Free Essay On Health Behavior Project

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Exercise, Physical Exercise, Sports, Challenges, Health, Project, Body, Experience

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2021/03/29

Engaging in Frequent Physical Exercises Every Week

Engaging in physical exercises has been associated with improving health conditions of individuals and preventing the occurrence of certain diseases. I have chosen this project after engaging in an extensive research in order to understand the importance of physical exercise as a means of improving health and preventing occurrence of certain conditions. I have also evaluated by behavior and realized that I have not been performing any physical exercise for the last two weeks. In most cases, I tend to experience muscle pain, back pains and fatigue after my evening classes. I believe that engaging in frequent physical exercise is an important strategy that would enhance my efforts to reduce the current challenges am experiencing. On the other hand, I have read and consulted various sources of information associated with health issues and learnt that physical exercise is important for improving one’s mental status. A proper mental health is crucial for learning process as well as other social activities. As a scholar, I would like to engage in frequent physical exercises as a means of improving my mental performance. I believe that this will not only impact positively on my health, but also enhance my academic performance. The above reasons are my driving force towards engaging in this project; I believe that I can also sell this idea to other persons that would like to engage in activities that will improve their health, without having to utilize drugs. I will highlight and explain step-by-step processes that I will implement in an eight week period to achieve my goals.

Project Goals

The main goal of my project is to attain a health body condition by engaging in physical exercises.
Preparing a physical workout schedule; n this exercise, I will prepare a weekly workout plan indicating the period and the specific time I will engage in the physical exercise. I will also prepare a list of resources i.e. sport shoes, water bottles, financial resources that might be needed to register in a local gym et cetera. I will also ensure that I utilize this week to ensure that I collect all resources that I may need for the physical exercise
During this week, I will begin with light workouts i.e. jogging every evening after school. This will ensure that I prepare my body for the intense physical exercises that I may engage in the coming week. This is an important strategy for warming up for other dimensions of exercises. I will also ensure that I record various challenges that I may face in regard to physical exercise i.e. the challenges that I may experience while jogging. Consequently, I will ensure that I formulate solutions for the identified challenges.
In this week I will begin my morning runs; I will ensure that I run in the neighborhood every for two days. The morning runs shall be performed from 5:30 am to 6:25 am.
I consider this week a special considering the fact that I will begin attending gym sessions in a local gym. I will ensure that I participate in cardio exercises, light weight lifting and yoga for at least three days of this week. At the end of the week, I will note down all the challenges that I have experienced and formulate their solutions
Swimming and body massage; these are the main activities that I shall perform in the course of this week. I will engage in swimming and body massage as a means of relaxing my muscles from the intense physical exercises I performed in the previous week.
During this week, I will take a rest and evaluate my diet with a purpose of determining if it has impacted my physical exercise.
In this week, I will ensure that I engage in evaluating my successes and challenges; I will begin by determining if my engagement in frequent physical exercises has impacted my body weight and mental performance
I will begin the cycle again this week by jogging three days during this week

Summary of Successes and Challenges

I would like to assert that this project has played a significant role in the last eight weeks by enhancing my health condition. I have realized that my body weight has reduced significantly and I have become more active in various activities. On the other hand, I have also reduced the rate of occurrence of certain health challenges that I was facing initially such as; back pains, fatigue during work and muscle pain. Moreover, I would like to state that I have exhibited a high level of performance in regard to my school work; I attribute this success to my engagement in physical exercises. I must also admit that my engagement in this project has enhanced my time management skills; this is as a result of the fact that I was compelled to observe the strict workout plan within the stipulated time. This has also affected the manner I utilize my time during other physical activities. However, I also experienced certain challenges at the initial stages of this project. To begin with, I had to increase my personal expenditure to subscribe to local gym and purchase workout fitness. I also experienced certain muscle pains especially when I begun weight lifting programs.


Physical exercise is an important aspect of ensuring that one remains healthy; the eight week program was pertinent for my health. It exposed me to several challenges, but I must admit that even with these challenges the project was a success and I would like to continue with it.

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