Free Creativity And Innovation Assignment Creative Writing Example

Type of paper: Creative Writing

Topic: Confidentiality, Business, Developer, Money, Time, Finance, Lending, Farming

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/16

Sources that the individual can get funding include private investors. These are the individuals whose primary goal is to make money through profiting from their capital through non-customary markets. Private developers can be a family member, an investor, or anyone who is interested in investing for a return of equity ownership. These individuals can provide him with advice; they could open up his mind and mold his business. Although often request significant yields for their investment, it one of the best ways to raise money for real estate development. However, for him to successfully get a developer he needs to convince them that they will get high returns for their money, in other words he needs to put extra effort to be successful
How can he attract these private developers?
A right approach to do it would be through attending private lending gatherings in the area. If the individual has a great passion, the gift of doing business and can identify private developers who are serious then these lending groups will be very. While in the group he can do a presentation about his business plan and mention every detail concerning his business. He may be lucky to get developers who will be interested in his business idea and are willing to invest. In case the individual is not an excellent public speaker, he can attempt a one-on-one approach. Wherein he gets close and personal time with a developer, for example, he can arrange a breakfast meeting at a quiet and comfortable restaurant. While there, he should lay out his business plan, plan of activity and offer the prospect. Time is money, therefore, the more time he spends in these lending groups, the more chances he has of raising money for his land. If he has identified an ideal private developer, but he is away in another town, then sending mail would be a smart move to start a conversation or introduce himself. He should make sure the developer receives the mail. Furthermore, he should follow up to check whether there are any inquiries or if there are any leads from that point. Lastly, if he already has a private developer in mind, he can ask them if they are interested in investing in his land. This is supposed to be easy because the individual and the developer already know each other, so there is trust between them.
He can also use his savings; however he will be forced to start small. He will have to build one house at a time and use the sale proceeds to build the next one. Alternatively, he can borrow from his parents or other family members. The assistant that he will get can either be in the form of a loan or an investment.
I would lease the land out for farming because it is located near the Newmarket town. The farmer that lessees the land can market his products in the nearby city of Newmarket. I would start out by leasing it out then after a few years I would begin to do my own farming, after saving some money. Alternatively, I could sell the land after a few years since it would have appreciated. When the property appreciates then, the selling price will be high. Renting it out for farming is a good idea since the transportation cost is very minimal. Additionally, if the lessee grows products that are for export, he will easily transport them to the nearby airport.
An example of private developers in Ontario include; Eastern Ontario Development Fund and Eastern Developers Council of Ontario. The individual can join these organizations for funding or to meet private developers. This evident that using private developers to raise capital is an exercise done even in Ontario.

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