Free Essay About New Clean Energy Source/Application: Bioenergy

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Energy, Alternative Energy, Fuel, Gas, Solar Energy, Environment, Cleanliness, Biofuels

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2021/03/21


Renewable and clean sources of energy are also referred to as the non-conventional types of energy source. These are sources considered safe for the environment since they replenish continuously replenished through natural means. Some of the non-conventional energy sources include; solar energy, hydroelectric (HEP) power and wind among others. The renewable energy source systems convert the natural energy into either electric, light, sound or heat energy or even all (Jaber et al 174). Although the fuel commonly in use is the fossil fuel or the non-renewable energy, they are so finite and time-bound for their depletion. Whereas the non-renewable fuels are stocks of energy, the renewable sources of energy are flows of energy. In this, paper, we are going to look at one of the most precious source or renewable energy; Bioenergy.

Bioenergy as a clean source of fuel

Bioenergy, also referred to as biomass, is a type of non-conventional fuel that is typically derived from carbonaceous products from human and other natural processes. Some of the sources of biofuel are by-products from the wood mills, raw materials from the forest, crops and household wastes among others. Biomass is deemed safe and doesn’t add carbon dioxide to the environment since the same carbon dioxide they release the same amount they consume while alive. The primary advantage of biomass is that it can be used to generate electric energy just like the fossil fuels. Statistically, biofuel is considered one of the most important energy sources in the world, ranking fourth after oil, coal, and natural gas. Moreover, biogas is anticipated to be adopted as the key energy source for global development sustainability. Biomass has been proved to offer an increased energy efficiency when used in the form of biogas.

Illustration 1: Efficiency of biogas over direct burning(Source; Using a Biogas Digester pp 58)

Biogas, an example of a biofuel, is a clean type of fuel in gaseous form and generated from dung through anaerobic fermentation in a biogas digester/plant. The biogas is 60%v methane with other components being carbon dioxide. Upon use in cooking or lighting. Biogas generates high-grade manure as the end product. A basic biogas digester has; an inlet tank for feeding in slurry, a digestion tank in which fermentation takes place, a gas dome and an outlet tank. Biogas accounts for a third of most countries’ total fuel (Appropriate Technology 58). Of the a third, 90% of the biomass is used in rural households. From simple resources like dung, fuel and manure are derived. Therefore, biogas is an effective, safe and cheap way of generating energy especially in rural setups.
Figure 1: Biogas digester Illustration 2: Process of biogas digestion (Source; Using a Biogas Digester pp 58)
Other than biogas, other forms of biomass fuel are biomass briquettes and use of biomass in the form of a gas after gasification. Bio-briquettes or the “bio-coals” are compacted agro-wastes for efficient use as fuels. Some of the agro-wastes are barley straws, corncobs, sawdust and bagasse among others. Bio-coals are usually eco-friendly and free of any form of pollution. Upon briquetting of an agro waste, the user will enjoy as high energy fuel with little ash and little or no smoke. Additionally, bio-coal is easier to handle, transport and store. When used effectively, bio-briquettes could be used in steam generation and gasifiers. Gasifier converts solid fuel into a gas that is more convenient to use. The end gas after converting the solid biofuels is called producer gas. Producer gas mainly consists of Carbon monoxide, hydrogen gas, nitrogen and methane. However, the gas has a lower calorie value of 1000-1200 kcal/Nm3 (Environmental Progress 734).

Illustration 3: How a wood gasifier world (Source; Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy pp 735)

The gas has been proven suitable for use in the internal combustion engines for powering. Biofuel is another form of biofuel. Biofuels generated from plants such as rapeseed and in the form of ethanol can be used in fuelling buses, trucks, cars, trains and planes. Biofuels help in reducing vehicle emissions by 20%.
In conclusion, biomass energy is a very precious yet undiscovered source of high-calorie fuel. Biomass energy can be used in innumerable ways; electricity generation, cooking and lighting, water pumping, heating, and as biofuels among others. The right thing with biofuel is that it is a pollutant-free fuel that is also eco-friendly.

Works Cited

Liao, Chang-hsien, et al. "Simulation of a Pilot-Scale Dual-Fluidized-Bed Gasifier for Biomass." Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 33.3 (2014): 732-6.
"Using a Biogas Digester." Appropriate Technology 34.3 (2007): 58-62.
"Indian Inventor Develops Non-Conventional Energy Renewable Source Atmosphere Pressure Cum Wind Power." Indian Patents News Mar 01 2010: 6
Jaber, J. O., O. O. Badran, and N. Abu-Shikhah. "Sustainable Energy and Environmental Impact: Role of Renewables as Clean and Secure Source of Energy for the 21st Century in Jordan." Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 6.3 (2004): 174-95.

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