Free Essay About Narrative Essay- Why I Choose My Major

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace, Salary, Engineering, Family, Parents, Father, Job, Bachelor's Degree

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/21

Why I Chose My Major

When I was young I asked myself a lot of questions. How can the building came strong? A lot of such thoughts come to my mind. The answer is engineering. Everyone has goals in their education and wants to achieve that way. I chose my major for three reasons: I am very interested in the kind of work that engineers do, my father supports my interest in the field and has been very supportive, and the payment for engineers is attractive. These reasons make strong my desire to be an engineer, besides, it is one of the crucial jobs all over the world.
Moreover, when I was young and needed someone to help me, my father was the one of the people who supported me, and wanted me to be the best. During that time, I tried to know what engineering is, and needed someone who could explain to me what engineering is. My father was that person who could explain it very well to me. After a many questions, my father said, “ My son, what do you want to become in the future?” When I said engineering, my father tried to give me a lot of advice. We talked about the importance of geometry. However, some of my friends did not choose engineering by themselves; one of my friends took engineering just for the salary because his parents told him that it pays well.
Lastly, the salary is also an important consideration as everyone tries to find the job that has a high salary. Engineering is one of the jobs has high salaries, but also a difficult job. Of course everyone wants to get good money in his job. How can one get a good salary in their job? When one works hard, credibly and always be distinguished to improve their salary. Improve yourself-first than you will be a better person and the salary will be higher.
In conclusion, when choosing a major, pick something that you’ve dreamed of becoming from childhood, and something that you enjoy. Get someone to give you advice and encourage you. You should know specifically what your major is about, and read about the major before you choose; you may like it or not. Try to get the major that has a good salary. Of course the major with a high salary is rather difficult but it is worth the hard work.

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