Free Creative Writing About Athens And Jerusalem

Type of paper: Creative Writing

Topic: Religion, Belief, Faith, God, People, Events, Reason, Evidence

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/07

I totally agree that faith plays a major role in the understanding and interpretation of philosophy; however there are many questions on how faith and reason can inter-correlate with each other and how our faith in God can really be justified by reasonable events. This thread may be one of the good explanations of how our faith in God can be reasoned by actual events, but faith itself may be blinding us to the same events that really happened in the past. It is true that there can be no division between faith and reason in religious text. For us to truly believe in God, as human beings we seek reason to believe and a justification for our faith. It is good to hear that there are philosophical findings that can prove that God really existed and that he made truthful and trustworthy actions. Once believers of God hears about this, their faith will automatically be reinforced and forget to critically analyze the facts that made it true. I myself believe in the scriptures and the deeds that Jesus Christ has made in the past, but I have issues on the proof of his resurrection. Paul pointed out that there is a list of people that saw Jesus after his resurrection; it can be true that there is a list of people but what they saw is questionable. People tend to see what they want; there are studies that after a loss, people can have hallucinations because they totally believe on someone. Reasonable faith might really exist, but this thread doesn’t have significant proof about it. It is right to seek evidence and justification for our faith, but the way we do it can sometimes hurt our faith and what we believed in.

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Free Creative Writing About Athens And Jerusalem. Free Essay Examples - Published Nov 07, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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