Free Essay About The Principle Of Measurement

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Measurement, Standardization, History, Principles, Calendar, Journalism, New York, Track

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/31

Essentially, measurement entails the action of measuring something. In addition is involves the process of making particular values meaningful by quantifying them into precise units. Ideally, measurements act as essential and important labels that make particular values valuable in terms of details (Bentley 2005, p. 56). The principles of measurement refer to the general or guiding rules that individuals should follow to obtain ideal or good measurement results. Some of these principles include regular review, making the right measurement, selecting the right instrument, using the right people, using the right measurement procedures, and employing demonstrable consistency (Reza and Morris, 2012, p. 89).

Principles of Measurement

Making the Right Measurement:
Making the right measurement refers to defining and comprehending the measurement to be made. In most instances, recurrent or routine measurements should follow a particular pilot study.

Regular Review: One should adhere to a written plan to ascertain the performance of instruments at regular intervals.

Selecting the Right Instrument: Suitable instruments should be well-calibrated and maintained on a regular basis. In addition, the instruments should be used in accordance to the manufacturer’s guidelines
Using the Right People: Human flaws and errors reduce measurement quality. Therefore, individuals that operate instruments measuring equipment should receive relevant instructions as well as training. In instances where groups are involved individuals must understands their specific role and responsibilities (Karel, 2011, p. 23).
Using the Right Measurement Procedures: This principle underlines approaches must always be adhered to, including safety and health guidelines. In addition, operators should always review the approaches on regular basis (Lockhart, 2014, p. 34).
Employing Demonstrable Consistency: Ideally, the results of any measurement tool are only reliable and valid if independent individuals can replicate them. Subsequently, operators must always consider localized aspects while taking measurements. Moreover, operators should compare and crosscheck significant measurements with other reputable laboratories (Morris, 2009, p. 78).

History and Development of Standards

Standards are as old as history. There are standards that come about through man’s effort to harmonize the imperative environmental changes to his activities, and others take place to meet the upcoming needs of the society. For instance, the calendar creation comes about as it was necessary for man to come up with a calendar to keep tabs with time rather than relying on the stars, moon, and sun movement. Precise timing was necessary for effective agricultural activity. Nonetheless, the calendar itself has been improved numerously as the years went by in the ancient world. The Egyptians first invented the 365- day calendar (Reza and Morris, 2012, p. 80).
Standardization did not stop in the ancient world, as it is also evident in the Industrial Revolution period. The agricultural goods that were being produced from the ancient time were much, and they needed transportation to areas that need them hence transport sector had to grow. Therefore, the railway invention was efficient, economical, and fast. However, the standardization of the track gauge was the real breakthrough. Standardization in this case meant having equal distance between two rails of a track. The American government acknowledged the economic and military benefits to having a track gauge that is standardized (Reza and Morris, 2012, p. 84).
Standardization continued even in the 20th century as modernization continued growing, and safety through the set national standards become imperative. For example, after a fire had destroyed 2,500 buildings in Baltimore and reinforcements from Washington DC, Philadelphia, and New York had to watch helplessly standardization had to be done (Reza and Morris, 2012, p. 85).
The Baltimore fire hydrants could not connect to those from other states hence it was necessary that standardization be applied. Therefore, a national standard was developed to avoid occurrences of that nature in the future. Now, a national standard is uniform for all fire equipment’s in America. Therefore, standardization will keep growing as the human needs keep growing and diversifying (Reza and Morris, 2012, p. 85).


Bentley, J. (2005). Principles of Measurement Systems. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall
Karel, B. (2011). Measurement: Its Concepts, Theories, and Problems. London: Springer Press.
Lockhart, P. (2014). Measurement. London: Belknap Press
Morris, A. (2009). Measurement and Instrumentation Principles. New York: Butterworth- Heinemann
Reza, L. and Morris, A. (2012). Measurement and Instrumentation: Theory and Application. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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