Free Essay On Hty/Ssc 110hm Assignment 1

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Literature, World, Earth, Nature, Deep, Animals, Map, Rites OF Passage

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/09/15

1) Physical Map showcases landforms like deserts, plains and mountains; Political Map shows state and national borders, as well as bodies of water and cities- The Rocky Mountains prevented trade, while rivers such as the Mississippi facilitated trade.
2) Maps and geography are important because they allow us to understand where we are in relation to other places, as well as understand the geographical context for the way peoples in other regions live.
- The Mohicans scene with the deer demonstrates Native Americans’ deep connection to nature and their thankfulness for what nature gives them (food, meat); deep kinship with the animals and spiritual nature of the hunt
3) Pima’s Creation Story has very close parallels with the story of Genesis – God created the Heaven and the Earth out of nothing, gradually creating the earth, the plants, the animals, and then Mankind. There are a tremendous number of similarities to both stories. Looking at the Pima story, the most outlandish element of the story is the need to create ants to help him create the Earth, while Native Americans might find the idea of God creating it all by himself incredibly absurd.
4) Native American rites of passage seem to place a greater importance on the great luck and fortune that comes with just being born (e.g. burying of the umbilical cord, naming ceremonies). This demonstrates a deep spiritual connection with the earth as well, cementing their thankfulness and gratitude simply for being allowed to become a part of this ecosystem. Unlike today, where things are much more equal, Algonquin rites of passage are very gender-stratified, with specific tasks divided by gender. Marriage was arranged by the Algonquins, unlike modern society in which people have the luxury of choosing these unions.

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