Free Essay About What You Are Doing Well

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Community, Business, Writing, Dialogue, Education, Knowledge, Time, Skills

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/05

The knowledge you shared with our business proposal group really contributed to the excellent performance of the group. Your willingness to type for our group also helped us to save the time we could have spent doing the same. Some group member did not have the urge to do the typing, but you spared the time from your busy schedule and did the typing for our group.

When you were chosen to be part of our group for the proposal writing, you showed willingness to share with us the ideas that you had about business. You gave us your business idea and recommendations. We had several suggestions and when the members never chose your idea you respected their decision. You continued to take part in the discussions and to give your honest opinions and advice. The topic the group selected was hard, but you did as much research as you would and contributed to the success of the proposal.
Even though the group never took your advice and chose the XpresSpa to be at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), your commitment did not deteriorate. You continually researched and kept bringing new ideas in every meeting we had. Your ideas helped us in choosing the most appropriate business for our proposal.
The act of sharing with us the new things you had learned showed that you are a good person, and it reflects your generous character. You did the typing of the proposal without complaining, and this was a great boost to our group doing well. You also respected other group members’ contributions; you gave credit where it was worth. You gave us many ideas that have presently helped me improve my business skills and also increase the profits.

Areas of Improvement

Some of the weaknesses though need rectification so as to improve your performance and make you an excellent member of the group.
You need to improve on the attendance at the discussions. Thank you for attending most of the meetings, though you have to improve your attendance. Missing the meetings made us miss some points that you might have contributed to the proposal writing. You need to adjust; when your suggestion is not considered you should learn to take it positively and accept corrections.

Overall Compatibility

3rd March, 2015
This term has been different from other terms in my course. I have learned different skills of doing research and also how to get information that is relevant to what is asked. I have also read the distinct types of businesses and how they can be operated successfully. These ideas have helped me build my skills of research which have helped me improve my business extensively. I have used the knowledge to understand the risks of a business and how to reduce the risks successfully.
The problem that largely affected me was failing to differentiate the formats of writing. Sometimes I could use APA where I was supposed to use MLA but you helped me learn how these two are different and how they are used. I also learned how to check my grammar and minimized grammatical errors in my work. During the period of doing the proposal writing, I learned from one of my group members on how to use grammar, a software that helped us correct simple grammatical errors that we had done on the proposal. The software helped us have a proposal that was error-free.
I was surprised by the group proposal. I had never done a group proposal and at first I thought it was not going to be successful. I am used to doing my proposals and facing the challenges personally. I believed that it was better to work alone since you don’t have to argue with other group members on before coming to one decision that is fit for all. The proposal taught me that working in a group is better than doing the proposal single-handedly because you get to share ideas with each other. Every member of the group shares whatever they know about business and all the ideas are discussed as a group. After viewing all the ideas as a group, the best ideas are selected and used for the work. It was much easier for me than I expected it to be. I enjoyed the fact that my group members actively participated in the discussions. I also learned that even if I had a ten years experience in business, there were still some things that I did not know.
The assignment that stood out for me was the business proposal writing. This task has been beneficial to learn how to work with a group. It has helped me to learn how to listen to other people’s ideas and also respect their opinions. During the group work, I realized that one cannot know everything. Listening to other people helps you get ways of improving your knowledge about something. The business ideas I got from the discussions have also helped my business to improve significantly. I have realized a great change in my business, and I have also got more profits compared to before the discussions. It is advisable for the new students who want to join the WRTG 394 classes to come while prepared to learn many new things. They should come when they are serious about their studies especially attending group meetings that will help them learn new ideas from each other. I would also advise them that the course is not easy, so they need to do intensive research to increase their knowledge. The instructor’s method of teaching is good and understandable. She makes things look easy even when you view them as hard. She helped me develop a positive attitude towards WRTG 394.
I was impressed by your method of instructing during the course. I enjoyed the course and learned so many things that have helped me in the real life. The explanations were very clear and to the point since I never got hard time to understanding the course and putting whatever you taught us into practice.

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