Free Essay On Critical Analysis Of The Progress Of Media Production Task

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Project, Music, Film, Culture, Production, Documentary, Cinema, Media

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2023/04/10

1.0. Introduction
I am making a research on development of Nigerian film and music industry. I have to carry out the whole set of responsibilities relating to a documentary on it to be organized by me. By now, I have completed major part of my research and the preplanning of the given project undertaken by me. I have gone through video and audio testing, and now plan to conduct a survey to assess the audience’s choice in the most exact manner. Core purpose of the project is to enlighten the showbiz fans’ opinion on interesting facts as well as key trends in the film and music industry in Nigeria. Furthermore, the light is also shed on certain aspects of Nigerian culture and their depiction through art. My project is exposed to many challenges as well as being a great learning source for me. This paper sets out to analyze my progress so far from every critical angle. In the final section, some of the key recommendations are made on the basis of this analysis.
2.0. Synopsis
The project in hand is focused on music and film industry in Nigeria. Core purpose of conducting this production is to assess the nature and value of certain features associated with Nigerian music and film artists. Furthermore, it is also an attempt to improve my personal skills as a production event organizer.
This is the age of “visual digital culture” where graphic display i.e. animations, videos, and everything falling in this category of every aspect of life holds key importance. Since 1960 till now, this discipline has evolved a lot and has taken the shape of an organized industry in the modern age (Darley, 2000). Then, music is also integrally linked with this visual presentation and this relationship is getting stronger and stronger with the passage of time. Since the onset, music has been considered complimentary to film. Sound effects, background music, songs, or any other form of it intensify the effectiveness of feelings, emotions, and the ideas being displayed (Barthes, 1997).
One of the core objectives of the current project is also to analyze how Nigerian artists do or aim to utilize the combination of film and music to convey the specified messages to their target audience adhering to their traditional values. In addition to this, it will also be assessed how far these artists (on the whole) are adaptable to new changes and how they approach to them. Successful accomplishment of all these goals will lead to the better understanding of the current trends in the Nigerian music and film industry and their outlook.
As for personal involvement, I am moving forward with the undertaken task having a zealous approach to it. Despite lack of experience in organizing an event, I am confident to accomplish it successfully on the basis of my personal skills. Since the beginning, I have been sparing considerable amount of time for the planning and testing. Even though it is not going to be a smooth sailing for me, yet my motivation allows me to tackle all the challenges and threats on the way in skilled manner.
Attention to detail will be paid in every phase of the project and highly cautious approach will be adopted to avoid the probable mistakes at maximum. For this purpose, I am also consulting my seniors and other experienced professionals so their expert advices can help me complement their experience with my personal expertise and motivation. The underlying project is aimed to be completed within allocated budget and time period.
3.0. Methodology
Broadly, methodology refers to the set of methods or techniques utilized to undertake a proposed or given assignment i.e. research, or any other (Kothari, 2004). The details of the methods being utilized for the current media production are given as follows:
3.1. Defining Scope
The very first phase of the current project is to define its scope. Defining the project scope refers to critical assessment of all the phases of a project and the expected outcomes. Limitations and opportunities are also taken into account while forecasting the consequences (Shelly, Cashman, and Rosenblatt, 2001). I have conducted a thorough analysis of my strengths and weaknesses with regard to directing a media production. It led to a clear idea of my capacity to seize existing opportunities and overcome the threats in external environment.
I am using this technique, because I consider it essential to the success of my project. Only properly defined projects have the high chances of success, because scoping serves as base. By the same token, a poorly defined project can meet unexpected challenges at any stage leaving the organizer with no other option but to give up. Existing literature also supports this idea by emphasizing the importance of this crucial project management discipline (Heldman, and Mangano, 2011; Shelly, Cashman, and Rosenblatt, 2001; Wirick and PMP, 2011).
3.2. Pre-implementation Interview
It is also an important phase of preplanning. I have planned to conduct an interview with different individuals aging between 18 years and 40 years. Only those participants that have interest in music and / or film will be considered for this survey. I will ask them certain open-ended as well as close-ended question to have an idea what they want to see in a media production focused on Nigerian film and music industry (as the current project is aimed).
First I will ask the participants to throw light on what they like to see in a documentary and what they do not. Then, I will share my ideas regarding the documentary being undertaken and will ask them to rate them critically. I will record their suggestions and recommendations that will help me align my work to the demand of the viewers (my target audience).
3.3. Visual and Audio Tests
Testing the trends of visual and audio presentation is very important while planning a documentary (as in present case). It is a source of learning how it can be make effective to maximum extent by creating the highest level of alignment between the viewers’ interest and presentation of an idea (Zetti, 2014).
As discussed earlier, despite being blessed with many competencies, I lack experience in the areas of production assigned to me (organizing and managing). Therefore, it is very important for me to conduct a comprehensive preplanning and homework. Sticking to this idea, I have gone through several documentaries on YouTube and other useful platforms to check the most effective angles, and other aspects of visual presentation. My study also extends to mixing of background music in documentaries. It will help me to raise the level of my documentary to the industry benchmark.
3.4. Request for and Confirmation of Assistance from Contributors
I am consistently in touch with all the individuals who have ensured me of their contribution throughout the life of the project under discussion. I keep contacting them on regular intervals to make sure that they consent to support and back me on all the stages of the projection. Indeed, this confirmation is being made realizing that the withdrawing of any contributor in a critical phase can disrupt the whole project, because the success of current media production largely depends on their support. Therefore, I consider it essential to keep informed about the updated intentions of my supporters, and look for an alternative option in case of any unfavorable change.
This consideration is highly relevant to the methodology of documentary production. It is a very large event that cannot be organized without external help. Therefore, much depends on contributors and their being loyal. Current outlook of my progress in this area suggests that I finally be able to handle the task of retaining the contributors successfully.
3.5. Apprehensions and Mitigation
For the documentary being discussed, I entertain two basic worries. One of them is the threat of its being boring, and another is the infringement (unconscious) of copyright laws relating to the background music. These two worries are natural, because both the associated considerations (i.e. “fair use” and keeping it interesting) are the key predictors of the project’s success. And any mishandling in this regard can spoil the whole plan and bring about an utter failure.
Therefore, I am working hard to make sure that no inefficiency is shown in either of these centrally important areas. As for background music, I will be consulting a lawyer to assist me towards fair use to ensure my legal protection. On the other hand, visual tests (explained above) are providing me many useful hints that I can put into practice during the phase of actual implementation.
4.0. Theoretical Context
The underlying production project has a vast theoretical background, as the concepts relating to it have always been receiving massive attention from scholars, critics, and analysts around the globe (Colombo, 2004). Many theories are worth mentioning in this regard. Some of the most common ideas of them are covered in this section of discussion.
4.1. Visual Culture
Furry and Furry (2003), shed light on the penetrating impact of visuals on societies. Though the writersconceive in a general way applying their ideas to all kinds of visuals including video games, photography, and everything else belonging to this specific category, yet the conclusion is fully applicable to media production (relevant to depiction of a culture). The authors defy the Fabian criticism on “visualism” and consider visuals to be a source of representing a culture and its value in the most effective manner instead of finding any contradiction between vision and visual (as Fabian did) (Fabian, 2001). The theory relates to the current media production as it aims to explore the certain aspects of Nigerian culture through a documentary focused on their music and film industry.
4.2. Bakhtinian Thoughts
A Russian thinker and philosopher, Bakhin, in the first half of the twentieth century, has come up with several important ideas relating to language and culture. It is important to refer to his theoretical framework while talking about the current media production project that aims to capture certain facts about the music and film industry in Nigeria. The artists from music and film that are interviewed will also be asked about the application of “heteroglossia” (mixing of different cultural elements in a culture)to their society (Dentth, 1996; Vice, 1997; Morson, and Emerson, 1990; Holquist, 1990). Furthermore, questions will also be included about the most influential cultures for them as artists and how far they consciously or unconsciously feel themselves imitating the certain aspects of foreign cultures. It will lead to better understanding of peculiarity of the Nigerian culture and its visual presentation in many dimensions. Besides, it will also be a source of learning the contradiction (if any) between the real cultural posture of Nigerian people and its visual portrait.
4.3. Self-Inquiry
Rabiger (2003 and 2004), in his comprehensive book dealing with the subject of art, is of the view that every artist has an artistic identity within himself. However, not every one of them is always aware of this identity. In order to have the exact idea of this inner drive, he has to undergo a detailed process of self-inquiry. And he should focus dedicatedly on his discovered identity as an artist.
This theory has gone a long way when it comes to my approach to the current project. On the basis of my brief but successful past experience and innate skills, I find myself in an appropriate position to direct the underlying production event. Furthermore, I have a passionate approach to exploring and knowing about different cultures, which also adds to the relevance of my personality to the given task.
5.0. SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is one of the best tools utilized to assess the internal strengths and weaknesses of an entity as well as opportunities and threats found in its existing environment (Business Dictionary, n.d.; Kurttila,Pesonen, andKajanus, 2000; Pahl, Richter,& University of Applied Science Berlin, 2007). Given below is the comprehensive SWOT analysis of myself with regard to the project in hand:
5.1. Strengths
I have a dynamic personality, which is the essential requirement for any individual who has to play the leading role in any project. I have an innate ability to understand the demand of the situation and respond to it in the most appropriate manner.
Apart from being dynamic, I also have leadership attributes in contemporary context of situational leader (Hersey, 1985). I have clear understanding to objectives, polished communication skills, refined sense of judgment, and everything required to be a good director (leader in general).
My past experience of having accomplished some similar kinds of tasks (making documentary films) successfully serves as an evidence of my credibility and I hope it will be beneficial in current scenario.
My selection of work is appropriate to my comfort level. I am assigned the responsibility to produce and edit my work that I specialize.
I have an ability to keep the contributors agreed. In the present case, I have not lost even a single contributor by now and expect their support throughout the life of the project.
I am excellent at research. Audio testing, video testing, and the projected survey is expected to help a lot towards the success of the project.
5.2. Weaknesses
One of my weaknesses is that I feel the heat of pressure while going to do something big (as in present case). But, this temperamental flaw is the result of my still being at premature stages of my career, and I will be able to overcome it as I grow with experience.
I do not know even the basics of promoting a documentary or video by using social media. However, I hope to make up my deficiency in this area very soon by going through some of the helpful tutorials and guidebooks relating to it.
I am nervous, as it is first time that I am given such a large and complicated type of project. But, my nervousness is also the product of my being inexperience in the underlying field. And I believe that this fear will keep mitigating as I proceed practically with the project.
5.3. Opportunities
Contributors are showing willingness to contribute generously which is a good sign. It can be seen as a great opportunity in the external environment of the project.
Through this project, I am also given a chance to meet some of the greatest celebrities and experienced people in the showbiz and work with them, which is going to be a great source of learning for me.

It is an opportunity to enlighten the opinion of audience on the trends in Nigerian music and film industry.

Having accomplished a large media production project (the documentary in question), I will have an additional symbol of honor associated to my portfolio. This achievement is very likely to serve as a long term booster to my career growth in future.
5.4. Threats
One of the biggest threats is the fear of losing support of one or more contributors during the life of the project. If it happens, it can put question mark on the feasibility of the whole project.
Technical faults during shooting or editing can cause highly unfavorable consequences the worst of which can be the loss of a significant part of or whole video.

Any unexpected delays can cause the extra time and cost.

6.0. Conclusion
The project under discussion is in the last phases of its planning and is just about to enter the practical implementation. Research and testing are looking good so far and the consideration of survey is skillfully projected. A lot of homework is done before the actual implementation of the project, which is very likely to serve as a strong base all along. From the current outlook, it is well in place to forecast that the project is going to be accomplished within the specified time and cost. And it will bear expected outcomes by addressing all the predetermined goals and key objectives.
7.0. Recommendations

Basing on the current analysis, some of the most important recommendations are as follows:

I should consider all types of possible risks for which I need to make even a more comprehensive research. It will save me from the trouble of being faced with sudden and unexpected threat with no predefined mitigating strategy.
I should divide the whole project into small phases. The breakdown structure of the project will make it easy-to-understand and look easier.
I should put my all energy and effort to accomplish the project successfully, but should not consider it the matter of “life and death” to avoid extra pressure. With calmed nerves, I will be able to perform the assigned tasks in more efficient manner than otherwise.
I should keep my approach flexible to be accurate in responding to any kind of change in given situation.
As for copyright laws of music, I should source consultancy services from a lawyer to ensure my abidance by the fair use policy. Permission will be taken from the original owner for the use of already created sound tracks in the background. Even though it will be adding to allocated cost, it will save a lot of expenses that may incur in case of any copyright infringement proved legally against me.

List of References

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Rabiger, M., 2003.Directing: Techniques & Aesthetics. London: Focal Press
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Shelly, G. B., Cashman, T. J., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2001). Systems analysis and design. Boston: Course Technology.
Vice, S. (1997). Introducing Bakhtin. Manchester: Manchester University Press, Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press.
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Zettl, H. (2014). Television production handbook. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co.

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