Free Essay About Proposed Amendment To The US Constitution

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: United States, Constitution, Government, Money, Law, Elections, Politics, Donation

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/12

Proposed amendment

Article V of the US Constitution provide for the requirement to make a proposal to amend the institution. The US constitution was enforced in 1789 and has been amended twenty-seven times (US Senate 192

Limiting Individual Donation to a Federal Party to Twenty Thousand

On top of the requirement that a campaign account should be maintained, a donation limit per individual is added. Judicial precedent may neither overrule nor separate a constitutional provision. In 2014, the Supreme Court overruled a decade old regulation that limited individual donation. In his words, Chief John Robert said that the scraping of individual donation limits would reduce corruption

Mandatory Public Funding for Candidates

Public funding exists but most individuals do not want to go that route especially those with political, economic connections because they will be limited. Donations are not to the reference to an individual's hard work

Scrap Corporations from the List Donors

Corporations have history of manipulating civil servants servant who takes offices after the election especially if they were the recipients of campaign funding.

Current Mechanism to Regulate Election Spending

Electoral campaign financing laws are formulated and enacted by the Congress and implemented by the FEC (Federal Election Commission).
Impact of Money on Politics
Five senators were in 2012 investigated by the Senate Committee on matters relating to $1.4 million amount they received from Charles Keating CEO Lincoln Saving and Loan (Santa Clara University 2012). In return, Charles wanted the five senators to defend Lincoln Saving and Loan from the due government takes over.

Implication of the Proposed Amendment

The proposed constitutional amendment is expected uphold the rule that money do not equal a vote by regulating donation to exclude corporations from donor's list and limiting individual to $20,000. It will eliminate the influence money in elections and probably encourage participation through public funding for individuals running for office


Federal government has been trying to regulate election spending from the first day the constitution was promulgated. Money can do many things including influencing the number of votes one can get. TV advertising, print media and internet marketing are common forms of political campaigns in the US. Candidates without much money do not have a chance in the ballot box because they cannot reach their supporter nor potential voters.


United States Senate (1992). "Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America". The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation (PDF). U.S. Government Printing Office. p. 25 n.2. ISBN 9780160632686
Santa Clara University. (2012). The Power of Money. Retrieved March 7, 2015,

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