of the organization exercises their undertaking in complete consideration to the mission and future well-being of the organization. For BCHMC, transparency in recruiting workers will be attained when other outpatient therapists are engaged in the process. Apart from being ethical, transparency will ensure that BCHMC achieves its both short and long-term objectives.


Secondly, it may count as disadvantage that in an event that there is an interested party within the participants’ outpatient therapist; there could be bias considerations. Some recruits would get the chance to work for BCHMC even though they do not meet the requirements, but have only been recommended by certain influential therapists. Therefore, it would also be unethical to involve unfaithful therapists in the recruitment process as it will turn out to ruin the functioning of BCHMC and deny the chance for clients to receive quality services.

Alternative approach

Simon can identify different approach of the recruitment process that has proved to be effective in installing productive workforce. As the recruitment initiated with the engagement of outpatient therapists from other organizations has some limitations, involving independent parties in the process could be instrumental. Independent parties’ engagement is the best alternative to bringing out positive results. Deciding of the particular parties to facilitate the exercise is also a concern (Keith-Spiegel, 2004). However, definite criteria, to choose the individuals, can be determined in a transparent manner. At some point, vetting would be necessary in order to reach a consensus. It would also be instrumental in fulfilling the satisfaction of all parties. The vetting team should also be identified to have no conflict of interest whatsoever. In the case that an interest is posed by even one individual, it can turn out to spoil the entire process.
The leadership of BCHMC should take an active role to participate in the vetting process. Even though the exercise will be in the hand of the independent parties, the identification of the particular recruitment committee will be essential in determining the compatibility with the organization’s top management. Therefore, through the observation of all ethical standards, Simon should incorporate the experienced and loyal directors in the recruitment of the independent panel to deal with employee and staff affairs. This would be the ideal leadership that can take BCHMC to another level. Any suspicion or case of the loophole should be covered and dealt with accordingly. The course of functions of the panel should also be clearly defined to remove the chances of confusion. In this manner, BCHMC will have succeeded in employing personal of integrity that will take work seriously hence perform as per the expectations.
The matters of bias recruitment and potential loopholes will have no chance if this appropriate alternative is implemented. Defining the role and duties of every employee and intern will see them embark on very high productive routine (Lowman, 2006). It will also ensure that there is teamwork in every aspect of the task. Simon’s, plus the work of other directors will be easy as every individual in the organization will be guided accordingly and will not require close supervision in order to perform. All therapists will meet the deadlines and serve the workload with the maximum motivation. The alternative approach will also be instrumental to bring out the desired outcomes and the productivity potential of every member of BCHMC.


Anderson, R. M., Needels, T. L., & Hall, H. V. (2008). Avoiding ethical misconduct in psychology specialty areas. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher.
Bersoff, D. N. (2003). Ethical conflicts in psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Joyce, N. R., & Rankin, T. J. (2010). The Lessons of the Development of the First APA Ethics Code: Blending Science, Practice, and Politics. Ethics & Behavior. doi:10.1080/10508422.2010.521448
Keith-Spiegel, P. (2004). Teaching psychologists and the new APA ethics code: Do we fit in? Professional Psychology-research and Practice. doi:10.1037//0735-7028.25.4.362
Lowman, R. L. (2006). The ethical practice of psychology in organizations. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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