Free Essay About Recognizing How E-Health Is Taking Over

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Internet, Services, Policy, Staff, Workplace, Store, Human Resource Management, Business

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/23


Acceptable use policy
The following internet acceptable use policy puts forward the principles that are applicable for use of our internet connection services, including your duties as well as acceptable and forbidden use of the services (Calder, 2005).


The policy is applicable to all hospital staff that is able to access internet services from the hospital. The obligation to comply with this policy includes the obligation to ensure any individual who is allowed to use the internet service also complies with the policy.

Responsible usage

Any staff member is responsible for his/her actions on the internet network and systems he/she access through the internet service. If any member of the staff acts irresponsibly when using the internet service or his/her actions endanger either any individual, the integrity, or security of the network or equipment, his/her access might be limited, suspended, or terminated without prior notice (Daft, 2011). Any staff member agrees that he/she will not use, try to use or allow the internet service to be used to:
Practice anything such as store, send or distribute material that defames, threatens, offends, harasses, abuses, violates, menaces the privacy, or incites hatred against any individual or that might result in civil proceedings;
Send, store, or dispense any material or content that is restricted, forbidden or unlawful under any applicable state law, or that is likely to be unpleasant to a normal person;
Practice any act or thing that is unlawful, deceitful or forbidden under any applicable state law or that is in violation of any code, standard or requirement of any other authority content.

Access, download, store, send or dispense any viruses or other harmful programs or material;

Practice anything, which includes store, send or distribute content that interferes with other users or limits or prevents any individual from accessing, using or enjoying the internet service.


Calder, A. (2005). Business Guide To Information Security: How to Protect Your Company's IT Assets, Reduce Risks and Understand the Law. London: Kogan Page.
Daft, R. L. (2011). Understanding management. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

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Free Essay About Recognizing How E-Health Is Taking Over. Free Essay Examples - Published Dec 23, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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